Brazil (Unlocking)

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Unlocking of Difficulties

Class, I will divide you into two groups. Each group will form
a line. The first student in the line will come to me for I will show
them a sentence, clause or phrase containing an underlined
word. The underlined word must now be provided with its
correct synonym from the choices given. With a count of three,
the student will now run to his groupmates and tell the answer.
Each member will pass the answer until it reaches to the last
member in the line then the last member in the line will now
write the answer of the group on the board.
The first group who can post the correct answer will have 3
points whereas the second group who can post the correct
answer will have 2 points.

Is it clear class?
1.Scintillations of diamond

A. value
B. price
C. twinkling
D. use
2. I hear the thundering steeds of Iguassu.
A. horses
B. people
C. storm
D. waves
3. The morning of spume
A. fragrance
B. foam
C. dust
D. freshness
4. Green trills
A. sounds
B. paths
C. hills
D. skies
5. Goring the listless ocean
A. drawing
B. surfing
C. swimming
D. piercing
6. Earth that heaves beneath the bare bronze
foot of the outlaw
A. pushes
B. pulls
C. connects
D. displays
7. Deep tones that hum like taut wires
A. damaged
B. short
C. tight
D. long
8. Long languid calls
A. smart
B. fast
C. lazy
D. quiet
9. Alligators asleep in the tepid mud.
A. clean
B. cold
C. dirty
D. lukewarm
10. Tawny homeland
A. brown
B. green
C. small
D. vast

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