Business English Ii: Corresponding With Customers

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Unit 23: Corresponding with

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Page 1
Main idea
Businessmen exchange ideas and
information by writing letters. They
communicate business information to
customers, suppliers and others, and at
the same time receive a variety of letters
from them.

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In this lesson students
will know about the
different types of
letters used in the
process of business
transactions, and will
describe the essential
qualities of a good
business letter.
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Page 3
Business correspondence or business letter
is a written communication between two
parties. Businessmen may write letters to
supplier of goods and also receive letters from
them. Customers may write letters seeking
information about availability of goods, price,
quality, sample etc. or place order for purchase
of goods.

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Importance of business
Business letters
• Help in maintaining proper relationship
• Are inexpensive and convenient mode
• Create and maintain goodwill
• Serve as evidence
• Help in expansion of business

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Are you still paying
Let’s see…

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Page 6
1) Business letters serve as a/an ..................
in case of dispute in business transactions.

2) It is ..................... for the businessmen to

remember all facts without correspondence.

3) Business letters build ................... for a


4) Business letter is the most ................. mode

of communication.

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Page 7
Write ‘T’ against true statements
and ‘F’ against false statements.
• Letter is a form of written communication___
• Through business letter personal contact can
be maintained between buyer and seller___
• Business letters lead to decline the goodwill
of the firm___
• Letter is a convenient and economic mode of

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Page 8
Essential Qualities of a Good
Business Letter
A letter should serve the purpose for which
it is written. If a businessman writes a letter
to the supplier for purchase of goods, the
letter should contain all the relevant
information relating to the product, mode of
payment, packaging, transportation of goods,
etc. clearly and specifically.

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Page 9
Inner Qualities
• They refer to the quality of language, its
presentation, etc. These facilitate quick
processing of the request and that leads to
prompt action. They are:
- Simplicity - Relevant
- Clarity - Courtesy
- Accuracy - Neatness
- Completeness

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Outer qualities
They refer to the appearance of the letter. Their
purpose is to create a favourable impression
in the mind of the reader.They include:
 The quality of paper
 Colour of the paper
 Size of the paper
 Folding of letter
 Envelope.

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Page 12
Fill out the blanks
Relevance, Courtesy, Accuracy, Clarity
1. The receiver understands the message in the
same way as intended by the sender___________
2. There should be no errors in the usage of
language in business letter_______________
3. Relevant information should be provided in
business letter______________
4. Words of anger should not be used in any
business letters____________

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Page 13
Parts of a business letter
The essential parts of a business letter
are as follows:

1. Heading – It usually contains the name

and postal address of the business, E-mail
address, Web-site address, Telephone
Number, Fax Number, Trade Mark or logo
of the business (if any)

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2. Date - The date is normally written on the right hand
side corner. Some examples are 28th Feb., 2003 or Feb.
28, 2003.
3. Reference- It indicates letter number and the
department from where the letter is being sent and the
year. Left hand corner after the heading. For example,
4. Inside address - This includes the name and full
address of the person or the firm to whom the letter is to
be sent. This is written on the left hand side of the sheet
below the reference number. Example:
The Chief Manager,
State Bank of India
Utkal University Campus
Orissa- 751007
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Page 15
5. Subject - It is a statement in brief, that
indicates the matter to which the letter relates.
For example,
Subject: Fire Insurance policy

6. Salutation - This is placed below the inside

address. It is usually followed by a comma
• Sir/Madam: For official and formal corresp.

7. Body of the letter- This comes after salutation.

This is the main part of the letter and it contains
the actual message of the sender.

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Page 16
8. Complimentary close - It is merely a polite way of
ending a letter. It must be in accordance with the
salutation. For example:
Dear Sir/Dear Madam -------------------Yours faithfully
9. Signature - It is written in ink, immediately below the
complimentary close.
10. Enclosures - This is required when some
documents are attached with the letter. These
enclosures are listed one by one in serial numbers.
11. Copy circulation - This is required when copies of
the letter are also sent to persons apart of the
addressee. It is denoted as C.C. For example,
C.C. i. The Chairman, Electric Supply Corporation
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Type of business letters

Business Enquiry Letter

Sometimes prospective buyers want to know
the details of the goods which they want to
buy, like quality, quantity, price, mode of
delivery and payment, etc.

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Type of business letters

Quotation Letter
After receiving the letter of enquiry from a
prospective buyer, the sellers supply the
relevant information by writing a letter that
is called quotation letter.

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Type of business letters

Order letter
The prospective buyer after receiving the
reply to his enquiry letter may decide to
place on order with that business house
which offers goods at minimum price and
at favourable terms and conditions.

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Page 21
Type of business letters

Complaint Letter
A complaint letter is written when the
purchaser does not find the goods upto his
satisfaction. It is normally written by the
purchaser when he receives wrong,
defective or damaged goods or receives
incorrect quantity of goods.

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Page 22
Type of business letters

Recovery letter
The letter written by the seller for collection
of money for the goods supplied to the
buyer is called recovery letter. The aim of
recovery letter is to collect money without
annoying the customers.

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Page 23
i. You want to buy a book from the Kalka Publication,
which is situated at Kanchan Bazar, Hyderabad,
Andhra Pradesh - 500030. Write a letter indicating
your requirements.
ii. Suppose you are the owner of a shop that sells
ceiling fans. You received an enquiry letter from M/s
Aakash Hotels, Connaught Place, New Delhi
seeking information about the price and availability
of fans. Write a letter in response to the enquiry
made by M/s Aakash Hotels.

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