Concept of Mediation

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Concept of Mediation

Bishnumaya Bhusal
Assistant Professor
Member, Mediation Council
Concept and Meaning of Mediation

• The term 'mediate' is derived from the

Latin Word "Mediare" which means, "to
be in the middle". Certainly, the mediator
finds himself in the middle of a dispute.
• Mediation is a process that, together
with a number of other processes, is
collectively known as alternative dispute
• Mediation is a process in which a neutral
mediator helps parties in dispute to try
to work out their own principles and
terms for the resolution of the issues
between them.
• Mediators do not arbitrateand have no
authority to make or impose decisions
regarding the parties' issues.

• Mediation is a voluntary, non-binding, private dispute

resolution process, in which a neutral person helps
the parties to reach their own negotiated
• “Mediation” shall mean the process of voluntary and
confidential dialogue and negotiation by the
impartial and neutral third party as facilitator in
order to bring concurrence acceptable in the dispute
between the parties of the case.
• Supreme Court Regulation Rule 2(j), (1992).
• "Mediation" means a process to be followed to settle a
dispute or case with the assistance of a mediator.
• Mediation is an informal process in which a trained
mediator assists parties to reach a negotiated
• The mediator does not decide who is right or wrong and
has no authority to impose a settlement on the parties.
• Instead, the mediator helps the parties to jointly explore
and reconcile their differences.
• Mediation Act, Sec. 2(h), 2068 (2011) .
• Facilitates discussion of the issues
• Assists the parties in hearing each other’s
perceptions and version of the truth.
• Helps to identify the interests and needs
of both sides
• Explores alternative ways to resolve the
• Guides the parties to choose workable
and mutually acceptable resolution
Types of Mediation
1. Pre-Litigation Mediation:
• Community Mediation
• Mediation Centers or Local Authorities:
• Civil Societies Organizations
2. Post-Litigation Mediation:
Court-Annexed Mediation:
Court–Referred Mediation
Role of Mediator
• Facilitate the process of meeting and
• Open and maintain communications pathways.
• Encourage full expression of information and
• Create a safe environment.
• Encourage exploration of the problem(s).
Role of Mediator
• Maintain balance in the process.
• Empower all parties.
• Expand resources available to the parties.
• Help the parties to generate options.
• Generate options for the parties to consider
when they need help.
• Educate unskilled or unprepared parties to
negotiate more effectively.
Role of Mediator

• Help the parties define and explore issues of

• Help explore procedural and substantive
• Assist parties to get closure on the issue of the
• Memorialize the parties' agreement in a form
that is useful to them.
Mediator's Skills:
• Communication Skills
• Listening Skills:
• Observation Skills:
• Note-taking Skills :
• Neutral
– While sometimes give opinions, the best role is to get the
parties to mutually decide how to settle their dispute.

• Intelligent
– Understands the nature of the issues.
– Socially and emotionally intelligent; can read the parties
and chose the right tactics.
• Trustworthy
– Can be trusted with information that one party doesn’t
want revealed to the other party.
Mediation is a process that moves through stages.

1.Introduction: Mediator introduces self and sets the

ground rules.

2.Problem-solving: Mediator uses various tactics to

help parties to reach agreement.

3.Agreement: Mediator helps finalize the agreement

(e.g., in writing) by getting a commitment from both
What Tactics Do Mediators Use?
• Pressure try to change (or lower) a party’s expectations, push
them to make concessions, etc.
• Processes to simplify the agenda, call for caucuses, control the
timing or pace of negotiations, teach them about bargaining
processes (give and take, positions v. interests).
• Friendliness to gain trust and confidence, use humor, let them
blow off steam, speak their language.
• Avoid negative emotions: control expressions of hostility.
• Discuss alternatives: Discuss other settlements, have them
prioritize the issues.
Pray one hour before going to war,

Two hours before going to sea,

Three hours before getting married,

(and four hours before going to court).

- Indian Proverb – (modified)

S - stage
T – task (what)
A – action (how)
R - result

• * faster than litigation

• * less expensive than litigation
• * Informal compared to litigation
• * Parties select the neutral
• * Parties determine the outcome

• non-binding until agreement is reached

• * opportunity to vent emotions
• * creative solutions are possible
• * private
• * confidential
• * parties decide who participates
Why should you use mediation?
 Compared to litigation
 Faster
 Cheaper
 Private - confidential
 Less formal
 Parties remain in control of their dispute
Plaintiff’s View of the Case Defendant’s View of the Case
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eg]]sf] klg tfhfkgsf] xfjf lng' g} lyof]

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