American Civil War

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The American Civil

I t w as f o ug h t b et w ee n t he n or t h er n a n d so u t h er n
s t at e s o f t h e US. T h e Ci vi l Wa r s t a r t e d i n 1 8 6 1
wh en t h e   sl a v e   st at e s o f t h e so u t h  f o u n d ed  t h e
Co n f e d er at e S t at e s o f A m er i ca u n d er P r es i d en t
J eff e r s on Da v i s .
T he n o rt h ern st at e s, u n d e r, P r es i d en t  Ab r a h am
Li n co l n , w er e ag a i n st sl av er y.
Causes of the war
The southern states depended on farming as a source of income. The
southern states wanted to keep their slaves because they thought that
without free workers they could not sell their products at
a competitive price.

The North farmers in the northern states had small farms that
used paid workers. European immigrants chose to live in the northern
states where they could get better jobs and where
the economy developed more quickly.
The United States in 1861 - Dark blue = northern states without slavery, light blue
= northern states that allowed slavery, red = Confederate (Slaves) States of the
The course of the Civil War
In February 1861 representatives of six southern states met
and founded the Confederate States of America.
War broke out when Lincoln ordered soldiers to reconquer one
of the North’s forts.
The battle of Gettysburg and
the end of the war
The Battle of Gettysburg was one
of the major battles in the war, as
well as its turning point. Robert
Lee’s Confederate army suffered
its worst defeat. During the
course of 1863 the Union took
control of the whole Mississippi

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