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pa n dem ic (c o v id1 9 )
s m e dia dur ing t he
p a c t a n d ro le o f mas
The im
The impact and role of mass media during the pandemic (covid19)
• The pandemic has caused millions of people to be very affected socially and economically.

• In Peru, a higher proportion of rural households would be in a more vulnerable condition, revealed
the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in one of its analyzes that is part of the series
that it will carry out in the face of this crisis.

• Among the most critical vulnerabilities in this pandemic is

water, that is, the lack of access to drinking water in homes,
and much more if it is combined with labor and financial

• In an analysis, the highest risk situation is lived by 460 thousand

Peruvian households due to lack of water and lack of savings, as
well as 570 thousand households that do not have access to this
resource and do not have wage income.
The impact and role of mass media during the pandemic (covid19)
• Covid 19 has a great impact this year, several entrepreneurs have failed in their endeavor, the
economy of Peru has been in a tailspin. This implied the paralysis of economic and face-to-face
work activities, with the exception of essential services such as production, distribution and sale of
food and beverages, medicines, health services, public water services, sanitation, electricity, etc.

• These measures have favored very few people, the majority of the
population has been affected by health measures, it is estimated that
the fall would be five percent of GDP, in the best of cases.

• It is estimated that at the end of the pandemic, the poverty that was
being reduced in recent years, increased by about 25% in poverty.
Peru in these difficult times has to be united among Peruvians
and provide support to those who need it.
The impact and role of mass media during the pandemic (covid19)
• In Peru, thousands of deaths have also been caused. It is estimated that there are around thirty
thousand deaths among the local and international population. Deaths occur every day: in
hospitals, clinics and their homes since some do not have enough resources to be cared for.

• Hospitals are at the limit of care against covid 19. This situation leads
to despair of many people. In this year good friends, family, have been lost.

• The pandemic has already left more deaths in Peru than the war with the
Shining Path. It has increased by 120% of deaths in the last months.

• It also affects the emotional state of people, this would cause our body’s
defenses to decrease and make us very vulnerable to any
disease and more to covid 19.
The impact and role of mass media during the pandemic (covid19)

• Several sectors have been hit hard. Tourism, for example. The Lima airport receives more than
twenty million passengers a year, which means a considerable job offer, which at this time is
suffering since it is a source of massive infections that would affect the population.

• The first case of covid 19 was through airports, on an international trip.

This disease quickly swept the population in a few days. In the state of
emergency many families had no way to survive and had to go out to
the streets to sell different products to be able to meet your expenses
for the week.

The control of the disease will be decisive for the recovery of our
lives, whether through treatment, a vaccine or social immunization.
The impact and role of mass media during the pandemic (covid19)

• Because of the covid, school studies are done virtually, this

medium has been very saturated in recent months. In several
sectors of Peru they do not have an internet service, much less a
cell phone or TV, which this disease discriminates and drives
away to students who do not have these resources. This moves
away the progress of students who do not have the necessary
implements, this is on the subject of studies.

• On the subject of basic resources such as water or electricity, for

some people who live in remote areas these resources are a
luxury for them since in this pandemic it is very difficult to pay for
these services, it is very difficult due to the shortage of work.
The impact and role of mass media during the pandemic (covid19)

• Several universities have come together to fight the virus by creating

rapid tests to prevent coronavirus, special masks, etc. Situations like
this show the importance of knowledge and research.

• On the other hand, in Peru there was a great leap in technology

and health inventories, in the agriculture sector it was improving
after the paralysis that, in the first months of the pandemic, the
prices of some products such as lemon, onion, etc, they had risen
in price since they were products in greater demand by families.

• When buying in the markets, the security measures that have

been proposed by our state must be put into practice, since
they are preventive measures against covid 19, in order not to
infect other people.
The impact and role of mass media during the pandemic (covid19)
• Finally, I wanted to offer my experience with this disease.
The first symptoms that it gave me were body pain, fatigue,
loss of taste, in my case it took me 21 days to recover with
medications prescribed by the doctor.

• This disease was acquired through a family member who

died from this disease, and my emotional state was down
and with the virus in my body it affected me more than my
brothers, there were very few people who supported you in
this In this situation, thanks to the support of my family I was
able to recover, although I left small sequels, my health
improved and I am grateful for having the resources that my
parents have given me. Peru will emerge from this
pandemic and remain engraved in our history.

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