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Home Comfort
Trend is about consumer’s sympathy to the home atmosphere and trust to
home-made products. Customer is in need of native and “dear” non-factory,
non-mass goods. Even illusion of home-made will satisfy their wishes.

You can treat consumer with a cup of coffee and invite to relax on a
home sofa. These things are very pleasant for those tired of big city
WITH YO routine. Home atmosphere is becoming an advantage.

Home is a factory of perfection. Mothers knitted socks,

homemade soup associates with heart-based quality and home
comfort. There are more and more “home made” goods.
Back to the Past
Who wants to grow-up? Consumer wants to be back in the past, when he/
she was a child. He wants to escape from the problems of noisy life and
intensive work.

We are looking at the past thinking that it was golden period, romantic
RETR and fabulous. People are feeling nostalgia and dreaming of the past.
O For each consumer there is his/her own nostalgia angle so we are
MANI talking about retomania sub-trend.

Games for adults help to escape from everyday routine and to enjoy your
Trend is striving for keep one’s debits growing like mental and physical health.

Consumers are used to look beautiful and handsome, to take care of

themselves and to invest money in health. Private clinics, hospitals and
medical laboratories are on the rise same as number of spa-salons and
wellness centers.

Sport revisits Ukrainian consumers becoming more democratic and
available. More people prefer to spend their time in an active way trying
out new sport activities – bicycle-trial, kengoo-jumping, snowkite, etc.

Ukrainians prefer natural foods produced without GMO, preservatives
S and fertilizers, from ecologically clean places.

Healthy nutrition and sport exercises from Monday till Friday then
“party hard” from Friday till Sunday.
Consumer is tired of the speed-up temp of a modern fast-forwarding
world. He is looking for a common and clear things, he is back to national
and ethnical roots.

Consumer is getting involved into Ukrainian culture and

UKRAI traditions from clothes to literature. Festivals of traditional
NI Ukrainian music, national motives in Ukrainian designers
collections show love toward Ukrainian culture.

ETHN Ethno-culture, history, myths, legends plunge us to the atmosphere

O of naturalness and simplicity. Ethnoshops, ethnocafes, ethnoclubs,
RENAI ethnomusic and even ethnotourism are appearing in Ukraine.
Eco Life
As the number of plants and factories polluting environment is getting
bigger , consumer strives to live in ecologically clean areas , in balance with
nature and environment.

ECO Alternative energy sources, bio fuel production are the most
ENERG vivid manifestations of consumers caring about ecology.
It is going to be hard to live in a big city. Young Ukrainians want their children to
CLOSE be free of the city problems. People want to live closer to nature, in balance and
TO harmony: they spent weekends in the county; first eco-villages are built in
NATUR Ukraine; eco-tourism is becoming popular.
RESPONS With strong focus on tomorrow’s challenges, companies need are
declaring eco-responsibility efforts.

FASHIO Eco-initiatives of brands and opinion leaders manifested in the
sponsoring of eco events and propaganda of eco-friendly fashion for
regular urban usage.
Low Cost Lifestyle
Consumer’s intention not to overpay for the goods and services which can be
purchased at affordable, lower price. Low cost lifestyle is not necessary lifestyle of
poor or greedy consumers. This is a lifestyle of smart and experienced consumers
with different income levels who are used to analyzing and planning their

Crisis is turning Ukrainians into the practice of collective or shared

SHARIN purchasing, rent and even travel. Sharing is a new philosophy of life-
G style and consumption.

Even in times of economical downturn consumers are willing to

discover and travel. They want to look stylish and wear branded
Y CLASS clothes. It is possible with economy-class services and shops.

TRYSUM Trysumerism is a tendency of owning less and using more. Renting goods
E- RISM for different cases or sometimes with perspective of purchasing.
People understand that there is no reason to overpay for the services and
STAYCA products that could be done at home, including the entertainment. It is the
- TION reason for staying home instead of going out to different places. As a result
the role of individual and family home consumption is growing.

To keep their customers many shops, bars, night clubs, etc. move to a
DEMOCRA more democratic format. This can be seen in the price format, the face-
- control, the interior and the menu. New democratic formats such as the
TIZATIO cork-fee, show rooms, beer gardens, food courts and yard sales appear.

Break out from the usual, mundane, routine, by realizing your creative
potential, expanding your horizons, achieving success and enjoying life
today not tomorrow.
Live In the Moment
Group of Ukrainian consumers is living in a moment. People want to
get everything today not tomorrow. There is no time to think about
the future and postpone plans.

Ukrainian consumer purchasing capacity is much lower in comparison

LLUXU with average European but nevertheless Ukrainians buy the latest
RY mobile phone models and expensive branded clothes to mention few.
WITH NO Ukrainian consumer became a victim of “luxury living” lifestyle.

