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Teaching paragraph writing

through feedback on Moodle: A

case study at tertiary level
Presented by:
Afroza Akhter Tina, Senior Lecturer
Department of English
Daffodil International University
The research has been conducted by the following two

Afroza Akhter Tina, Senior Lecturer, Department of English

Sadia Zafrin Lia, Senior Lecturer, Department of English
Daffodil International University
One of the challenges in writing at tertiary level faced by the EFL students is developing
paragraphs. The Bangladeshi students tend to memorize certain paragraphs and are not aware of
the basic structure and organization of paragraph writing. Hence, the research reveals that based
on feedback, students can improve their writing through editing and rewriting at different stages.
This study investigates the development of paragraph writing challenge of five Bangladeshi
undergraduate EFL students who are studying at a private university. They wrote narrative
paragraphs three times on given topics and after getting constructive feedback from two teachers
through Moodle, finally submitted the revised ones. Here Moodle has been used as an online
interactive learning platform where the researchers observed their development at several stages
regarding organization. It ensured students’ real-time engagement outside the classroom and
development in writing. Although the improvement was significant after three attempts regarding
the organization but grammar has been an important issue since the beginning. The finding
implies that this study will benefit the teaching-learning practice of writing in fundamental
English language courses at university level where Moodle can be used as a significant tool for
providing feedback outside the classroom.
 Paragraph writing
 Teachers’ feedback
 Moodle
 Developing organization
 Real time engagement
Aim of the research

This study was intended to measure learners’ development

through continuous feedback at three different stages.
Specific research questions
 Why do first-year university learners enrolled in an academic
paragraph writing course need to improve their paragraph
writing skills with a focus on organization and structure?
 How Moodle can be used (other than the classroom) to provide
effective and constructive feedback for improving the
organization of paragraph writing?
 How students can improve their (paragraph) writing skills
through real time engagement outside the classroom?
Why writing?
Uddin writes in his study, “Writing is the most focused but the
least developed English language skill among the learners in
Bangladesh. At tertiary level the situation is not different”.

Alam mentioned, “It is often found that students may have

knowledge about vocabulary and grammatical aspects (e.g. using
the right tenses, collocation, and prepositions) but face problems
in writing coherently and re-structuring ideas after evaluating
Teacher’s feedback
1. Verbal feedback:
The content of the feedback should communicate the messages
that the teacher cares about the student, that the student is capable
of being successful as a writer, and that the teacher is willing to
help map a path the student may follow to that success.

2.The nature of the tool(s) used to deliver the feedback.

In the modern world students tend to submit their writings
digitally, hence feedback may be delivered in the same way.
Why Moodle?
Daffodil International University encourages effective online engagement
and blended learning through Google classroom and Moodle outside the
usual classroom.

Students are efficient to use such online platforms and they are also
provided with laptops at the beginning of their study

Although it is true that without direct physical contact and interaction with
other learners or instructors, students can lose their interest or motivation
mid-way through their course or program. Hence, the instructors met the
students twice per week physically and discussed issues accordingly.
The interest comes from…??
E-Teacher online course on Art of Everyday Classroom
Assessment of English Language Learners by U.S. Department
of State and Family Health International during the period
September 26- October 31, 2017
Discussion on Findings
Umma Saima:
In the very first attempt, she had problems regarding the followings:
Use of tenses
Using Bangla words directly

In the second attempt, she had problems regarding the followings:

Using transitions
Topic sentence
Concluding sentence
How feedback helped and motivated her?
The feedback regarding the organization and structure motivated
her to develop the final one where she scored more than the
earlier attempts. In the final submission, she interestingly was
able to develop quite a structured paragraph although had errors
regarding the usage of tenses. Her grades (based on specific
criteria) gradually reveals that her paragraphs developed in the
course of time (as there were less errors) and the organization
was quite better than the earlier attempts.
Oheduzzaman Emon:
In the first attempt, he proved to be a better competitor than the other students.
His paragraph didn’t have too many grammatical errors and was quite an average
one. Although he had problems regarding the usage of capital letters throughout
but the instructor focused on developing an appropriate topic and concluding
sentence for the next attempt.

In second try, he proved to himself better through his grades. He was also advised
to maintain the word limits to score/perform better with which he had problems.

In the last attempt, he tried to maintain the word limit along with associating
ideas with practical engagements throughout. Although it was not the best one
but it was definitely an improvement from his part.
Thank you…???

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