Индивидуальный проект «Artificial Intelligence: pros and cons» («Искусственный интеллект: за и против»)

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Министерство образования Калининградской области

государственное автономное учреждение

Калининградской области
профессиональная образовательная организация
«Колледж сервиса и туризма»

Индивидуальный проект
«Artificial Intelligence: pros and cons»
(«Искусственный интеллект: за и против»)

Автор проекта: Романовская В.М.,

студентка гр. № ПКД 19-1
Руководитель: Кувайцева В. Г.,
преподаватель иностранного языка

Калининград 2020
The relevance of the research topic that we have chosen is that it is not known how artificial intelligence will develop
in the future and whether it can make life easier for us, or vice versa, will cause irreparable harm to humanity.
The purpose of the study: analysis of the impact of artificial intelligence on humanity at the present time.
Research Objectives:
1. To study the origin and meaning of the concept of “artificial intelligence”.
2. Explore the history of the development of artificial intelligence in Russia.
3. To analyze the modern areas of application of artificial intelligence in Russia.
4. Identify the main arguments of scientists for and against artificial intelligence.
As the object of study, we chose artificial intelligence.
Subject of research: arguments for and against artificial intelligence.
Research hypothesis: the development of artificial intelligence will bring more benefit to humanity than harm in the
Project period:
1 Study of theoretical sources, selection of information September-December 2019
2 Analysis of information, structuring of material January-February 2019
3 Study of the development of AI and their applications March 2019
4 Reporting the results of research April 2019
5 Preparation project presentation and defense May 2020
The history of the development of artificial intelligence in Russia
The term “artificial intelligence” was coined by
renowned computer scientist John McCarthy at the In 1954, at Moscow State University under
1956 Dartmouth Seminar. the guidance of Professor A.A. Lyapunov
Artificial intelligence is a technology, or rather, a (1911 - 1973) began his seminar "Automata
direction of modern science, which is exploring ways and Thinking". This seminar was attended
by major physiologists, linguists,
to train a computer, robotic technology, and an
psychologists, and mathematicians. It is
analytical system to think rationally just like a believed that it was at this time that
person. artificial intelligence was born in Russia.
As abroad, the directions of
neurocybernetics and black box cybernetics
have been distinguished.

In 1945 - 1964 separate programs are created and the search for
solutions to logical problems is investigated.
In 1965 - 1980 a new science is developing - situational
Robots are In 1980 - 1990 active research is being carried out in the field
electromechanical devices of knowledge representation, languages ​of knowledge
designed to automate representation, expert systems (over 300) are being developed.
human labor. The idea of At the Moscow State University, the language REFAL is
creating robots is extremely created.
ancient. The word itself In 1988, the AII - Association of Artificial Intelligence was
appeared in the 1920s. Its created.
author is the Czech writer In the 50s. One of the popular topics in artificial intelligence
Karel Čapek. research was the field of machine translation. The first program
in this area is a translator from English into Russian.
Modern areas of application of artificial intelligence in Russia
At the end of 2017, Russian Prime Minister D. Medvedev outlined a strategy that, among other things, involves the use of artificial intelligence
capabilities in Russian healthcare. For example, it is planned to develop the Third Opinion physician decision support system. Now she knows how
to analyze images of blood cells and the fundus, ultrasound of the bladder and x-rays of the lungs, and in the future she will learn how to process
data from computer tomographs and MRI. Another similar Russian system is Botkin.AI. Among her tasks are the analysis of diagnostic data, tips
and advice to doctors, monitoring the treatment. Artificial intelligence helps not only doctors, but also patients. In recent years, the popularity of
telemedicine and related applications has been growing. They use various algorithms: some collect data from wearable sensors like fitness
bracelets; others, rather, are questionnaires whose purpose is to establish the exact symptoms and problems of patients. Some AIs recognize speech
and can be answered verbally, while others prefer written communication. Having received the necessary information, the applications either give
recommendations on what to do next and how to be treated, or send the relevant information to the attending physician. One of the most famous
intelligent assistants of this kind is Ada and Your.MD (available for download on Google Play and the App Store).

Industry and Agriculture

In industry, artificial intelligence allows you to do work more and more automated, to the extent that human participation is practically no longer
required. In particular, LG plans to open a plant in 2023, where all processes - from the purchase of consumables to the control of manufactured
products and their shipment - will be carried out using artificial intelligence. The AI ​will also monitor equipment wear and tear, fulfillment of set
plans and other factors that a person usually monitors.
As for agriculture, then artificial intelligence is used to monitor the condition of plants, the level of moisture, the presence of necessary nutrients in
the soil and, in principle, for proper care of plantings. For example, robots have learned to identify weeds and carefully dispose of them (by pulling
out or treating with chemicals). Smart assistants are able to identify plant diseases or pests that have attacked them from photographs, as well as
deliver targeted drugs on a targeted basis. This helps save pesticides and herbicides more economically.

