Lesson 4 The Cavite Mutiny

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The Cavite

Lesson Objectives:
1.Identify the issues in the Philippines during the
19th century
2.Explain the significance of the Chinese mestizos
in the formation of Filipino identity
3.Enumerate the agrarian-related policies in the
Philippines under the Spanish regime
4.Describe how the Cavite mutiny resulted in the
awakening of Filipino nationalism
5.Relate the issues of the past to the contemporary
issues in the Philippines
Cavite Mutiny of 1872
• On the night of January 20, 1872, a mutiny broke out
among 200 Filipino soldiers in the arsenal of Cavite
under the leadership of Sgt. La Madrid.

• This mutiny was brought about by Izquierdo’s abolition

of their exemption from tributes and forced labor, which
the soldiers previously enjoyed.
Cavite Mutiny of 1872
• The insurgents were expecting
support from the bulk of the army
unfortunately, that didn’t happen.

• The news about the mutiny

reached authorities in Manila and
Gen. Izquierdo immediately
ordered the reinforcement of
Governor Rafael Izquierdo
Spanish troops in Cavite.
Cavite Mutiny of 1872

• The Spanish authorities took advantage of the situation

by arresting liberal-minded Filipinos. Nine Filipino
priests were deported to Marianas Island together with
thirteen lawyers and businessmen.
The Martyrdom of
• The incident was exaggerated by the
Spaniards to implicate Father Jose
Burgos, Father Mariano Gomez, and
Father Jacinto Zamora, due to their
active involvement in the campaign for
the secularization of parishes. These
three were executed by garrote for
alleged complicity in the rebellion.
Cavite Mutiny of 1872
• The Filipinos deeply resented the execution of the
GOMBURZA, owing to their innocence of the crime for
which they were tried. They hailed the three Filipino priests
as true martyrs of the fatherland.

• The execution of GOMBURZA was a blunder on the part of

the Spanish government, for the action severed the ill-
feelings of the Filipinos and the event inspired Filipino
patriots to call for reforms and eventually independence.
Rizal and the Cavite Mutiny

• Rizal was still very young when the mutiny broke out. He was
only 11 years old at that time. Although at his tender age, Rizal
was already cognizant of the deplorable conditions of the

• Originally, his plan was to take up priesthood and become a

Jesuit father. When he heard of the martyrdom f the
GOMBURZA, he changed his life to vindicate the victims of
Spanish oppression.
Rizal and the Cavite Mutiny

• The martyrdom of the three secular priests would resonate

among Filipinos; grief and outrage over their execution would
make way for the first stirrings of the Filipino revolution, thus
making the first secular martyrs of a nascent national identity.
Jose Rizal would dedicate his second novel, El Filibusterismo, to
the memory of GomBurZa, to what they stood for, and to the
symbolic weight their deaths would henceforth hold.

"The Two Faces of the 1872 Cavite Mutiny - National

Historical ...." 5 Sep. 2012, http://nhcp.gov.ph/the-two-faces-of-
the-1872-cavite-mutiny/. Accessed 27 Jul. 2020.

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