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WELCOME I am going to show you how to
setup the indicators step by step

Firstly open mt5 on your phone or pc …in this case phone and
click (f) …
Then on main window click M.A

On Main window click moving average from the list of

given indicators , once open insert 13 on period shift 0,
method choose exponential , then apply to close style pick
3 pixel then color choose sky blue ,click done
Click f again then on main window

Click moving average again then insert the

following period 50 shift o, method exponential
apply to close style pick 3 pixel the Red click
Click f again then on main window

Click (MA ) moving average again for the 3rd time on main
window then insert period 7 shift 0 method exponential
apply to close style 3 pixel brown click done
Part 1

It is suppose to look like this …..

Click (f) this time on window 1

Click Relative strength index (RSI) period should be 1, apply to

Close , style 3pixel then pick blue , click pencil icon then pick the
The following numbers 9,91,50,10,8,92,93,94,50,51,52 but the most
Important are 9,91,50 ……….
Continue pt. 2

Click on pencil icon put these numbers then on description

Put 9 as strong buy , 91 strong sell 50 as take profit …. 2pixel
Then brown on style on this part …… click done
Put 5 more moving averages on window 1 of
part 2 of this setup click f then plus sign on
window 1
Click f then plus sign on window 1
the (MA) moving average then insert
period 5 shift 0 method exponential
apply to close ,style pixel light brown
click done
Add second (MA) under window 1

Click f then plus sign the moving average the insert period 8, then
Shit 0 method exponential apply to close style 3 pixel lime green
Click done………..on all (MA) were leaving the pencil icon blanck
Unless on RSI …..
Add another (MA)

Click f plus sign then (MA) period 13 then shift

0 method exponential apply to close styles
3pixel Red click done …….
And another (MA)

Insert period 21 shift 0 method

exponential apply to close style
3 pixel black
Add last (MA) most important

Click period 200 shift 0 , method

exponential , apply to close styles 4 pixel
dark blue …….. Click done
Suppose to look like this …

 if your reading this your probly have already watched my YouTube video
 On how to trade using this setup. If not text me @RicciMidous on telegram by searching
or even on WhatsApp …… or even email ;

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