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 Research wins debates. It feels great to win on an argument that
you have written. You will understand it really well, you will know
exactly where all of the cards are and you will be able to predict what
the other team will read against you. That level of preparation
translates into calm confidence that will win debates!
 Researching is a responsibility of every team member. You can
always decline an assignment to focus on school or family but
consistently avoiding work impacts your travel priority.
 Research takes practice. There is a learning curve. Over time, you
will know what databases or searches to use and what types of cards
are the most useful. Do not be surprised if you have trouble at first.
 Regular work is the key to success. Get in the habit of doing small
amounts of debate work on a regular schedule. You will feel
prepared and will generate an impressive amount of work. Even five
hours a week will really add up.
 Your previous experience with research was
probably a teacher telling you that you had to
have X number of sources for your grade. I want
you to think about WHY and WHEN you actually
need a source to support your arguments.
 Arguments need support from expert sources
when we want to borrow credibility that we do
not have.

 Official qualifications  Unclear or poor qualifications

 Experience in the field  Unclear author
 Recent if the information  Out-dated information
required may have changed  Blog or other random internet
 High quality publisher source
 Information used in context
 Information warped to fit your
 Free from bias (having a
strong opinion is fine
 Someone who has an incentive
to misrepresent the truth
 Fringe opinion
 Supported by other research
 Do NOT use these. 
 The web page looked/sounded really good.
 The web page cited other people who look qualified.
 I know that there were qualifications but I went back
to find them and the web page seemed to have shut
 This source had a familiar name.
 My dog ate my qualifications.
 It depends on what you are looking for:
 Current events: Lexis database (via library) or Google
News (which is awesome but also contains some
 In depth articles: Library databases, books
 Ask librarians or Mrs. Heidt for help
 Side note: You may NOT use Wikipedia—fun general
reading and often OK but not an acceptable academic
source. Consider yourself warned. Similarly, you may
not quote from e-mails or blogs written by debaters.
 Cards got their name because evidence used to be cut out
and pasted down in actual recipe cards.
 Then, debaters moved to cutting and pasting onto paper
 Now, we do everything electronically. All files need to be
placed into a Word document and e-mailed in. If you find
a passage in a book that you need, either scan and OCR or
type it in. Why? It is much easier to edit blocks if they are
 We will also help you to create a Word template that
allows you to automatically create block titles etc.
 No factoids. Cut cards that have specific uses in rounds, not
random bits of information. Always ask yourself “how is
this card going to be useful in the round?”
 Quality is all that matters. Assume 2 things:
 The other team will have a good card that says the
opposite and yours needs to be better.
 The judge is calling for the card.
 Fewer repetitive cards. No more than four pages of the
evidence making the same argument.
 Never cut evidence that is out of context. If an author later
disagrees with the claim in a card that you have cut from
them, it is out of context. Ask yourself—would the author
agree with this tag? Not the whole position necessarily but
the tag? If there is any question, ask a coach, DO NOT turn
it out to the team.
 Recent evidence helps.
 Never cut evidence off of a debate list-serve, a private e-mail or a
debate related blog. Some teams do this, it is cheating and will hurt
our reputation.
 Qualified evidence is better. Staff writers are OK for uniqueness
evidence and maybe some other simple claims but better qualified
evidence wins more debates.
 Cut cards that are too long, not too short. Ways to ensure that
your evidence represents complete ideas (and therefore arguments)
include the following:
 One sentence cards are useless because they have no reasoning.
 NEVER begin or cut off a card mid-sentence.
 Do not cut cards that start with “however” or “but.” Include the
above paragraph or sentence so that your evidence represents a
complete idea.
 Complete and accurate.
 Full name of the author, complete date,
qualifications (may need to Google these), title
of publication, page number if available, cut and
paste web address, note database.
 Format: Last name, date in BOLD (rest in
 ALWAYS collect cites as you go, never plan to
go back and get them later.
 Use strong language—If the author makes a good argument,
maximize the usefulness of the evidence with a strongly
worded tag. This is accomplished by:
 Avoiding vague words like “good,” “equals,” “bad,” or “very.” Use
more specific language. “Very bad” should be replaced by “10 million
deaths” etc.
 Never state a passive relationship between two things, such as “X and Y
are both happening.” Such passive relationships are not useful in
debate; re-tag it to say “X causes Y” or “X prevents, increases or
decreases Y.”
 Stay away from debate jargon. A little is OK, especially with
affirmative DA answers, but tags that are more story-oriented will do
more to catch the judge’s attention.
 Do not over-tag—For instance, if your evidence says a disease
will impact 10% of the population, do not tag the evidence to
claim extinction.
 Shorter tags are usually better.
 Does your file represent a strategy?
 Have you scouted other teams for cites and
arguments commonly made against your file?
Do you have those issues covered?
 Have you scouted other teams for good cards
that should be part of our file?
 Make indexes easy to use. Indexes should have clearly labeled
sections. For example: a DA could be organized into uniqueness,
links, internal links, impacts and answers to aff answers.
 Remember the header. Imitate other varsity files.
 Clear block titles.
 Use a uniform font. Control-A (select all) is your friend, Times
New Roman 10 pt looks good. Tailor it a little yourself if you like
but make sure that it is uniform and easy to read.
 Underline ahead of time. Do not waste everyone’s prep by making
the whole squad underline when you could do it once for everyone.
 Organize the cards from best to worst. People will naturally read
what is on the top of the page so put the best ones up there.
 Eliminate extra returns. It saves paper and looks nicer.
 Make sure that all of the cards on the block fit
under the block title. No random cards stuck at the
bottom please. If you have evidence that is not even
worth its own title, throw it out.
 Do not cut off cards in the middle unless the card
itself is more than 1 page long.
 If you simply have multiple cards on a page, use a page
break to keep them intact.
 If a card is a 2 page card, clearly write continues on the
bottom of page 1 and the top of page 2. Also, put the cite
again on the bottom of page 2 just in case you get things
shuffled around.
 Send files to a g-mail account. It will be very
handy because it can be searched for content.
 Title Word docs something obvious like
“Wind 1AC” so that you can find it when you
search. “Print now” or “Ellis rules” will not
be helpful when someone wants the cards.

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