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      -A form of media that has the appearance of moving text and
graphics on a display.its purpose is to
communicate information in multiple ways
 (roblyer 2006).

– -An integrated sight and sound kinetic media

– (Shelton,2014)
General Characteristics of Motion M

– It communicates message to large,

heterogeneous, and anonymous audiences;
– It communicates the same message to mass
audiences simultaneously, sometimes in public,
other times in private;
– It embodies messages that are usually impersonal
and transitory;
– It is multi-sensory such that the audience’s sight
and hearing are stimulated in concert. Such a
combination of sensory stimuli forms a complex
synergism that can significantly enhance
communication. This powerful double-barreled
combination of dual-sense stimulation
contributes in large measure to the compelling
influence of motion media;
– It is a formal, authoritative channel of
communication. Accordingly, its power in
informing and entertaining lies in the
communicator’s ability to control visual and aural
– It is instrumental in behavior and attitude
modification – that is, attitude formation, change,
conservation, and canalization (directing a
performed attitude to a new direction);
– It confers status upon issues, persons,
organizations, or social movements.
Different formats of "MOTION MEDIA"

1. FILM-also called a movie picture,is a series of still or moving images.

– ANIMATION-a scene from the animated film.
– SHORT FILM-a trailer of a short film, ninety seconds about
a surveillance expert taking on an assignment that might be his
– DOCUMENTARY FILM-telling where commercialized and fast food
comes from.
2. MOTION PICTURE IN TELEVISION-television is a telecommunication
medium for transmitting and receiving moving images that can
be monochrome (black and white)
– or colored,with or without accompanying sounds.
–  a. Commercial advertisement on
–  b. Philippine melodrama
–  c. Reality show
–  d. Game show.
– e. Talk show
–  f. Television news
– 3. INTERACTIVE VIDEO -usually refers to a technique used to blend interaction and linear
film or video.
a) "Customizable"Online Interactive Videos -                 
Customizable videos allow the user to adjust some variables and then play a
videos customized to the users particular ever the user does not actually
interact with the video while it is playing.
b) "Conversational"Online Interactive Videos -            
–      conversational videos allows the user to interact with a video in a turn-based
manner,almost as though the user was having a simple conversation with the characters
in the video       
– c)"Exploratory"Online Interactive Videos-exploratory videos allow the user to move
4.others(i.e phone gaming,computer games,cinema)
– -live stream is a live streaming video platform that allows users to
view and broadcast video content using a camera and computer
through the internet. it offers a free ad-supported service ad
multi-tiered premium services.

– MOTION-better mastery of procedures, as opposed to stagnant

– PROCESSES-operations where sequential movement is needed can
be shown.
– SAFE OBSERVATION-observing phenomena  that might be
dangerous to view directly.
– SKILL LEARNING-videos can be viewed over and over, so repeated
observation of skills is possible.
DRAMATIZATION-recreations of history and            
personalities; observing and analyzing human relations problem.
– AFFECTIVE LEARNING-Films for shaping personal and social
attitudes; documentaries and propaganda films to affect attitudes.
– PROBLEM SOLVING-Open ended dramatizations can leave viewers
to solve problems themselves. 
– CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING-Appreciation for other cultures by
seeing video depiction of them.
– ESTABLISHING COMMONALITY-People with different backgrounds
can discuss topics after watching a video.

– FIXED PACE-cannot be interrupted still                            

– PHENOMENA-Motion media is sometimes unsuitable to  
other topics such as those involving a map,a wiring
– MISINTERPRETATION-In documentaries and
dramatizations especially,intended messages are quite
deep and complex.because of that,young viewers who
lack maturity tend to misinterpret the message.
– COST-Equipment and materials for motion media are      
 expensive (e.g.DVD player,TV,etc.

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