Consumers’ attitude to social status is becoming ironic. Logo and brand

MTENTA mania is dying out. People are starting to understand that show off
L and material things are not the most important values. People will pay
GURPGR more attention to the quality of life.
It is mental diversion by means of entertainment or recreation used as an
"escape“ from the perceived unpleasant aspects of daily stress.

SCREEN Computer games and internet in XXI century are equivalent to

cinema, TV and radio, they used to help consumer to escape from
SCAGPI the problems and plunge into virtual world of illusions.

Downshifting is a social behavior or trend in which individuals live

simpler lives to escape from the rat race of obsessive materialism
TEMPORARY and thus reduce stress and its psychological consequences. Crisis
times is good for some to realize their dreams of downshifting. But
not for the lifetime – just to wait till rain is over.
Personal Growth
Striving for knowledge, professional and personal growth.

C Consumer is in the search for peace, harmony and recreation. That’s how
OMNPDREHAN yoga and tantric practices are getting more popular. People want to
D open their inner potential, to comprehend yourself.


Number of different courses, master-classes and trainings

TEACH concerning different areas of life demonstrates huge desire of a
YOURSE consumer to study and develop its talents.
Ukraine is still in progress of cultural integration into the world
community. Integration goes across multiple areas of Ukrainian society.

WL Ukraine has opened its boarders both physically and culturally. Slowly, step
ELCOME by step, Ukraine is becoming popular among foreign tourists and people all
over the world.

UKARINE If before Ukraine was related with Chernobyl, sport heroes and
IN THE neighborhood with Russia, nowadays it got broader. More
WORLD people are opening different Ukraine for themselves.
Creative Generation

Ukrainian from “homo-faber” (Man of Work) to “homo-creativus”. Creative

source is differentiating characteristic of new consumer generation.

They are actors, movie directors, photographers, dance instructors, DJs

PRO- and musicians after 18 p.m.. And before they are white collars,
AMATEU employees of big and small companies. All of them are dreaming to
R develop hobbies into profession and express their talent.

EANGAGNET Modern’s consumer is pro-active. Consumers are opened to

MENT cooperation and ready to create.

Consumer doesn’t want to receive an ordinary typical product or service.

They are open for cooperation and success will come to the company which
would invite them to creation together, involving customers to the brand
development and improvement.
Art comes to everyday life through modern galleries and goes into the cities

People who lost their jobs during crisis or in parallel to their daily job are
MINI- starting a small on-line or
PRESNEU off-line business. They dwell on their thoughts on products and services
which they can provide not always on their field.
We live in highly individualistic society. Mass market domination provokes
consumer move to individuality and self-expression.
Uniqueness Market
Individual and group uniqueness manifestation through
consumption of niche and exclusive goods and services.

Contemporary society consists of groups and communities divided by

NICHE different interests and attitudes. If you are invited, you need to keep
MARKE group identity.
T Number of niche Mass Media, FMCG goods and various services is

Modern consumer is a spoiled child. He is looking for tailor-made
clothes, searching for unique things, which are not duplicated.
They want to stay out from the crowd.
It’s opening a new space for the companies product range
Techno World

Latest innovations and technological news change life of

Ukrainian consumer.

Music playing camera with access to internet

and with lighter? Ten years ago it could
MULTY- be a science fiction today – reality brought
with gadgets. Gadgets are becoming helpful
and irreplaceable for Ukrainian consumers.

Modern telecom technologies unite us in

one big interactive world, enabling us to
communicate everywhere anytime.
Virtual Life

Ukrainian consumer is diving into the world of virtual reality,

where he discovers more and more useful, interesting and
exiting things. Life of the modern consumer consists of two
parts, two realities - virtual and real.

Prompted with intrinsic convenience benefit and fueled with

INTERNET internet penetration growth, the number of internet shops
is increasing in UA-net. It becomes common for Ukrainian
COMMERCE consumer to buy goods and pay the bills via internet.

Internet community/blogging is new space for communication,

getting information, advertising and even private life. No
COMMUNITYZATION/ matter who you are – politician, pop-star, businessman,
student, or maybe a company – your blog is your new virtual
TV and radio appear in UA-net. TV channels and radio
stations are launching their on-line versions.
INTERNET- Podcasting technology enables people to create their
BROADCASTING own informational and entertaining content, their
personal radio or TV.

People recreate real life and real objects in the virtual

world. From the streets of the city where they live to
apartments and home. We are diving deep into the
virtual reality.

It was initially designed as information mediums – like

INFOTAINMEN TV news, product packaging or restaurant menu - is
T becoming the combination of information with

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