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Renewable Energy

• Balta Alexandra-Maria
What is Renewable Energy?
Why do we need Renewable Energy?

It provides the
Can be integrated foundation for
into daily life energy

Able to be
Fossil Fuels Are stored
Renewable Renewable energy is
It’s a a stable and reliable
renewable energy is
eco-friendly source of energy
There are various sources of
renewable energy. They are
given below:

→ Hydroelectric power
→ Wind energy
→ Solar Energy
→ Geothermal Energy
→ Wave power
→ Tidal power
→ Biomass fuel
→ Hydrogen Energy
Hydropower is energy derived from the
movement of water in rivers and oceans,
originally used for irrigation and the operation of
various mechanical devices.

Solar energy is energy from the sun in the form
of radiated heat and light. The sun’s radiant
energy can be used to provide lighting and heat
for buildings and to produce electricity.
Wind energy is just what it
sounds like: energy that we get
from the wind.
The moving air has huge
amounts of kinetic energy,
and this can be transferred
into electrical energy using
wind turbines.
Geothermal Energy

Deep down in the earth's crust, there is molten rock (magma).

Molten rock is simply
rocks that have melted into liquid form as a result of extreme
heat under the earth.
Geothermal technology takes advantage of the hot close-to
earth- surface temperatures to generate power.

• Renewable energy technologies are

clean sources of energy that have a
much lower environmental impact
than conventional energy
• Renewable energy will not run out.
Ever. Other sources of energy are
finite and will some day be

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