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Quantity Surveying and Costing

For all engineering works it is required to know before hand the probable cost of
construction known as the estimated cost. The estimated cost is greater than the
money available,then attempt are made to reduce the cost by reducing the work or
by changing the specifications.
There is no hard and fast rule for finding out the dimension
from the drawing (plans,elevation,sections, etc,)but for quick work certain principles
may be followed.
Accuracy in estimate is very important, if estimate is
exceeded it becomes a very difficult problems for engineers to explain, to account
for and arrange for the additional money. Inaccuracy in preparing
estimates,omissions of items,changes in designs,improper rates etc are the reasons
for exceeding the estimate.

Methods of Estimate:
An estimateis a computation or calculation of the quantities required and
expenditure likely to be incurred in the construction of a work.
Detailed Estimate: Preparation of detailed estimates consist of working out quantities of different items of work and then out the cost i.e.the estimate is
prepared in two stages.

(i) Details of measurement and calculated quantities: The whole work is divided in to different items of work and the items are classified and
grouped under different sub-heads.
Details of Measurement Form:

Item Description No Length Breadth Height Content or

No. or . or Quantity
Particular Depth

(ii Abstract of Estimated Cost: The Cost under item of work is calculated from
the quantity already computed at workable rates and the total cost is worked out in
a prescribed form.

Item No. Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount

Main Item of Work
Earthwork : It is measure in Cu.m (M3)
Concrete Foundation:
Damp Proof Course:
Types of Estimates,Sanction,Projects
• Estimate:- An estimate is the anticipated or probable cist of a work and is
usually prepared before the construction. Before undertakink any work or project
it is necessary to know the probable cost which is obtained or derived by
estimating. The estimates is prepared by computing or calculating the quantities
required and then calculating the cost at suitables rates (SOR).
• Different types of Estimates:-
• Buildings
(i) per unit basis :- Per student for school and hostels, per bed for hospitals,per seat
for cinema, per bay for factories
(ii) plinth area basis:-Yhis is prepared on the basis of plinth area of the building,the
rate being deducted from the cost of similar building having similar specification,
height and construction, in thelocality.
(iii) cube content basis:-It is an approximate estimate and is prepared on the basis of
cubical contents.
• Roads and Highways :- Per Kilometres (per mile) basis
• Irrigation Channel:- Per Kilometres (per mile) basis depending on
the capacity of the channels.
• Bridges and culverts:- Per running meters(running feet) of span
depending on the roadway,nature and depth of foundation
• Sewarage prtoject and water supply project:- (a) on the basis of
per head of population served
(b) on the basis of area covered

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