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SHS Leadership Training
July 26, 2017
Activity: The Mute
Leader and the
Blind Followers
Processing Questions:
• For the leaders:
1. How did you feel about
your task?
2. How did it challenge you?
• For the team members:
1. How did you feel when
you were travelling
2. Why did you feel that
On Leadership:
The whole team is entrusted to
You have a goal and you must
lead your people towards that
• Blindfolded members
represent the people who
are difficult to lead.
What could be their
• With all these
challenges, an
effective leader
be like . . .
Leadership Aspect based
on the Teaching of Jesus
(John 10:1-18)

(Answering of worksheet)
• The ideal leadership is
• Steward – a person to
whom the possession of
another has been entrusted.
He is authorized to manage
these possessions
according to the mind of the
What is steward leadership?
• Leadership paradigm of this
world: power and domination
• Leadership paradigm of
Jesus: service and
• Jesus is the model of
steward leadership.
Basic Stewardships:
• The Stewardship
over Self
• The Stewardship
over Relationships
• Stewardship over self:
If we want to be at the cutting
edge and have the ability to
achieve results, we need to
continually develop and maintain
our physical health, our
intellectual ability and most of all,
our spiritual life.
The human being is
created free. We are,
therefore responsible for the
shape and direction of our
own life.
Personal leadership
Life management
Personal Leadership
• Who am I?
• What is my life all about?
• How am I to use my gifts
and talents?
• At the end of my life, who do
I want to be and what do I
want to have done?
• Personal leadership
(accomplishment of Personal
Growth Plan/PGP)
In my service as a steward
leader, do I make it a point to
develop and enhance
whatever is entrusted to me?
• Life management
A system of prioritization
3 types of daily events:
a. Things that MUST be done.
b. Things that SHOULD be
c. Things that are OPTIONAL.
• Optional activities:
nice useful indifferent t
time wasters
time wasters vs. time savers
Time wasters that are
imposed on us

Time wasters that are self-

B. Stewardship Over
Relationships are maintained
and developed by behavior
that manifest the individual as
worthy of trust.
Trust : relationships ; water:
Relationships where trust is
low or non-existent will be
marked by suspicion, lack of
cooperation, communication
and commitment.
• Team-building
behavior vs. Team-
destroying behavior
• emotional balance
• understanding
• communication/consultation
• reliability
• no coercion
• acceptance and consideration
• In my relationships, do I
show genuine interest and
concern for others?
• Do I take regular steps to
develop my key
• Generalization:
What does being a steward
leader mean?
• Reference:
“Steward Leadership”
by Herbert Schneider, SJ.

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