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Chapter 1: Computer es
Introduction to Applications
Computer Social Impact

Salahuddin, Islamia College Peshawar.
Computer – An Introduction
 What is Computer?
• Derived from the Latin word “Computare”, i.e. to compute.
• A programmed device with a set of instructions to perform specific tasks and
generate results at a high speed.

• Four basic components.

 Input devices
 Output devices
 Memory

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Characteristics of Computer
 Accuracy
• Every calculation is performed with the
same accuracy.
• Computers perform calculations with
100% accuracy

• Any inaccuracy is the result of inaccurate


 Speed
• Modern computers run millions and
billions of instructions in a second.
• A computer works with much higher
speed and accuracy compared to humans
while performing mathematical
• Even the slowest computers should
perform calculations much faster than

Introduction To Computer & ICT – by Salah Uddin 4

Characteristics of Computer
 Reliability
• A computer is reliable as it gives consistent result for similar set of data i.e., if we give same
set of input any number of times, we will get the same result.
• Provided accurate data, it should output correct data.
• Results should be reliable.

 Automation
• To be able to schedule tasks to be performed without human intervention.
• Procedures that are executed one after another in an automated manner.
• A computer is an automatic machine because once started on a job they carry on until the job
is finished without any human assistance

 Diligence
• Free from tiredness.
• No fatigue.
• No lack of concentration.
• Computers work with the same accuracy, efficiency and speed for longer periods of times
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Characteristics of Computer
 Versatility
• Computers are versatile they are used in multiple areas:
 Scientific research
 Medicine
 Multimedia
 Astronomy
 Entertainment; movies, songs games etc
 Agriculture and many more.

 Memory
• Stores huge amounts of data, from GBs to hundreds of TBs

 AI and Decision Making

• Modern computers can imitate human intelligence and can perform intelligent
decision making alongside logical and arithmetic operations.
• AI is applied in robotics, gaming, medicine, scientific research and more.
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Applications of Computer
Computer has evolved as a mean of solving various problems in human society.
From the earliest form of computer to modern day supercomputer, it has affected
the society in several ways. Computer is in use in various fields that include:
 Management
 Banking
 Industry
 Engineering
 Satellite
 Astronomy
 Travelling
 Traffic control
 Medicine
 Research

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Social Impact of Computer Age
 Positive Impacts
• Very Fast and efficient data processing in small time.
• Large storage within a small place.
• Multi-tasking and multi-processing.
• Easy access to data.
• Security and privacy to sensitive data.
• Results with no or less errors.
 Negative Impacts
• Highly expensive hardware and software.
• Highly skillful individuals required to operate a system.
• Data piracy.
• Rise in unemployment.
• Damage to storage devices causes huge data loss.
• Several threats to data security.
• Rapidly changing technology.
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