In many countries, the ability of artificial intelligence to process huge amounts of data is used to alleviate the problem of traffic jams. In Russia
in particular, AI helps traffic in major cities and on federal highways. The computer analyzes data from traffic lights, collects information about
traffic density, accidents, weather conditions and other reasons that can affect traffic. As a result, an intelligent system monitors roads in real
time, makes forecasts of how the situation will develop, and in accordance with this switches traffic lights.
Modern areas of application of artificial intelligence in Russia

Artificial intelligence in everyday life

Of course, a typical example of the use of AI in everyday life will be systems of smart homes, which
are becoming more widespread. The task of most of these developments is to automate and make our
life easier. For example, in the morning, the AI will be able to open the curtains so that sunlight
enters the bedroom, wake you up with the radio and turn on the coffee maker, so that you will have
aromatic coffee for breakfast, and when you leave for work, it will activate an alarm.

Understanding of language
There are programs that recognize and reproduce human speech. Some of them recognize hundreds of
individual words, others may even “understand” coherent speech. There are computer programs that can
read texts from primers and answer some questions about these texts. Other programs can talk with your
doctor about blood diseases. But the range of issues in which such programs are “understood” is very
narrow. And the difficulty is not in the vocabulary, but in the fact that in order to understand an article
from the encyclopedia, more initial knowledge and the ability to reason than the program can take into
account are required.

Yandex. Translator service begins to use a hybrid system in its work, which includes
neural networks and a statistical translation method. So far, the new machine learning
model will be applied only when translating from English into Russian, but the
company plans to implement this algorithm in other language pairs.
Analysis of the Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence

AI self-training (unfortunately, not easier work and the exclusion of

everyone is capable of this) monotonous work

Artificial Intelligence «pros»

AI is convenient to use to learn something. Artificial intelligence is

great for mechanical activities. Safe exploration of outer space, the
depths of the ocean or the earth’s core can now be done much more
efficiently. And any experiments and tests using artificial
intelligence will occur much faster and cheaper.
The next alleged industrial revolution (related to AI), could Crashes. Shifting many complex tasks to programs, you Artificial intelligence can do much harm to
deprive the work of about a billion people. The financial need to remember that any machine can, so to speak, humanity. He will not be able to make a morally
reports made by the machine are, of course, wonderful, but "shut down". And this, in turn, will lead to the loss of correct decision in the new situation. Because the
significantly reduce the responsibilities of an accountant, for important data. presence of morality is a unique feature of man.

Artificial Intelligence «cons»

AI is not a single entity. Programs based on artificial

AI cannot be ambitious (for now, for sure). A
intelligence are tools for solving narrow-profile problems. If we
program can think like a person and set itself
are talking about creating a robot similar to humans, then this AI
To create an AI that can AI is not alive. He can goals. But its general purpose and meaning of
will not be “he” or “she”, but “they” - a set of different systems,
bypass a person by fulfill the tasks of existence is determined solely by man. We
each of which works on its own.
intelligence (which is what people, but is not define the role of artificial intelligence in our
everyone is afraid of), it is capable of true society.
necessary that its computing creativity, emotions,
power be greater than the desires, in addition to
“power” of the human brain. those that can be
And since humanity itself programmed in it. Then
does not fully understand what kind of
what the brain is capable of, replacement designer or,
solving this problem will be for example, a musician
rather difficult. can we talk about?
The study of AI in Russia has also come a long way, so that today AI is actively used not only in medicine, science, industry,
agriculture, traffic, but even in ordinary life. For example, in linguistics: the Yandex.Translator service begins to use a hybrid system
in its work, which includes neural networks and a statistical translation method. So far, the new machine learning model will be
applied only when translating from English into Russian, but the company plans to implement this algorithm in other language pairs.
True, at the global level, Russia's lag in the field of industrial intelligent systems is about 5-7 years.
• After analyzing all the pros and cons, we can conclude that AI partially benefits humanity
• But there are much more shortcomings from him (7 arguments against, 3 against arguments).
• In addition, futurologists around the world believe that in the near future we should be careful about the uprising of cars, since
they are already learning to cheat and lie, they take jobs from us, they become smarter than hackers among people, they begin to
understand our behavior, they are becoming more and more like people, they begin to feel, learn the wrong way, can become
weapons, get into our heads, penetrate our minds.
• The hypothesis of our study that the development of AI in the future will bring more benefit to mankind than harm can be refuted.
The reason for this is the imperfection of AI, economic prerequisites and many other factors.
Artificial intelligence has come a long way of development, and to this day, artificial intelligence is actively studied, developed and
even applied in various fields and spheres of life - in medicine, science, industry, agriculture and up to the everyday life of people,
such as smartphones, other electronic equipment - there is also a place to be AI. But it is impossible to talk about the complete
replacement of a person with artificial intelligence, since in most cases it cannot exist separately and be used exclusively without
people, and in such professions as a designer, musician, replacement with artificial intelligence is completely impossible.
• Yes, artificial intelligence helps people, but at the same time, in the near future, for example, it can take away work from a large
number of people and humanity will begin to forget about its abilities and will completely rely on AI, which is wrong.
We can conclude that humanity must very carefully and carefully develop neural networks, because if humanity together with AI are
involved in balance, then, perhaps, it will be possible to avoid such problems, for example, as losing people’s work, which is worse - a
machine uprising, capable of harm us.
AI cannot yet fully function without humans. We believe that there must be a balance so that AI does not harm humanity. The last
word should remain with the person, because fully counting on and relying on AI, trusting him, autonomously participating in all
processes is at least unreasonable, and certainly very dangerous.

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