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Success Often Leads to Inertia

The Congruence Model

Three Business Horizons
Strategy to

• “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” ~ Peter Drucker

Roy D. Shapiro, Core Reading: Process Analysis, HBP No.

8007 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2013).
• There are two elements to culture: the general work
atmosphere and degree of employee engagement (the level of
workforce morale and motivation) and the more organization-
specific element of “how we do things around here.”
• Is decision making bureaucratic or decentralized?
• Do people take risks or are they risk-averse?
• Are collaboration and cooperation encouraged, or is the
organization siloed?
• Do departments and people view themselves as being in
competition for organizational resources or as compatriots
with a common cause?

Roy D. Shapiro, Core Reading: Process Analysis, HBP No.

8007 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2013).
• So what should the culture be, given the strategy?
• Will the norms of behavior, the informal communications
network, and the way power is distributed fuel the
accomplishment of the critical tasks?
• Are there aspects of the current culture that would hinder the
execution of these tasks?
• What new behaviors are needed to deliver on the value

Roy D. Shapiro, Core Reading: Process Analysis, HBP No.

8007 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2013).

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