Electroplating: M6 Section-6 Group-A

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M6 Section-6 Group-A
Effect of Electroplating on Metal
Prepared by

Electroplating is a process of producing a coated 
metal by using electrical current passes through a
chemical solution. It is an electrochemical
process by which metal is deposited on a
.substrate by passing a current through the bath

: Purpose of electroplating 
Electroplating is used to coat a surface with a thin 

layer of metal through electrochemical process. It

.is used to prevent a metal from corrosion
Experimental Theory 2.0
Electroplating process consists of anode, cathode, 
electrolyte and a power supply. Anode is a
positively charge electrode which is the source of
the material to be deposited and plated. It is
connected to the positive terminal of power supply.
Cathode is a negatively charge electrode which is
the metal to be coated and it is connected to the
negative terminal of power supply. Electrolyte is a
electrically conducting solution which contains the
metal to be plated, in ionic form. The electrolyte is
the medium through which metal ions are
.exchanged and transferred to cathode
Electroplating process is done in a non-metallic
plating bath and the metal is usually will be cut in a
.small size to ease the process

During the process, the captions will be attracted and

deposited at cathode. As replenishment for these
deposited ions, the metal from the anode is
dissolved and goes into the solution and balances
.the ionic potential
The reduction occurs at the cathode. The oxidation 

occurs at the anode. Wires attached to the

electrodes conduct the electrons between the
cathode and anode through a voltmeter or current

Electroplating process is governed by Faraday's Laws

that state mass of elements deposited at an
electrode in gram is directly proportional to the
.Charge in Coulombs

For instance, 2.19g Nickel can be plated on cathode

from a NiSO4 solution using a current of 8A in
This conclusion can be calculated as per shown:

Ni2+ (aq) + 2e- Ni (s)

1 mol of Ni = 2 mol of electron

1 mol of electron = 96485 C

1 C = 1A . 1s

Q = It

15mins x 60s x 8A x 1C x 1 mol e- x 1 mol Ni x 58.69g = 2.19gNi

1 1 min 1 1A.1s 96485C 2 mol e- 1 mol Ni

Experimental Equipment 2.1

1. Plastic container Two 1.5V battery Set of alligator clips

Multimeter Electronic balanceCopper wire .

Experimental Equipment 2.1



1. Salt (NaCl) and vinegar (CH3COOH)

Procedure 3.0
1.Two mild steel plates were cut in (9x1.5)cm and were washed and dried

2.The mild steel plates were washed, dried by a cloth and sand until the
surface was smooth and shine.

3.The apparatus was set as shown in Diagram 4 .

4.Vinegar was poured into plastic container as electrolyte and salt was
added to increase the conductivity of the electrolyte.

5.The mild steel plates were weighed and recorded (initial weight Wo) by
using electronic balance.

6. The mild steel plates were tied by copper wire and were merged into the
electrolyte parallelly for electroplating process.

7.Any changes on electrodes and electrolyte were observed in 10 minutes .

8.The mild steel plates were removed after 10 minutes of electroplating
process .

9.The mild steel plate at cathode was weighed and the reading was

10.Steps 5 to 9 were repeated and the electroplating process was ran in

30 minutes.

11.Steps 1 to 9 were repeated by using Bronze and Copper-nickel.

Diagram 3.1
Results 4.0
Table below shows the result of electroplating of 3 different types of sample.

minutes 10 minutes 30

Sample Initial weight Final weight Initial weight Final weight

)Wo( )Wf( )Wo( )Wf(

Mild steel 11g 12g Mild steel 11g 13g

Bronze 8g 8g Bronze 8g 9g

-Copper 3g 3g -Copper 3g 4g

nickel nickel

Table 7.1: Electroplating result

Calculation 4.1
Diagram below shows the reading of multi-meter that is used in

1.5 Ampere-hours in a CH3COOH solution will plate

according to the following formula:

1.5 A-

= 1.5 A × 60 min/h × 60 s/min × 1 h

= 54 ×102 coulomb

= 54 ×102 coulomb / [(96485.3415 coulomb/mole-Faraday) × Diagram 4.1

1 mole]

= 0.05597 Faraday
For mild steel:
Fe valency (oxidation number) goes from +3 to 0, Here Fe (+3) is reduced to Fe (0).

The equivalent weight of Fe is 55.845 g which is = molar weight/change in valency.

For Bronze and Copper-Nickel:

Both chooses Cu as it has lowest position in electrochemical series. Cu valency (oxidation
number) goes from +2 to 0, Here Cu (+2) is reduced to Cu (0).

The equivalent weight of Cu is 63.546 g which is = molar weight/change in valency.

Thus, 1 Faraday will deposit 55.845 g of Iron, 0.05597 Faraday will deposit 3.1256 g of Iron.
While, 1 Faraday will deposit 63.546 g of Copper, 0.05597 Faraday will deposit 3.5567 g of
Overall, the actual mass obtained in the experiment is less than the calculated mass,
Because of the inaccuracy of electric balance used at home, residue left in the electrolyte
and small voltage of the battery hard to futher ionises the electrode.
Observation 4.2
Table 7.2 shown the observation in both anode and cathode for all samples.
And pictures are given in diagram below and explained to proved the
observation throughout the experiment.

