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Consumer Motivation


Modern Marketing or Marketing Concept
Motivation as a Psychological force

Motivation is the driving force within individuals

that impels them to action.
Model of Motivation Process

1. Innate needs/ primary needs/ biogenic needs

e.g. Basic needs
2. Acquired needs/ secondary needs/
psychogenic needs
e.g. Looking at comforts
• All behavior is goal oriented behavior.
e.g. Generic vs. product specific goals.

The selection of Goals

Personal experiences
Physical capacity
Prevailing cultural norms & values
Goals accessibility in the physical and social environment
An individuals characteristics
Interdependence of Needs and Goals

• Needs and goals are interdependent; nether exists

without the other.

• Individuals are more aware of their physiological

needs than are of their psychological needs.
Research on Goal Orientation
 Persons with promotion focus
 Persons with prevention focus

 Ideals
 Oughts

 Extrinsic benefits
 Intrinsic benefits
Positive and negative motivation
• Motivation can be positive/negative
– A positive goal – approach object (needs, wants,
– A negative goal – avoidance object (fears or

• Rational vs. Emotional motives

– Rational (e.g.. Product size, weight, price etc.)
– Emotional (e.g.. Pride, fear, affection, status etc.)
The Dynamics of Motivation
 Motivation is a highly dynamic construct in response to …….
• Physical condition
• Environment
• Interactions with others
• Experiences etc.

 Needs are never fully satisfied

e.g. hunger, friends, power etc.

 New needs emerge as old needs are satisfied

e.g. lower order need to higher order need

 Success and failure influence goals

- Level of aspiration (may be high / low)
• Substitute goals

• Frustration (failure to achieve a goal)

• Defense mechanism
– Aggression
– Rationalization
– Regression
– Withdrawal
– Projection
– Daydreaming / fantasizing
– Identification
– Repression or suppression
– Sublimation
• Multiplicity of needs and variation of goals
e.g. buying cloths for protection

• Arousal of motives
– Physiological arousal e.g. hunger needs
– Emotional arousal e.g. frustration causes daydreaming
– Cognitive arousal e.g. advertisements
– Environment or situational arousal e.g. smell of bakery food etc.
Types and systems of needs
Segmentation and promotional applications
A trio of needs

Power e.g. ego


Affiliation e.g.

Achievement e.g.
self confident
The Measurement of

 Observations

 Self reports

 Projective test /
collage research

 Likert scales
The Development and Evaluation of Motivational Research

• Qualitative Research
e.g. underlying feelings, attitudes, and emotions
concerning product, service or brand etc.

Qualitative research techniques

Metaphor analysis
Story telling
Word association and sentence completion
Thematic apperception test
Drawing pictures and photo sorts
Ethics and consumer motivation
• Marketers sometimes target vulnerable consumers.

• Aggressive Advertisements

• Advertisements against to society’s interests

• Contributions to Dysfunctional consumption behavior

• Too many consumption choices make consumers to be confused , unsatisfied, less

happy, psychologically drained and to experience negative emotions.

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