Binomial Theorem

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 Fromthe expansions , the following general observations are derived when the
binomial is raised to .

1. The expansion has terms.

2. The exponent of x in the first term of the expansion is n. The
exponent decreases by 1 from one term to another term.
The exponent of x in the last term of the expansion is 0.
3. The exponent of y in the first term of the expansion is 0. The
exponent of y in the last term of the expansion is n.
4. The sum of the exponent of x and y in each term of the
exponent is n. The numerical coefficients in the expansion also follow a

definite pattern.
The (r + 1)th Term of a Binomial Expansion

 If you are only interested in a particular term, the

where r < n

1. Find the 11th term in the expansion .

SOLUTION: Since we want the 11th term, then r = 10. Using the formula with n = 25
and r = 10.
= 3,268,760
= (3,268,760)(1024)
The (r + 1)th Term of a Binomial Expansion
 If you are only interested in a particular term, the

where r < n
2. Find the c.
Using the formula with n = 10,

Since, = , then r = 5. Thus,
= (252)(-243)
= -6123
The (r + 1)th Term of a Binomial Expansion

 If you are only interested in a particular term, the

where r < n


1. Find the 13th term in the expansion

Quiz 1. Expand the following .
 A. Using Pascals Triangle.


B. Using Factorial Notation/ Combination.


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