Roles of A Manager

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A project by Dhruv, Aayush, Pari, Insha & Mallika.
 The evolution of management thought is a process that started in
the early days of man. It began since the period man saw the need
to live in groups. Mighty men were able to organize the masses,
share them into various groups. The sharing was done according to
the masses’ strength, mental capacities, and intelligence.
 The point is that management has been practiced in one way or the
other since civilization began. If you want a good example where
advance management principles where applied, consider the
organization of the olden days Roman Catholic Church, military
forces as well as ancient Greece. 
The process of evolution of management is divided into four
different stages for proper understanding:
 Pre-Scientific Management Period
 Classical Theory
Taylor’s Theory
Fayol’s Theory
Weber’s Theory
 Neo-classical theory or behavior approach
The industrial revolution that took place in the 18th century had
a significant impact on management as a whole. It changed how
businesses, as well as individuals, raised capitals; organize labor
and the production of goods. Entrepreneurs had access to all the
factors of production such as land, labor, and capital. Theirs was
to make an effort to combine these factors to achieve a targeted
goal successfully.
 Prof Babbage, Robert Owens, and other names earlier mentioned can be
regarded as the pioneers of management. But their contribution to the
evolution of management is little. The beginning of what is known as
the science of management started in the last decade of the 19th century.
Names like Emerson, F.W. Taylor, H.L. Grant, and others, paved the way for
the establishment of what is called scientific management.
During the classical period, management thought was focused on job content,
standardization, the division of labor, and a scientific approach towards the
organization. It also was closely related to the industrial revolution as well as the
rise of large-scale enterprises.
Taylor’s Scientific Theory: Taylor developed his theory on the basis of his
work experience in three companies: Midvale Steel works, Simond Rolling mills
and Bethlehem Steel company. His principles:
 Rule of thumb should be replaced with science;
 Cooperation, not individualism;
 Maximum output, no restricted output.

Fayol’s Administrative theory: Fayol focused on managing the organization

as a whole rather than lower levels of organization only, his theory revolves
around :
 Activities of a business;
 Functions of a manager
 Max Weber’s Bureaucracy theory: Max Weber, a german sociologist
introduced the rational-legal authority system/model to manage the business
organizations, His model is characterized by :
Division of work
Rules and Regulations
Hierarchy of authority
Technical Competence
3. The Neo-Classical Theory: This period of evolution of
management thought is an improvement of the classical theory. In
other words, it modified and improved upon the classical theory. For
instance, Classical theory focused more on the area of job content,
including the management of physical resources, while the neo-
classical theory gave more profound emphasis on employee
relationships in the work environment.
The evolution of management started from civilization. So, what we
have now is refined and improved management thoughts and
theories. But knowing how this evolution came about is vital. It will
help to improve one’s knowledge of the process and effectively
utilize management principles for the betterment of the organization.
Every industry, of course, has its specific knowledge. However, in
addition to this, the qualities that make an individual a good manager
tend to be fairly similar across industries. The following are
6 essential skills that managers need to have in order to manage
employees effectively and efficiently to get the best from them.
1. Good communication: Having good communication skills is probably the
most important skill of all for managers to have. Unless you can properly
communicate with those you supervise, the rest of the skills really won't matter.
In numerous types of management tasks, the most common and first thing that
needs to be done is to communicate your opinions, expectations and needs to
others. You shouldn't be a manager if you don't enjoy working with people. You
also need to be able to send others the right messages and make sure that they
understand you. The type of power that you use for persuading others on your
views is also very important.
2. Good Organization: Probably the second most important skill that you can
have as a manager is the ability to organize. You need to be able to come up with
a plan and then schedule, organize and follow it. This also involves
understanding your company's processes and rules as well as among individuals.
You must be able to predict what will happen and at what time.
3. Team Building: Good managers know how to keep their teams intact. The well
being of team members does not benefit from having competition within the team.
However, competition between teams can be very stimulating and healthy. If one of
the team members speeds ahead and leaves the rest of the members behind without
helping them, the team will most likely fail. A good manager will notice these
irregularities very easily. He or she will attempt to correct the situation through having
discussions with the team, mostly through listening to members. To a great extent, a
successful and healthy team relies on the trust between members and with the
manager. If a manager is able to build trust systematically, the team members will feel
much more committed and appreciated.
4. Leadership: It isn't enough to just listen to the problems of coworkers. A
good manager needs to solve these problems and prove that he or she is
committed to the goals of the team. It is also the manager's responsibility to
define goals along with team members and then assign responsibility to various
team members clearly. A good manager will have a clear vision in terms of the
direction he or she wants the team to be headed in. Team members need to be
'infected' with this vision so that everyone is headed in the same direction.
5. Ability to Deal with Changes Effectively: Many managers are
thoroughly familiar with the entire working process. This allows them to do
things in an almost automatic manner. A good manager is adaptable and flexible.
When faced with obstacles, he or she has the ability to react quickly. Stress
doesn't prevent the manager from making the right decisions for the team and
6. Domain Knowledge: Good managers have a thorough understanding of
the process he or she is managing, including the type of tasks that team
members are performing and how they are working. This skill isn't quite as
important as the other ones are. However, in some cases, not having it will mean
that the manager and the team don't ever work at maximum capacity or use all
of their potentials due to a lack of understanding of one another.
 However, Every individual needs to follow his or her own path in
order to achieve the ultimate goal. Every person is different. Some
are great communicators but may lose control in stressful
situations. Others are very good Leaders and are able to motivate
their teams, however, they still end up failing due to lacking in
common sense and organizational skills. The main questions you
should have is: "Why do I want to be a manager in the first place
and what kind of a manager do I want to become?".
Thank you for watching!

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