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Home Environment

Stability and
Temperament Traits of
Public School
Kinder Pupils
M A R J O R I E F. I B A Ñ E Z
Candidate, MAECE

A child's temperamental characteristics play a significant role in the

nature of his functioning in school, because they affect both the manner
in which he/she approaches the learning task and the way in which
he/she interacts with other children and teachers. These temperamental
qualities are in themselves have either positive nor negative in their
consequences. A positive adaptation to school enable children to learn
optimally when the demands are consonant with his temperamental style
and with his own capacities. Conversely, learning is impaired when the
demands are dissonant and become sources of stress.

This study was conducted to ascertain the

relationship of home environment to the

temperament traits of kinder pupils in the public

schools for School Year 2020-2021.


1. What is the level of home 2. What is the level of 3. Is there a

environment stability of temperaments traits of kindergarten
kindergarten pupils in terms of pupils when grouped according to

the following domains the following dimensions relationship between

1.1 parental union, 2 . 1 i n t e n s i t y,

home environment
2.2 activity level,
stability and
1.2 parent work status, 2 . 3 r e g u l a r i t y,

1.3 parent work schedules, 2.4 distractibility and temperament traits of

1.4 household income, and 2.5 quality of mood?
kindergarten pupils?

1.5 child care arrangements?


There is no significant relationship

between home environment stability and
temperament traits of kindergarten pupils.

Bronfenbrenner ’s Ecological Model (1979)

The theory suggests that the microsystem is the smallest and most
immediate environment in which children live. As such, the microsystem
comprises the daily home , school or day-care, peer group and
community environment of the children. Interactions within the
microsystem typically involve personal relationships with family
members, classmates, teachers and caregivers. The child’s interaction
with these groups or individuals will eventually affect their
psychosocial development.

Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory (1978)

Places culture in everyday activity because every form of

human activity is a cultural form of behavior, developed and
enacted in a defined cultural context and later internalized by
the individual.

Wiesner ’s Ecoculutral Theory (2002)

This theory asserts that the cultural community provides children with
developmental path-ways inside an ecocultural context. Developmental
pathways are internalized (or crystallized) in everyday routines
(bedtime, video games, homework, cooking dinner, etc.). In this sense,
culture are the routines that individuals engage in. According to Weisner,
García, Coll, and Chatman-Nelson (2010), developmental pathways refers
to the different kinds of activities, organized by families and local
communities, in which the child could or will engage during development.
Research Research Locale Respondents Research Data Analysis
Design Instrument
Descriptive- Selected Public (78) parents and A Questionnaire on
• Mean and
Correlational Elementary Schools guardians of the Home Environment Standard
in Piedad Disctrict Stability and
kinder pupils Deviation
Toril, Davao City Temperament
(2008)- Traits of Kinder
Crossman (2019)- • Pearson r
Descriptive Pupils
Total Population
Cronbach’s Alpha
Strangor (2011) -
Correlational Home Environment
Research  Stability (.93)
Temperament Traits
The home environment of Most of the time, kinder There is a strong
the kinder pupils is highly pupils exhibited varied positive significant
stable. In particular, the temperament traits in the
relationship between
home environment is form of activity level,
the home
characterized by a highly regularity, distractibility and
environment stability
stable parental union, quality of mood. Sometimes
parent work status and
of kindergarten
these pupils exhibited
parent work schedules as intense temperament. pupils and their
well as stable household temperament traits.
income and child care
The highly stable home The exhibited
The temperament traits
temperament traits of
environment of the were explicitly observed
kindergarten pupils can
kindergarten pupils
most of the times wherein be attributed to the
enable family
most of the observations stability of their home
functioning that is environment. The strong
founded on strong are on the activity level,
positive correlation
marital bond and stable regularity, distractibility imply that the increasing

source of family and quality of mood. While stability of home

environment contribute
livelihood. intensities of temper were
to the increased
sometimes observed from frequency of exhibited

these pupils. temperament traits.


F o r t h e p a r e n t s a n d n o n - p a r e n t a l c a r e t a k e r s o f k i n d e r p u p i l s t o k e e p u p t h e f a mi l y f u n c t i o n i n g t h r o u g h t h e

provision of ample time of their presence for child care. In addition, they have to maintain their psychological

w e l l - b e i n g d e s p i t e o f t h e c o m p e t i n g d e ma n d s o f c h i l d - c a r e a n d e c o n o m i c n e e d s o f t h e h o u s e h o l d .

For the teachers of kindergarten pupils to monitor the temperament of their pupils as they socialize with the

s c h o o l c o m m u n i t y. T h i s w i l l h e l p mi t i g a t e f u t u r e u n d e s i r a b l e b e h a v i o r s t h r o u g h p r o p e r i n t e r v e n t i o n t h a t a r e

collectively planned by parents, teachers and other stakeholders.

For the future researchers to explore other factors that explain the development of temperament traits of the

c h i l d . O n t h i s n o t e , t h e i n f l u e n c e o f m e d i a a n d i n t e r n e t o n c h i l d ’s t e m p e r a me n t c o u l d b e a f e a s i b l e f o c u s f o r

future studies.

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