Push Down Automata

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Unit-4:Push down automata

Date & Time :10-11-20,11AM-12PM

Swarnalatha Prathipati
Assistant Professor
Department of CSE
GITAM Institute of Technology (GIT)
Visakhapatnam – 530045
Email: sprathip2@gitam.edu
Ph no:7893210891
Tuesday, January 05, 2021 Department of CSE, GIT ECS301_FLAT UNIT-4 1
Course objectives

• Designing Push Down Automata

Tuesday, January 05, 2021 Department of CSE, GIT ECS301_FLAT UNIT-4 2

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this lecture/ session, Students will be able

• Illustrate the design of Pushdown Automata for Context
Free Languages(L2)
• Analyze the equivalence of Pushdown Automata with
Context Free Languages(L4)

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 Pushdown automaton(PDA)
 Equivalence between acceptance by empty store and acceptance by
final state
 Equivalence of CFG and PDA.

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Pushdown Automata
• A Pushdown Automata (PDA) is a way to implement a context free
grammar in a similar way we design finite automata for regular grammar.

• It is more powerful than FSM

• FSM has a very limited memory but PDA has more memory.

• PDA=Finite state machine+ A stack

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• A stack is away we arrange elements one on top of another

• A stack does two operations

• Push: A new element is added at the top of the stack

• Push: The top of the stack is read and removed

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A Pushdown Automata has 3 components

1. An Input tape
2. Finite control unit
3. Stack structure with infinite size.

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Block diagram of Pushdown Automata

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• A Pushdown Automata is defined by 7 tuples
M=(Q, ∑, Γ, q0, Z0, F, δ)

• Q is the finite set of states

• ∑ is the finite set of input symbols
• Γ is the set of stack symbols (which can be pushed and popped from
• q0 is the initial state
• Z0 is the stack start symbol (which is initially present in stack)
• F is the finite set of final states
• δ is a transition function which maps Q x {Σ ∪ ∈} x Γ -> Q x Γ*.
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• In a given state, PDA will read input symbol and stack symbol (top of
the stack) and move to a new state and change the symbol of stack.
• The transition function δ is represented by a triple δ(q,a,X)
i) q is a state in Q
ii) a is either input symbol or ε
iii) X is a stack symbol that is a member of Γ

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Graphical representation of PDA

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Instantaneous Description

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Practice Problems
1. Design a PDA for accepting a language L={WCWR } where W∈(a+b)*
2. Design a PDA for accepting a language equal no of a’s and equal no of
3. Design a PDA for accepting a language L={WWR } where W∈(a+b)+
4. Design a PDA for accepting a language L={apbqcm |p+m=q}
5. Design a PDA for accepting a language L={anb2n |n>=1}}

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Conversion of CFG to PDA
• For converting given CFG to PDA by this method the necessary
condition is that the first symbol on R.H.S production must be a
terminal symbol.
• The rules can be used to obtain PDA from CFG is
Rule 1: For non terminal symbols, add following rule
δ(q, ε,A)=(q,α) where the production rule is A-> α
Rule 2: For each terminal symbols, add following rule
δ(q,a,a)=(q,ε) for every terminal symbol.

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1.Construct PDA for the given CFG.
B->0S|1S|0 test whether 010000 is acceptable by this PDA or not.
Let PDA A= {{q},{0,1},{S,B,0,1}, δ, q, S, Φ}
The production rules δ can be given as
R1: δ(q, ε,S)={(q,0BB)}
R2: δ(q, ε,B)={(q,0S),(q,1S),(q,0)}
R3: δ(q,0,0)={(q, ε)}
R4: δ(q,1,1)={(q, ε)}

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• Test 010000 is accepted by PDA or not.
δ(q,010000,S) |- δ(q,010000,0BB)
|- δ(q,10000,BB)
|- δ(q,10000,1SB)
|- δ(q,0000,0BBB)
|- δ(q,000,BBB)
|- δ(q,000,0BB)
|- δ(q,00,BB)
|- δ(q,00,0B)
|- δ(q,0,B)
|- δ(q,0,0)
|- δ(q, ε,Z0) => Accepted

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Practice Problems
1.Construct PDA for the given CFG
test whether the string aaabbb is acceptable by this PDA or not.
2. Construct PDA for the given CFG
A->1A0|S| ε
test whether the string 001011 is acceptable by this PDA or not.
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Construction of CFG from given PDA

•We can construct a PDA from given CFG similarly we can obtain a CFG
from given PDA.

•The algorithm for this is given with the help of following theorem.

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If A=(Q, ∑, Γ, q0, Z0, F, δ) is a PDA then there exists CFG G which is accepted
by PDA A.

Let G be a context free grammar which could be generated by PDA A. The G

can be defined as G=(V,T,P,S) where S is a start symbol. The set of non
terminals V={S,q,qI ,Z) where q and qI ∈ Q and Z ∈ Γ

And for getting the production rules P we will apply the following algorithm

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Algorithm for getting Production rules of CFG
• Rule 1: The start symbol production can be
S -> [q0 , Z0 ,q]
where q indicates the next state and q0 is a start state. q and q0 ∈ Q

• Rule 2: If there exists a move of PDA

δ(q,a,Z)= {(q0 , ε)}
then the production rule can be written as
δ(q,Z,q0 ) -> a

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• Rule 3: If there exists a move of PDA as
δ(q,a,Z)= {(q0 , Z1, Z2,….ZN)}

Then the production rule of CFG can be written as

δ(q,Z, q0)= a[q1 , Z1, q2 ] [q2 , Z2 , q3 ] [q3 , Z3, q4 ]……[qm-1 , Zm , qm ]

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• The PDA is as given below A=({q0 , q1 },{0,1},{S,A}, q0, S, δ, Φ}
where δ is given below
δ(q0 ,1,S)= {(q0 ,AS)}
δ(q0 , ε,S)= {(q0 , ε)}
δ(q0 ,1,A)= {(q0 ,AA)}
δ(q0 ,0,A)= {(q1 ,A)}
δ(q1 ,1,A)= {(q1 , ε)}
δ(q1 , 0,S)= {(q0 , S)}
Construct equivalent CFG to the PDA.
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