Definition of Setting

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Definition of setting

Setting refers to where and when the the actions of the

story occurs. In certain stories, the environment can
play a significant role. Sometimes the environment is
so important that it may imply characters in the story
and take part to raise conflict. Knowing where and
when the story is happening will help readers to
produce strongers, more defensible
interpretations.The definition of setting can also
include social statuses, weather, historical period, and
details about immediate surroundings.
Types of settings :
Neutral settings = often the setting in a work of fiction
ias little more than a reflection of the truth that things
have to happen somewhere.
The spiritual settings = our expectations to rural
settings suggest that few settings are absolutely
neutral because few settings are merely physical.
The elements of setting
A. The actual geographical location, including photography, scenery,
even the details of a rooms interior.
B. The occupation and modes of day to day existence of the characters
C. The time in which the action takes places e.g historical period,
season, season of the year.
D. The religious moral, intellectual, social, emotional environment of
the characters function of setting.
E. Setting as metaphor. We have thus far been limiting our discussion to
the literal presentation of setting. Even what we have called “spiritual
setting” does not essentially involve a departure from the the literal,
since it extends only to the observable and intangible, effect that time
and place may have on character and events.
F. Atmosphere. A further function of setting, related to but not
identical with its metaphorical function, is the creation of
atmosphere. Atmosphere has been more talked about than
defined, and because it refers to the suggested rather than stated,
it may be possible to define satisfactorily.
G. Setting as the dominant of element : like character setting may
be the element of primary importance in a particular story or
even in the work of particular author.
H. Time as the dominant element: in many works of fiction the
time in which the action occurs is the highest importance.
I. Place as the dominant element: work of fiction in which the
spatial setting or place dominating are generally classified as
examples of local color or regionalism. The regionalist seeks to
investigate the effects on character of a particular geographical
setting which means a spiritual as well as physical setting.

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