WIM Concrete Pavement

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Submitted by
This project is about the installation of weigh-in-
motion on
NH-23 at Rourkela in the state of Orissa to assess and

control the overloading of commercial vehicles.

The Phenomenon of overloading of commercial

vehicles and consequent damage to roads has been

causing serious concern to Highway authorities all
over the country.
T h is o ve r lo a d in g is m o re o n N a tio n a l H ig h w a ys a s
th e se ro a d s a re m a in ly u se d fo r h a u lin g o f lo n g
d ista n ce h e a vy g o o d s like m in in g p ro d u cts, la rg e
size m a n u fa ctu re d e q u ip m e n t, co n stru ctio n
m a te ria ls e tc .

These overloaded vehicles are carrying severe

damage to roads. A double the standard axle
load is causing 16 times the damage of that
caused by standard axle load.
 As a pilot project for assessing and controlling this
over loading, Ministry of Shipping Road transport
and Highways (Department of Road Transport &
Highways) has embarked up on installing weigh-in-
motion system on national highways initially at a
few locations on a sample basis. One such system
is proposed to be installed at Km 289-290.600 of
NH-23 in the state of Orissa.

i. Installation of Weigh-In-Motion on NH-23
iii.Design of Pavements
v. Construction Programming
 .

Wheel Load

Design Period

Design Traffic

Temperature Differential

Subgrade and Sub-Base

Step by Step Procedure for
Design of Rigid Pavement Slab
Thickness by IRC : 58 - 2002
Stipulate design values for the various parameters such as

a) Flexural Strength of Conrete, M40 - 45 kg/cm2

b) Modulus of Elsticityof Concrete (M40), E – 300000 kg/cm2

c) Poission's ratio, U (Mu) - 0.15

d) Coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete, /oC - 10 x 10-6

e) Tyre Pressure, q - 8 kg/cm2

f) Spacing of contraction joints L - 4.5m

g) Width of Slab B - 3.5m

h) Subgrade CBR - 5%

I) DLC, thickness 100 cm

j) Effective modulus of subgrade reaction of the DLC subbase -16.6 kg/cm3

Assume a Trial Thickness _________ cm

Traffic Loading

a) Design traffic shall be 25% of total two-lane two way CV's may be considered for Two lane two way road.

b) Design traffic shall be 25% of total traffic in the direction of predominant traffic shall be considered for four-lane and multilane divide

c) Develop Axle Load Spectrum for Single and Tandem Axles

d) Load Safety Factor - 1.2

Check for Fatigue

a) Calculate the stresses due to single and tandem axle loads using charts from IRC:58-2002

b) Compute stress ratio by dividing the stress calculated in the above step by Modulus of Rupture of Concrete, i.e. 45 kg/cm2

c) Compute allowable repetitions (Fatigue Life) from Table 6, pg-15 of IRC 58 for the stress ratio calculted above

d) Determine the Expected repetitions of each load category in axle load spectrum from the total design traffic

e) Determine Fatigue Consumed by dividing expected repetitions/allowable repetitions

f) Calculate cumulative Fatigue consumed.

Design of Rigid pavement of slow speed WIM lane

The Design parameters are:

Flexural strength of cement concrete M40 = 45 Kg/cm2
Effective Modulus of sub grade
Reaction of the DLC sub grade = 20 kg/cm3
Elastic modulus of concrete, E = 300000 kg/cm2
Poisson’s ratio, µ = 0.15
Coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete , α = 1x 10-5 per 0 C
Tyre pressure, P = 8 kg/ cm2
Growth rate of Traffic in decimal = 0.075

Spacing of contraction joints(assumed) = 4.5 m

Width of slab = 3.25 m
No. of axles weighed = 157 nos
Percentage of vehicles for which axle loads weighed = 17.05 %
Total commercial traffic per day ,A = 921 nos
Total design life, n = 20 years
Load safety factor L.S.F = 1.2
Period of Construction = 0.75 years
Fatigue Consumption Calculations for slab thickness 32cm

Single Axle
Axle Load Class Representative Design Axle EdgeStress, Strss Expected Design Allowable Fatigue
in Tonne Axle Load Load with in Kg/cm2 Ratio Repetations Repetations Repetitions Life
in Tonne L.S.F. of 1.2 in as per Axle Col.(6) x0.25 (Fatigue Consumed
Tonne Load Survey Life, N)

