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Quiz 5
1. Look at the picture then choose the appropriate options
A, B, C, or D.
2. Look at the picture then choose the appropriate options
A, B, C, or D.
3. Listen the question and its responses. Choose the approprite
options A, B, C, or D.
4. Listen the question and its responses. Choose the approprite
options A, B, C, or D.
5 . Listen to the dialog then answer the following question. Choose
the appropriate options A, B, C, or D.


What will the man do if she meets Lionel Messi?

A.She will name her child after Messi.
B.She will have a child named Messi.
C.She will have a picture with Messi.
D.She will ask Messi to name her child.
6 . Listen to the monolog then answer the following question. Choose
the appropriate options A, B, C, or D.


Who like to try the receipes?

A. People who are passionate in cooking.
B. People who love chocolate.
C. People who enjoy the culinary.
D. People who like eating.
7 . Read the incomplete dialog then choose the appropriate options
A, B, C, or D.

Fizha : Hi. What’s up, Nina?

Nina : I don’t feel well. I think I’ve got the flu.
What should I do?
Fizha : ... You need to take a rest.
A.You should keep on working.
B.You can go home and go to bed.
C.You’d better focus to your current job.
D.You can continue studying the lessons.
8 . Read the incomplete dialog then choose the appropriate options
A, B, C, or D.

Jose : Have you imagined living abroad?

Melany : That’s one of my ambitions in life.
Jose : Which country do you want to live?
Melany : ..., I will go to England.
Jose : But you can speak English, can’t you?
Melany : I can but I need a lot improvement to prepare
My IELT score.
Jose : It’s a good idea.

A.If I can speak English better.

B.If my English is not good as yours.
C.If I know that english is important enough for me.
D.If you tell me that obe of our friends can speak
English better.
9 . Read the incomplete dialog then choose the appropriate options
A, B, C, or D.

Indro : I feel suddenly get stag. It’s difficult to give the last
Touching in this sketch.
Berta : I think, .... You can continue your work
A.You will be hospitalized soon.
B.You must finish your work.
C.You must take a rest soon.
D.You work too slowly.
10 . Read the incomplete dialog then choose the appropriate options
A, B, C, or D.

Doctor : Have a seat, please. …

Patient : I feel something wrong with my stomach.
A.What can I do for you
B.May I examine your stomach
C.Do you go to the wrong place
D.Can I buy a medicine for stomachache
11 . Read the incomplete dialog then choose the appropriate options
A, B, C, or D.

Doctor : Have a seat, please. …

Patient : I feel something wrong with my stomach.
A.What can I do for you
B.May I examine your stomach
C.Do you go to the wrong place
D.Can I buy a medicine for stomachache
12 . Read the incomplete dialog then choose the appropriate options
A, B, C, or D.

Juliet : Isn’t that Kathleen? She looks so different. And ...

Susan : Yes, she used to be so slim and look much younger.
A.hasn’t she put on a lot of weight?
B.hasn’t she got her new fashion style?
C.she has changed the color of her hair
D.she has spent much money on clothes
13. Read the incomplete dialog then choose the appropriate options
A, B, C, or D.

Indah : We’d better prepare ourselves for the next exam, right?
Opie : … Besides, we have to submit the assignment next
A.I don’t agree.
B.I am against it.
C.I don’t think so.
D.I am on your side.
14. Read the incomplete dialog then choose the appropriate options
A, B, C, or D.

Daughter : My friends said that the Eiffer tower is popular

in the world. Is it true?
Father : Yes. ... every year.
A. It is sometimes closed on weekends
B. It is always renewed and repainted
C. It is admired by Europeans only
D. It is visited by so many people
15. Read the incomplete dialog then choose the appropriate options
A, B, C, or D.

Husband : What is our planning for next weekend? Do we have

to go somewhere?
Wife : …. She is going to dance on her school anniversary
A.I’m going out of town
B.We plan to have a party
C.Chandra is going to study abroad
D.We’ll see our Chandra’s performance
16. Read the incomplete dialog then choose the appropriate options
A, B, C, or D.

Farras : Sorry, I couldn’t come to your party. …. How was it?

Rayina : It was successful. There were a lot of friends coming.
A.I used to love it
B.I don’t have time
C.I plan to visit you
D.It was raining heavily
17. Read the dialog then answer the following questions. Choose
the appropriate options A, B, C, or D.
Andy : Would you like to see a movie tonight?
Fanny : I can’t. I have to study.
Andy : OK, then how about getting together for coffee tomorrow
Fanny : Sorry, I have an extra dancing lesson in my club.
Andy : Well, how about next Saturday? Would you like to go to a
baseball game? I have an extra ticket.
Fanny : That would be nice. What time?
Andy : Can I pick you up at 4 pm?
Fanny : Sounds good.

Why can’t Fanny join a coffee time with Andy?

A. She has to study.
B. She will see a movie.
C. She will watch a baseball game.
D. She has an extra dancing lesson.
18. Read the dialog then answer the following questions. Choose
the appropriate options A, B, C, or D.
Arga : Supposing you could have any job in the world, which
one would you choose?
Ardy : Well, if that were possible, I think I’d like to be a famous
Arga : Oh? Any particular reason you’d choose that?
Ardy : Not really, except that it must be nice seeing your name
in print.

Which one of the following activities can help Ardy support his
planned job?
A. He travels a lot anywhere.
B. He composes books or stories.
C. He continues to study at university.
D. He joins popular world organizations.
19. Read the dialog then answer the following questions. Choose
the appropriate options A, B, C, or D.
Stranger : I think I am lost. I need to find a city map.
Citizen : If you like, I can help you.
Stranger : That’s very kind of you. Could you show me how
to get to Mutiara Hotel?
Citizen : Well it’s a bit far from here, about 10 km. I think
you’d better call an online Taxi to go there. It is
safer and more comfortable.
Stranger : That’s quite helpful. Thank you so much.
Citizen : Don’t mention it.

