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Unit conversions

B.Tech (Semester 1)
Unit conversions
• Mechanical, Electrical and thermal units of
work, power and energy
• Six fundamental quantities  units of all
other quantities can be derived
– Mass, length, time, current, temparature,
luminous intensity
Important Physical Quantities
• Mass – Quantity of matter possessed by a body
(kg is the SI(International system of unit) Unit)
• 1quintal = 100 kg , 1 tonne= 10quintals= 1000kg
• Force = mass (kg) × acceleration (m/s2) ….newton
• Weight – The force with which a body is
attracted towards the centre of Earth
• Weight = mass (kg) × acceleration due to gravity
Unit of Work and Energy
• Work is said to be done on a body when a
force acts on it and the body moves through
some distant
• This work done is stored in the body in the
form of energy
• Unit of work and energy are same (joule)
Some cases of mechanical work done
• Force of F newtons is exerted on a body through a distance
of ‘d’ meters in the direction of force
– Work done = F × d
• Force of F newtons is maintained tangentially at a radius r
meters from center
• Work done in one revolution = Force × distance moved in 1
revolution = F 2Πr = 2ΠT
• P.E. = mgh
• K.E. = 0.5mv2
Electrical Energy
• Electrical Energy = V Q = Vit = I2Rt joules
• 1 Joule = 1 watt-sec
• 1kWh= 1000 watt-hour = 1000 × 3600 watt-sec
or joules
• Practical unit of electrical energy is kWh,
called as 1 unit of electrical energy
Thermal energy
• calorie
• If S is the specific heat of a body, then amount
of heat required to raise the temparature of m
gm of body through θoC is given by
– Heat gained = m S θ calories
– 1 calorie = 4.186 joules
– Heat gained = 4.186 m S θ joules
Unit of power
• The rate at which energy is expended or the
rate at which work is performed
• Power = W/t
– W is the total number of joules or work performed
or total joules of energy expended in t s
• joules/sec = watts
• 1H.P. = 746 watts
• How long will it take to raise the temparature
of 880 gm of water from 16oC to boiling point?
The heater takes 2 amperes at 220 V and its
efficiency is 90 %.
• The total power supplied to an engine that
drives an electric generator is 40.25 kW. If the
generator delivers 15 A to a 100 Ω load, what
is the efficiency of the system?
Problems (Cont…)
• A room measures 3m×4m×4.75m and air in it has to be
always kept 10oC higher than that of the incoming air. The
air inside has to be renewed every 30 minutes. Neglecting
radiation losses, find the necessary rating of electric
heater for this purpose. Take specific heat of air as 0.24
and density as 1.28 kg/m3.
• An electric kettle is required to raise the temperature of 2
kg of water from 20oC to 100oC in 15 minutes. Calculate
the resistance of the heating element if the kettle is to be
used on a 240 V supply. Assume the efficiency of the
kettle to be 80 %.

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