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Review of Electromagnetics

 Magnets
 Magnetization Curve

There are two general types of magnets:

permanent magnets and electromagnets.
Permanent magnets contain a combination of
iron, cobalt and nickel metals, which produce
a continuous magnetic field. As a result,
these magnets will stick to your fridge
anytime. In electromagnets, magnetic field is
produced by an electric current. That
magnetic field dissipates when the electricity
stops flowing.
Types of Electromagnet

A resistive magnet produces a magnetic field
with copper wires. As electricity runs through
the wire, the electrons produce a weak
magnetic field. Then, if you twist a wire
around a piece of metal, say iron, you help
concentrate that magnetic field around the
iron. The more you twist the wire, the
stronger the field.
Types of Electromagnet

Superconducting electromagnets operate by
reducing electrical resistance: While a current runs
through a copper plate, atoms in the copper
interfere with the electrons in the current. Thus,
superconducting magnets use liquid nitrogen or
liquid helium to produce very cold temperatures.
The cold keeps the copper atoms out of the way,
and these electromagnets will keep running even
when the power's turned off.
Types of Electromagnet

Hybrid electromagnets combine resistive
electromagnets with superconducting
electromagnets. The design of hybrid
electromagnets vary, but the hybrid at Florida State
University's Magnet Lab weighs 35 tons, stands
over 20 feet tall and contains enough copper wire
for 80 average homes.
Deionised water, or water without an electrical
charge, keeps this hybrid magnet chugging along
more than 204 degrees C below freezing point.
 In electromagnetism, permeability is the measure of the
ability of a material to support the formation of a magnetic
field within itself. Hence, it is the degree of magnetization
that a material obtains in response to an applied magnetic
 If cores of different materials with the same physical
dimensions are used in the electromagnet, the strength of
the magnet will vary in accordance with the core used.
 The variation in strength is due to the number of flux lines
passing through the core.
 Magnetic material is material in which flux lines can readily
be created and is said to have high permeability.

Permeability (μ) is a measure of the ease with

which magnetic flux lines can be established in
the material.
μ = B/H, Henry/m
B – Flux Density, Wb/m2
H – Field Intensity, AT/m
Relative Permeability

Relative permeability (μr) is the ratio of the

permeability of a specific medium (μ) to the
permeability of free space (μo)

μo= 4π × 10−7 H/m (or N·A−2)
B-H Magnetization Curve

 A magnetisation curve/hysteresis loop/B-H

loop plots the relationship between the
induced magnetic flux density (B) and the
magnetizing force (H). 
 It shows how much flux density B results from
increasing field intensity H.
 Saturation is the effect of little change in flux
density when the field intensity increases.
B-H Magnetization Curve
Magnetic Hysteresis

 Hysteresis refers to a situation where the

magnetic flux lags the increase or decrease
in magnetizing force.
 Hysteresis loss is energy wasted in the form
of heat when alternating current reverses
rapidly and molecular dipoles lag the
magnetizing force.
 For steel and other hard magnetic materials,
hysteresis losses are much higher than in soft
magnetic materials like iron.
Magnetic Hysteresis Loop
Magnetic Hysteresis Loop
 Magnetic Hysteresis Loop shows the behaviour
of a ferromagnetic core graphically as the
relationship between B and H that is non-linear.
Starting with an unmagnetised core,
both B and H will be at zero, point 0 on the
magnetisation curve.
 If the magnetisation current, I is increased in a
positive direction to some value the magnetic field
strength H increases linearly with I and the flux
density B will also increase as shown by the curve
from point 0 to point a as it heads towards
Magnetic Hysteresis Loop
 Now if the magnetising current in the coil is reduced to
zero, the magnetic field circulating around the core also
reduces to zero. However, the coils magnetic flux will not
reach zero due to the residual magnetism present within
the core and this is shown on the curve from point a to
point b.
 To reduce the flux density at point b to zero we need to
reverse the current flowing through the coil. The
magnetising force which must be applied to null the
residual flux density is called a “Coercive Force”. This
coercive force reverses the magnetic field re-arranging
the molecular magnets until the core becomes
unmagnetised at point c.
Magnetic Hysteresis Loop

 An increase in this reverse current causes the

core to be magnetised in the opposite direction
and increasing this magnetisation current further
will cause the core to reach its saturation point
but in the opposite direction, point d on the curve.
 This point is symmetrical to point a. If the
magnetising current is reduced again to zero the
residual magnetism present in the core will be
equal to the previous value but in reverse at
point e.
Magnetic Hysteresis Loop
 Again reversing the magnetising current flowing
through the coil this time into a positive direction will
cause the magnetic flux to reach zero, point f on the
curve and as before increasing the magnetisation
current further in a positive direction will cause the
core to reach saturation at point a.
 Then the B-H curve follows the path of a-b-c-d-e-f-
a as the magnetising current flowing through the coil
alternates between a positive and negative value
such as the cycle of an AC voltage. This path is
called a Magnetic Hysteresis Loop.
Magnetic Hysteresis Loop
 Note that H = 0 but B > 0 (see point b)
 The ability for a coil to retain some of its
magnetism within the core after the magnetisation
process has stopped is called Retentivity or
remanence, while the amount of flux density still
remaining in the core is called Residual
Magnetism, BR.
 The reason for this is that some of the tiny
molecular magnets do not return to a completely
random pattern and still point in the direction of
the original magnetising field giving them a sort of
Magnetic Hysteresis Loop
 Some ferromagnetic materials have a high retentivity
(magnetically hard) making them excellent for
producing permanent magnets.
 While other ferromagnetic materials have low
retentivity (magnetically soft) making them ideal for
use in electromagnets, solenoids or relays. 
 One way to reduce this residual flux density to zero is
by reversing the direction of the current flowing
through the coil, thereby making the value of H, the
magnetic field strength negative. This effect is called
a Coercive Force, HC .

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