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Language and county

Team 1:Bayartsetseg, Ynjinhand, Dashdorj,Shinetsetseg,Osohbayar

Bujinlham and Lhamsuren.
China language and country

• Country: China
• Language: Chinese
• Capital:Beijing
• Population:1350695000
• Area:9640851 km2
Japan language and country

• Country:Japan
• Language:Japanese
• Capital:Tokio
• Population:12796000
• Area:377944 km2
China and Japan

• China language is a chinese.Chinese is Japan language is

democratic. chinese language is popular and Japanese.Japanese is monarchy.
hard .China president is Xi jinping.China Japanese emperor is Akihito.
president is 61 years old. Japanese emperor is 85years old.
• This is Chinese president: It is japanese emperor:
South Korea language and country

• Country: Korea
• Language:korean
• Capital:Seoul
• Population:51709098
Area:100363 km2
North Korea language and country

• Country:North Korea
• Language:Korean
• Capital:Pyongyang
• Population:77000000
• Area:219155 km2
North and South Korea

South korea president is Moon jae North korea president is Kim jong un
-in.President is 66 years old. South korea is North korean president is 36 years
peacer North korea.South Korea is old.North korea is very mysterious and
democrat. not democratic.
This is Southkorean president: It is North korean president:
Canada language and country
Canada language is a English and French.
Canada capital is a Ottawa but largest city is Torronto.
Canada population is 37602103, area is 9984670 km2.
It is Canada flag: it is canada map:
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