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What is a Project/Business Proposal?

A business proposal is a focused sales document intended to describe how a

company will approach a project, state the value of the project to the client
and solicit the client's business.
Sections of a Proposal
Your Proposal must include:

■ Title page Project plan

■ Table of content Budget
■ Executive summary Key personnel
■ Introduction Evaluation
■ Need/Problem statement Next steps
■ Goals/Objectives Appendix
Works cited
Title Page

The title page or cover sheet includes:

■ Name and logo of organization applying for funding
■ Contact information for the organization's authorized official (address,
telephone number, fax and email)
■ Name of the agency (program title) to which the proposal is submitted
■ Date
■ Name of authors
Table of Content
Your document must have a clear and organized table of content.
The table of contents is helpful for reviewers who should not have to hunt
for the relevant parts of the proposal.
It includes:
o Listing of proposal sections with page number references
o A listing of the attachments
Executive Summary
 The executive summary is a short overview of the entire business

 It provides a busy reader with everything that needs to be known

about the new venture’s distinctive nature.

 An executive summary shouldn’t exceed one single-spaced page.

 Even though the executive summary appears at the beginning of the

business plan, it should be written last.
Your introduction should include information such as the purpose of
your organization, a description of its activities, and a description of its
target population.

Items to include in this section:

■ Company description.
■ Company history.
■ Mission statement.
■ Products and services.
Needs Statement
■ State the problem to be addressed.
■ Identify the need your product or service fulfills or the problem your
product/service solves. In other words: what gap will you fill?
■ Identify the sector your proposed business or project will be in.
■ Identify the target population the project will impact.
■ Use data to demonstrate the length of time the issue has existed and
compare it with what has already been done by others.
■ Explain to the potential funder how your product/service ties into their
mission and adds to their portfolio.
■ Start with a concise statement of what the project or idea will
■ Each goal should be a general statement of what will be achieved.
■ Make sure your goals are SMART
• SMART goal 1
• SMART goal 2
• SMART goal 3
Project Plan
Use a chart to illustrate an organized plan of action.
■ List the steps the project will execute.
■ When each activity will be started and completed.
■ Who will be responsible for each activity.
Project Plan Chart

1. Design and implement training program for Month 1 Month 2 Month 3  

project management
XXXXXXX     Program
Manager (PM)

1.1. Conduct needs assessment   XXXXXX   Consultant

1.2. Design training modules     XXXXXX Consultant

1.3. Conduct training     XXXXXX Consultant

2. Improve procedure for project management XXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX Program


2.1. Conduct management audit of current   XXXXXX   Consultant

 State the proposed costs and budget of the project.
 Estimate start up cost.
 Annual fixed costs.
 Annual variable costs.
 Make sure to mention and explain any costs for facilities and equipment.
Key Personnel
■ List the key personnel who will be responsible for completion of the
■ Give brief descriptions of the responsibilities and qualifications of each
■ Curriculum vitae are usually included in the appendix. (not necessary this

■ Explain how the success of the project will be measured (refer to the
stated objectives).
■ State how the data will be collected, analyzed and documented.
■ Discuss who will be responsible for this task and what methods will be
Next Steps
Specify the actions required of the readers of this document. What action
would you like to see happen?
■ Next Step 1
■ Next Step 2
■ Next Step 3
Provide supporting material for your proposal here. It may be:
■ Research materials
■ Additional statistics or estimates
■ External quotes or tenders
■ Detailed cost / benefit spreadsheets
■ Other relevant information or correspondence.
Works Cited

Follow APA format for this section. Remember all works cited must also be
referenced to in the text (internal text citation).

Useful links to help you with this are:


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