International Business: Trade Exercise: A Presentation by Wesley Myers

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International Business:

Trade Exercise
A Presentation by Wesley Myers
• Lots of Fish
• Lots of Fresh Water
• Some Food (other than fish)
• Some Manufacturing Ability
• Food (to offset what they already have)
• Wood
• Metal Building Materials
• Modern Technology and Machinery
• Energy Sources
• Vast Supply of Various Metals
• Oil
• Very Little Fresh Water
• Food
• Water
• Wood
• Technology and Machinery
• Wood
• Fruits and Vegetables
• Meat
• A Small Amount of Water
• Technology and Machinery
• Metal Building Materials
• Water (to offset what they already have)
• Energy Sources
• Fish (to offset their food supplies and provide more
options to their citizens)
• Advanced Technology and Machinery
• Ability to Manufacture Almost Anything
• Energy Sources (generators and turbines that run
on renewable energy sources such as sunlight)
• Wood
• Food
• Metal Building Materials
• Fresh Water
• Treeland will supply them with meat, produce and wood
as long as they provide them with fish and take care of
any of their freshwater needs.
• Rockland will supply them with any metals they need in
exchange for fresh water and fish.
• Techland will provide them with the technology and
machinery to increase their manufacturing ability
(allowing them to distribute their fish on a larger scale)
as well as tidal energy converters which will allow them

Meeting Fishland’s to produce their own energy from the tides. They will
trade them this in exchange for a supply of fresh water
and fish.

Needs In summary, Fishland now has a variety of meat options for

their citizens as well as a fresh supply of fruits and
vegetables from Treeland. They have the metal and wood
that they will need for any construction and whatever else
might come up from both Rockland and Treeland. They
will also have the technology to increase the quality of life
for their citizens as well as to produce their own energy
from Techland. They now have a much lesser supply of
fish, but a greater supply of food and resources overall.
Meeting Rockland’s Needs

• Fishland will supply them with fresh water and fish in exchange for metals.
• Treeland will trade meat, produce and wood to Rockland for metals and oil.
• Techland will provide them with the technology and machinery to advance their mining
operations in exchange for metals and oil.
In summary, Rockland now has fresh water and fish from Fishland. Meat, produce and
wood from Treeland. And advanced machines and mining equipment from Techland. They
have traded away many of their metals and don’t have anywhere near as much oil as they
used to, but they can now extract those materials on a much larger scale (thanks to
Techland) and now have the resources to better look after their own citizens.
Meeting Treeland’s Needs

• Fishland will supply them with fresh water and fish in exchange for meat, produce and wood.
• Rockland will trade them metals and oil for a supply of meat, produce and wood.
• Techland will provide them with farming equipment that will increase their ability to harvest and
package crops as well as solar panels so long as they ensure a steady supply of meat, produce
and wood is given to them.
In summary, Treeland now has access to fresh fish and a larger supply of drinking water. They
have metals with which they can build things and oil to power their farming equipment from
Rockland. They will also be able to farm more efficiently and eventually generate their own
electricity from the solar panels given to them by Techland. Their own food supplies are less, but
they will now have access to a greater variety of food thanks to Fishland, they will also be able to
farm more efficiently and are far better off overall.
Meeting Techland’s Needs
• Rockland is willing to trade them metals in exchange for mining equipment.
• Fishland will be able to provide them with fresh water and fish in exchange for better
manufacturing equipment and tidal energy converters.
• Treeland will provide them with meat, produce and wood if Techland gives them farming
equipment and solar panels.
In summary, Techland now has the metals with which they can construct their machines
courtesy of Rockland. Fish and water from Fishland. And meat, produce and wood from
Treeland. Techland’s vast industry and skilled workers are useless without the resources from
the other nations and so, while they have committed themselves to a fair amount of work,
they will be much better off overall.

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