(1) (2) (3) =1.2x(2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Less than6 6 7.20 8.60 0.19 1843596 460899 Unlimited 0
6 10 8 9.60 9.60 0.21 1263048 315762 do 0
10 14 12 14.40 14.20 0.32 6918444 1729611 do 0
14 18 16 19.20 17.28 0.38 645684 161421 do 0
18 22 20 24.00 0.00 0 0 0
22 26 24 28.80 0.00 0 0 0
26 30 28 33.60 0.00 0 0 0
30 34 32 38.40 0.00 0 0 0
34 38 36 43.20 0.00 0 0 0
Tandem Axle 0
Less than12 12 14.40 6.90 0.15 562546 140637 Unlimited 0
12 16 14 16.80 7.70 0.17 0 0 do 0
16 20 18 21.60 9.50 0.21 1022535 255634 do 0
20 24 22 26.40 11.60 0.26 1968909 492227 do 0
24 28 26 31.20 12.80 0.28 750061 187515 do 0
28 32 30 36.00 14.50 0.32 937576 234394 do 0
32 36 34 40.80 16.20 0.36 93758 23440 do 0
Cumulative Fatigue life consumed = 0.000
Taking 32cm for slab thickness.
Calculation of radius of relative stiffness
P = 16000 kg
E = 300000 kg/cm2
h = 32 cm
µ = 0.15
k = 20 kg/cm3
q = 8 kg/cm2
center to center distance between tyre = 31 cm

I = 4√ 300000x323
12x (1-0.152) x20
= 80.46 cm.
L/I = 450/80.46= 5.59
For L/I = 5.59, C = 0.838
Edge warping stress = CEαt
= 0.838x300000x0.00001 x21
=26.397 Kg/ cm2
Total edge stress = Edge stress caused by 98Th percentile axle load+ Maximum temperature stress
in edge region.

= 17.28+26.397= 43.667 Kg/ cm2

which is less than 45.00 Kg/ cm2
Hence safe.
Design of Dowel bar
98th percentile axle load = 16000 kg
So, Wheel load, W = 8000 kg
Percentage of load transfer = 40 %
Slab thickness = 32 cm
Joint width, z = 2 cm
Radius of relative stiffness, I = 80.46 cm
Characteristic compressive of conc. fck = 400 kg/ cm2
Diameter of dowel bar = 3.2 cm
Assume spacing between dowels = 26 cm
Load transferred by dowel bar = 40%
Balance load is transferred by aggregate interlocking.
Permissible bearing stress= Fb= (10.16-b)fck
= (10.16-3.2)x400
= 292 kg/ cm2
Check for bearing stress
Moment of Inertia of dowel bar = (πb4)/64
= (πx3.24)/64
= 5.147 cm4
Modulus Elasticity of steel ,E = 2x10 6 kg/cm2
Modulus of dowel/concrete interaction ,I = 41500kg/cm2/cm
Relative stiffness of dowel bar
embedded in conc. = β= 4√( kb)/4EI
( 41500x3.2)/4x2.0x106x5.147
= 0.238
Bearing stress in dowel bar = (Pt x k)x(2+βz)

= 249.19 kg/cm2
which is
less than 292 kg/cm2
So dowel bar dia and spacing assumed are safe.
Design of Tie bar
Slab thickness = 32 cm
Lane width, b = 3.25 m
Coefficient of friction, f = 1.5
Density of concrete = 2400 kg /m3
Allowable tensile stress in plain bars = 1250 kg /cm2
Allowable bond stress for plain tie bars = 17.5 kg /cm2
Diameter of tie bar = 12 mm
Area of steel per meter width of joint As =( bxfxW)/s
= (3.25x1.5x0.32x2400)/1250
= 2.99 cm2/m
Cross sectional area of tie bar, A =1.13 sq cm
Perimeter of tie bar , P = 3.77 cm
Spacing of tie bar = A/As
= 37.79 say 36 cm
Provide 12mm plain tie bar @ 360 C/C
Length of tie bar, L = (2xSxA)/(BxP)
= (2x1250x1.13)
= 42.82 cm
Add 10 cm for loss of bond and 5 cm for tolerance in placement.
So the length is 42.82+15=57.82 say 60cm
Design of flexible pavement of slow speed lane within Km 289.00 to Km 290.600 of Nh-23 for installation of WIM
Calculation of Cumulative standard axles:
P: Initial CVD as per traffic census done on
12.06.2007 At Km 290.00 = 921
r: Annual growth rate of commercial vehicle = 0.075
F: Vehicle damage factor for Rajamunda –Barkote
section as per Axle load survey conducted on
12.06.2007 at Km 290.00(Ref Annexure-I) = 6.01
Design year for opening to traffic = Nov 2008
x: Number of years between Traffic census and
year of opening to traffic = 1 year
A: CVD in the initial design year = P( 1+r) x
= 921x(1+0.075) 1
= 990.08
LDF:Lane distribution factor ,”D” =1
n:Design life in years = 10 years
N : Cumulative number of million standard axles during
the design life = 365x((1+r)n-1)xAxDxF
= 365x((1+0.75)10 -1)x990.98x1x6.01 ÷ 1X 106
= 30.73 Msa
As Slow speed lane is meant for weighing over loaded vehicles only, part of “UP” traffic(Rajamunda to Barkote)
would only ply on the slow speed lane. Accordingly 70% of total Msais considered for design of slow speed lane on
conservative basis.
Required Msafor design of flexible pavement = 30.73x70%
= 21.51 Msa Say
The crust required As per IRC 37 for sub grade CBR of 7% and plate 2, traffic range10-150 Msa
Granular Sub base 230mm
WMM 250 mm
DBM 94mm say 100mm
BC 40mm
Total 620mm

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