The Scientific Approach and Alternative Approaches To Investigation

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Karabuk University

Department of Business Administration

Course Scientific Research Methods
:Presentation with title

The scientific approach and alternative(

)approaches to investigation
Prepared by: Tawfig Abdurrahman Al-Fageeh

Student NO :1928247044
Course professor : D.AKRAM ALHAMAD
2. The hallmarks of scientific
Scientific investigation .3
4. The hypothetico-deductive method
Review of the hypothetico-deductive.5
Alternative approaches to research.6
_The importance of scientific research in the sciences in general
and the science of business administration in particular is that it is
one of the bases for the success and advancement of any
What is meant by scientific research?
is organized steps aimed at finding a solution to a specific problem
within the work environment
These steps answer the questions that baffle us within the work _
environment and help managers to make a decision and solve any
problem. Research in the field of management is often conducted in
a scientific way. Therefore it is important to understand what the
_ .term scientific means
The hallmarks of scientific Research
.1. Purposiveness
.Rigor .2
.Testability .3
Replicability .4
.Precision and confidence .5
.Objectivity .6
.Generalizability .7
Parsimony .8
Scientific investigation:
what is the meaning of Scientific
Scientific investigation is a quest to find the answer to a
question using the scientific method. In turn, the
scientific method is a systematic process that involves
using measurable observations to formulate, test or
modify a hypothesis. Finally, a hypothesis is a proposed
explanation for some observed phenomenon, based on
experience or research. Scientific investigation is what
people like you and me use to develop better models and
.explanations for the world around them
The hypothetic-deductive method
Scientific research follows a logical, structured, and
rigorous step-by-step (scientific method) approach to finding
Solution to a problem. The scientific method was developed
in the context of the natural sciences, as it was done It was
the basis of many important discoveries. Although there are
many objections to this And its use in social and commercial
research, The predominant approach to knowledge
generation remains in the natural, social and business
The seven-step process in the hypothetico-
deductive method
The seven-step process in the hypothetico-deductive method .
The hypothetico‐deductive method involves the seven steps
listed and discussed next.
1. Identify a broad problem area.
2. Define the problem statement.
3. Develop hypotheses.
4. Determine measures.
5. Data collection.
6. Data analysis.
7. Interpretation of data
Review the deductive hypothesis method
The hypothetical - deductive method includes the seven steps for
defining and defining a broad problem area
Clarify the problem and assumption, define metrics, collect data,
analyze data, and interpret
Of the results. The scientific method uses deductive reasoning to
test a theory with respect to a scientist. A theory is an organized
set of assumptions that generate testable predictions) on a topic of
interest. In deductive reasoning, we operate from the general to the
most specific. We start with a general theory and then define
Down this theory to specific hypotheses that we can test. We
.narrow it further when we collect specific information
Alternative approaches to research

we will briefly discuss the most important perspectives

for contemporary research in business. We will
successively deal as follow :
Critical Realism
In this lecture we dealt with important aspects of interest to
the scientific researcher and since scientific research is
important for every director in any organization as it helps
the director to solve the problems that arise within the work
.environment. To reach its goals
We also spoke through the hypothetico-deductive method and
its seven steps and we reviewed it, also we knew what is the
.meaning of scientific investigation
Finally we talked about Alternative Approaches to Research,
we introduced Positivism ,Constructionism ,Critical realism

I hope I have successfully prepared my

best regards

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