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Well Logging

Lab Instructor :
Engr. Muhammad Awais Qureshi

Department of Petroleum &

Gas Engineering 01/11/2021
Well Logging-Lab
• Tutorial Solution-properly date mentioned
• Lab Evaluation according to rubrics
• Attendance
• Mid Term Viva
• End Term Viva

0 1 2 3 4
Criteria Unacceptable Acceptable Moderate Good Excellent
Introduction Introduction is absent Very little background Some introductory Introduction is Introduction complete and
information provided or information, but still nearly complete, well-written; provides all
information is incorrect missing some major missing some minor necessary details
points points

Procedure Procedure is missing Missing several Written in paragraph Written in Well-written in paragraph
important details or not format, still missing paragraph format, format, all details are
written in paragraph some important important details covered
format details are covered, some
minor details

Results, Results, data, figures, Figures, graphs, tables Most figures, graphs, All figures, graphs, All figures, graphs, tables
data, figures, graphs, graphs, tables are contain errors or are tables OK, some still tables are correctly are correctly drawn, are
tables, etc. missing poorly constructed, have missing some drawn, but some numbered and contain
missing titles, captions important or required have minor titles/captions. Well
or numbers, units features, Fairly problems or could explained results
missing or incorrect, explained results still be improved,
Results not well Results not well
elaborated etc. explained

Tutorial 01
•• Objective: Determination of formation temperature using well log data.
• Related Theory:
• Formation temperature is one of the most critical parameters in drilling and work-over
operation and it varies by true vertical depth of wellbore. On the basis of Formation
temperature, casing is designed and phase behavior of the fluid is determined. In Darcy’s
calculation, formation temperature is used. Well logs are used to estimate the formation
• The following formula shows relationship between formation temperature and true vertical
depth of well.

• Where,
• Tf = Formation Temperature
• BHT= Bottom hole Temperature
• ST = Surface Temperature
• TD = total Depth
• FD= Formation depth

Problem Statement
•1.   Calculate the formation temperature at 8000 ft using BHT of
220OF at 11000ft, while surface temperature is 80OF.
2. Calculate the formation temperature at 9000 ft, while surface
temperature is 80OF, with geothermal gradient is 1.2 OF/100 ft.

Solution Steps
1. Determine the formation temperature values using formula
given above.
2. Determine the formation temperature values using Figure 1.
3. Compare the two values calculated in Step – 01, and Step –

Figure 1.Estimation of
Formation temperature Curve

Problem Statement 1
1. Calculate the formation temperature at 8000 ft using BHT of
220ºF at 11000ft, while surface temperature is 80ºF.
FD = 8000 ft, BHT = 220ºF, TD = 11000 ft, ST= 80ºF
 Using Formula above

 Using Temperature Formation Evaluation curve

• Using BHT at 11000ft and 220 ℉, locate the point A in the

Figure 1. (220 ℉ , 11000 ft)
• Draw the parallel line to the other lines upward up to the point
B across 8000 ft. ( x ? , 8000 ft)
• The corresponding temperature value on x-axis is our required
temperature, which is 180℉.

• By Using Formula
The formation temperature at 8000 ft using BHT of 220ºF at
11000ft= 181.8181º F
• By Using Formation Temperature Estimation Curve
The formation temperature at 8000 ft using BHT of 220ºF at
11000ft= 180º F

Problem Statement 2
•1.   Calculate the formation temperature at 9000 ft, while surface
temperature is 80OF, with geothermal gradient is 1.2 OF/100 ft.
FD = 9000 ft, BHT = ? ºF, TD = 11000 ft, ST= 80ºF
• BHT =
BHT= 212 ºF
By Using Formula

 Using Formation Evaluation curve
• Locate the given geothermal gradient line in the Figure 1. (1.2
• Locate the point C corresponding to 9000ft on that line.
• The corresponding temperature on x-axis is our required
temperature, which is 185℉

• By Using Formula
The formation temperature at 9000 ft using BHT of 212ºF at
11000ft= 188 ºF
• By Using Formation Temperature Estimation Curve
The formation temperature at 9000 ft using BHT of 212ºF at
11000ft= 185º F

Result Analysis
• The result obtained from the formula and Formation
Temperature Curve are little bit different.
• From the formula we will get more accurate estimation than
the Formation Temperature Curve because there may be some
error in location the points on the curve.


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