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Ways to Control

Soil Erosion
The simplest way and
natural way of
controlling soil erosion is
through natural
vegetation, which is
allowing plant and trees
to grow naturally without
human interference.
Since erosion easily takes
place on a slope, farmers
who plant on
mountainsides follow
contours or curves of the
land instead of planting
the crops up and down the
slope so as to slow down
the flew of water and soil
that it carries.
This method includes
alternately planting
different crops into
strips. Theses crops are
planted across the slope,
too. In this method, grass
and other plants that
grow close to the ground
are planted in strips
between bands of gain

Involves planting on
terraces or steps built on
the slopes of
mountainsides. Farmers
build wide flat rows of
terraces on mountains to
act as a ridge to help
slow down the flow of
water that carries soil.
Farmers use crop
rotation not just to
prevent pets from
destroying the plants but
also to maintain the good
quality of the soil. Crop
rotation refers to planting
crops in a different spot
each year.
Another way of controlling soil
erosion is by building ripraps or
chunks of stones or rocks arranged on
the edge of a slope. This arrangement
of stones does not just serve as a
foundation but also a ridge to control
soil erosion.
Group yourselves into 10 and make a
poster to raise awareness on the
importance of forest and ways to
conserve it.
Direction: identify different ways to control soil
erosion in the box provided.

Natural vegetation
Contour plowing
Strip cropping
Crop rotation
1. This arrangement of
stones does not just
 Natural
serve as a foundation
but also a ridge to
 Contour plowing
control soil erosion.
 Strip cropping
2. Planting crops in a
 Terracing different spot each
 Crop rotation year.
 Riprapping 3. This method includes
alternately planting
different crops into
 Natural vegetation 4.Involves planting on
 Contour plowing terraces or steps built
 Strip cropping on the slopes of
 Terracing
 Crop rotation 5. allowing plant and
 Riprapping
trees to grow naturally
without human
6. farmers who plant on
mountainsides follow
contours or curves of
the land.

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