Types of electrodes Observation Inferences

Mild steel (Fe) :At anode Iron metal is produced

Fe3 ,Brown deposit is formed
:At cathode .Hydrogen gas (H2)is produced

,Effervescent produced

.Gas is transparent
: Colour of electrolyte .Concentrations of ions increases

Its turn from transparent to

yellowish, Spotted brown residue in

.the electrolyte
Bronze (Cu) :At anode .Copper metal is produced

cent coin-1 Thicker layer of dull green deposit

is formed, Colors of deposit turn

.brighter after a period of time


:At cathode .Hydrogen gas(H2) is emit

,Effervescent produced

:Colour of electrolyte .Concentrations of ions increases

Changes slightly green

Copper-nickel (Cu) : At anode Copper metal is produced

cent coin-10 Thick layer of dull green deposit is formed, colour of

Cu 2
deposit slowly reveal into light green after a period

of time

:At cathode Hydrogen gas(H2) is produced

,Effervescent produced

.Colour changes from shiny silver to holografic blue

:Colour of electrolyte .Concentrations of ions increases

Changes slightly green

Table 7.2:Electroplating Observation

Diagram 4.2 Diagram 4.3

Diagram 4.4 Diagram 4.5

In diagram 4.2, It can be clearly seen that effervescent is produced at cathode and the
electrolyte turn yellowish and cloudy. Next, diagram 4.3 shows two mild steel plate
whereas the left plate is anode and the right plate is cathode. It gave a vision of
comparisons of two electrodes. Diagram 4.4 and 4.5 are both pictures of 10-cent Malaysia
coins that captures in different period of time. As the statement above, diagram 4.4 are
captured right after the electroplating process while diagram 4.5 is taken 10 hours after
the experiment.
Half equations in electrolyte:

 CH 3COO (aq )  H  (aq )

CH 3COOH (aq ) 

 Na  (aq)  Cl  (aq )
NaCl ( s ) 

CH 3COO (aq )  Na  (aq) 

 CH 3COONa(aq )

H  (aq )  Cl  (aq ) 
 HCl(aq )
2Cl  (aq )  2e  
 Cl2 (aq )
:For Mild Steel
Half equations in anode:
Fe 3 (aq)  3e  
 3Fe( s )

:Half equations in cathode

 Fe3 (aq)  3e 
Fe( s ) 
 Fe 2 (aq )  2e 
Fe( s ) 
2 H   2e  
 H 2 ( g )
For Bronze and Copper-nickel, both alloys consistss of high percentage of copper while
copper has lowest position in electrochemical series. As a result, Copper will be
deionised firstly.
;Half equations in cathode
 Cu 2 (aq )  2e 
Cu ( s ) 
2 H   2e  
 H 2 ( g )
5.0 Lab question

a) What material should the plating bath be consisted of and why?

ANS: The plating bath should be consisted with cyanides of all metals .This is because ,
these free cyanides facilitate anode corrosion will help to maintain a constant metal ion
level and contribute to conductiveity

b) What ions are present in the electrolyte?

ANS: CH3COOH- , H+ , Na+ , Cl-

c) Give all relevant half reactions occuring at the cathode and anode (mild steel

ANS: Half equations in anode:

Fe3 (aq)  3e  
 3Fe( s )
Half equations in cathode:

 Fe3 (aq )  3e 
Fe( s) 
 Fe2  (aq)  2e 
Fe( s) 
2 H   2e  
 H 2 ( g )

d) Through your observation, explain changes that occurred to the electrolyte solution

during the electroplating process.

Sample Observations

Mild steel Clear solution of vinegar turned into brown colour of Ferum solid and brown

residual remained at the bottom of the plastic container

Bronze Clear solution of vinegar turned into reddish colour of copper solid and slowly

turned into green solution

Copper-nickel Clear solution of vinegar turned into reddish colour of copper solid and

slowly turned into green solution

e) Is there final weight differences observed when compared to different type of
samples? Why?

Yes.There are differences between weight of samples observed when compared to

different types of samples. This differences only occurs in mild steel and copper-nickel
samples. The differences of weight are due to the different of sample’s thermophysical
properties, size and their strycture. Besides, effect of time also has revealed that
thickness increased time. It did not seem to have a deleterious effect on electroplating
results. This is in line with Faraday’s second law of electrolysis.
Conclusion 6.0
The evidence and refined data has supported the original hypothesis and prediction.
Thus, the experiment was not really a success. It can be determined from results given
in the report. Plus, it can be inferred that the following is true:

1. The reaction rate is proportional to the electrical current applied to the

cell( Faraday’s law).

2. Increases time lead to increase indeposition per unit area.

3. Electroplating can be used to place a thin layer of metal on a conductive object.

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