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Unit I
Basic Concepts of Politics and
Lesson 2
Classical to Modern Political
Learning Objectives
• To identify the basic tenets of major political
• To differentiate political ideologies
• To identify the relationship between political
ideologies and configurations of political
• To enumerate ideas that have a direct impact
on a political community
• To explain how political ideologies affect the
social and political life of Filipinos
What Is Ideology?
Ideology is basically
defined as political
statements that aim to call
upon massive mass or
government action to
achieve a relatively better
political and economic
Ideology Spectrum
Frederick Watkins suggested that…

“ Ideologies come from

different political
extremes such as the
conservatives or the pro-
status quo on one side,
and the radicals or the
anti-status quo on the
extreme side.

Ideology Spectrum
Modern-day political scientists have expanded the spectrum to include
different levels of political attitudes and the different ways in which
each level wants to preserve or change the status quo.

At the left side of the At the extreme right of

spectrum are the Sandwiched the spectrum, changing
liberals and the radicals at the middle the status quo is not a
who are by nature anti- are the primary concern and if
status quo. Though the moderates, ever change happens, a
radicals push for more who have no retrogressive change is
extreme changes in the neutral taken into consideration
political system, both opinion with or the return of old status
the radicals and the regard to quo. In this level are the
liberals aim for political reactionaries and the
progressive change in matters. conservatives.
the state.
Political Ideologies and Their
Impact on Political Communities
 focused on conserving something
 characterized by
 resistance to change
 adherence to limited human freedom
 distrust to human reasoning and nature or
Political Ideologies and Their
Impact on Political Communities
 favors
Classical liberalism
change Modern liberalism
adheres to themore freedom
 prefers upon seeing the
laissez-faire system adverse impact of the
 has a more optimistic approach to human
proposed by Adam free market, is more
reasoning and nature
Smith in his Wealth of open to the idea that,
Nations, wherein the at certain times, the
government does not government should
interfere with the interfere
Political Ideologies and Their
Impact on Political Communities
Some of the ideological and conceptual bases of
Marxism are the following:

Class Struggle
the struggle
“how relationship
people athink between
violent the two
is greatly orasmore
affected the
how you or parts
live” or ofsystem
the oneself
middle in which
class) and one
is cut off(workers)
proletariat from the others (example:
alienation from one’s labor or product of
one’s labor)
Political Ideologies and Their
Impact on Political Communities
 espouses peaceful coexistence and equality
 Anarchists believe that since power corrupts, a
better system based on voluntary cooperation
and not on power relations should be
 encourages living a peaceful life without
coercion from anyone
Political Ideologies and Their
Impact on Political Communities
 another version of anarchism but
involves the government in a minimal
role such as:
 ensuring the safety of everyone
 fairness in whatever contracts or
Analysis Guide
1. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of having or promoting a
certain ideology?
2. What ideology do you prefer? Why? Base
your answer on the different ideologies
enumerated in the discussion and the
observable political situation of the country
at present.
3. What do you think is lacking in terms of
assertions of ideas in the ideologies
presented in the discussion?

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