“Don’t mention it.” The sentence means that the citizen ...
A. Feels happy to help.
B. Asks for some tips for the help.
C. Doesn’t know the price.
D. Can not mention the city map.
20. Read the dialog then answer the following questions. Choose
the appropriate options A, B, C, or D.
Scott : Martha, have you met Benjamin yet? He's our new summer
intern from State University. He’ll start working next week.
Martha : No Scott, I haven't. I hope he's as good as the intern we had
last summer. That young man worked really hard.
Scott : Benjamin seems sharp. And he's ambitious too. He said after
he gets his business degree, he wants to go to law school and
become a criminal lawyer.
Martha : Oh my. Maybe we'll see him on TV one day, defending a
celebrity in a famous trial!

Who are the people talking about?

A. A college student
B. A lawyer
C. Martha
D. Scott
21. Read the dialog then answer the following questions. Choose
the appropriate options A, B, C, or D.
Scott : Martha, have you met Benjamin yet? He's our new summer
intern from State University. He’ll start working next week.
Martha : No Scott, I haven't. I hope he's as good as the intern we had
last summer. That young man worked really hard.
Scott : Benjamin seems sharp. And he's ambitious too. He said after
he gets his business degree, he wants to go to law school and
become a criminal lawyer.
Martha : Oh my. Maybe we'll see him on TV one day, defending a
celebrity in a famous trial!

What does Benjamin plan to do?

A. Get married
B. Become a TV star
C. Defend a celebrity
D. Attend graduate school
22. Read the dialog then answer the following questions. Choose
the appropriate options A, B, C, or D.
Scott : Martha, have you met Benjamin yet? He's our new summer
intern from State University. He’ll start working next week.
Martha : No Scott, I haven't. I hope he's as good as the intern we had
last summer. That young man worked really hard.
Scott : Benjamin seems sharp. And he's ambitious too. He said after
he gets his business degree, he wants to go to law school and
become a criminal lawyer.
Martha : Oh my. Maybe we'll see him on TV one day, defending a
celebrity in a famous trial!

“… in a famous trial!” (last sentence)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. case
B. show
C. effort
D. contract
23. Read the text then answer the following questions. Choose the appropriate options.
Attention to: Human Resources department
PT. Shribiga Indonesia
Jl. Mawar no. 15
Dear Sir / Madam,
I would like to express my strong interest in the Social Media Manager position at PT. Shriboga
Indonesia, as listed on TribunJogja. This job position has become one of my biggest dream. I am
confident that my education background as a vocational graduate majoring in culinary, as well as my
strong communication and collaboration skills make me an ideal candidate for the position.
I was an active social meda user since three years ago. I have spent the last year to develop my own
organic online shop named “Green with Love”. I know what it takes to manage an effective online
marketing campaign. My most recent campaign for my shop led to an increase of over 10% in bound
trafic for my website ( i maintained regular evaluation, small research, and
innovative marketing strategis to increase product sales.
I am confident that my experience as well as my communication skill, make me strong candidate for
the position. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you so much for your attention and
Toni Kusumo

Why does Toni want to be a Social Media Manager?

A. It is very interesting job. C. It is one of his biggest dreams.
B. He is a vocational graduate. D. He is very interested in the job position.
24. Read the text then answer the following questions. Choose the appropriate options.
Attention to: Human Resources department
PT. Shribiga Indonesia
Jl. Mawar no. 15
Dear Sir / Madam,
I would like to express my strong interest in the Social Media Manager position at PT. Shriboga
Indonesia, as listed on TribunJogja. This job position has become one of my biggest dream. I am
confident that my education background as a vocational graduate majoring in culinary, as well as my
strong communication and collaboration skills make me an ideal candidate for the position.
I was an active social meda user since three years ago. I have spent the last year to develop my own
organic online shop named “Green with Love”. I know what it takes to manage an effective online
marketing campaign. My most recent campaign for my shop led to an increase of over 10% in bound
trafic for my website ( i maintained regular evaluation, small research, and
innovative marketing strategis to increase product sales.
I am confident that my experience as well as my communication skill, make me strong candidate for
the position. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you so much for your attention and
Toni Kusumo

What competence does the writer have?

A. His online shop and website. C. His campaign and marketting strategies.
B. His website and recent document. D. His experience and communication skill.
25. Read the text then answer the following questions. Choose the appropriate options.
Attention to: Human Resources department
PT. Shribiga Indonesia
Jl. Mawar no. 15
Dear Sir / Madam,
I would like to express my strong interest in the Social Media Manager position at PT. Shriboga
Indonesia, as listed on TribunJogja. This job position has become one of my biggest dream. I am
confident that my education background as a vocational graduate majoring in culinary, as well as my
strong communication and collaboration skills make me an ideal candidate for the position.
I was an active social meda user since three years ago. I have spent the last year to develop my own
organic online shop named “Green with Love”. I know what it takes to manage an effective online
marketing campaign. My most recent campaign for my shop led to an increase of over 10% in bound
trafic for my website ( i maintained regular evaluation, small research, and
innovative marketing strategis to increase product sales.
I am confident that my experience as well as my communication skill, make me strong candidate for
the position. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you so much for your attention and
Toni Kusumo

“My most recent campaign for my shop led to an increase of over 10% in bound ...”
The underlined word has a similar meaning to ....
A. Successful C. Lately
B. Massive D. great

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