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Presentation on
Made by: Abdul Waris
Class: 11A
Roll no: 2
What is Refraction

It is the bending of light as it passes

from one medium to another.
Light travels faster in vacuum and slows
down in optically denser medium.
The ratio of the sine of the angle of
incedence to the sine of the angle of
refraction is constant
Example of Refraction
of Light.

Pencil is put in the glass of

water and it appears to be
displaced at the place air
and water meets. This is
because light enters in an
optically denser medium.
Another Example for Refraction of Light.

The air in the atmosphere isn’t all the

same. Some areas are thicker, and
some areas are thinner. Therefore,
when you go out at night and look at
the stars, they appear to twinkle. This
twinkling happens as light refracts as it
passes through the different layers of
the atmosphere.

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