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Conversational Analysis of A Talk Show.

(This Morning )

 Shah Nawaz ( 18320702-013)

Conversational analysis

Conversation analysis (CA) is an approach to the study of social interaction,

embracing both verbal and non-verbal conduct, in situations of everyday life.
Inspired by Harold Garfinkel's ethnomethodology[1] and Erving Goffman's
conception of the interaction order,[2] CA was developed in the late 1960s and
early 1970s principally by the sociologist Harvey Sacks and his close associates
Emanuel Schegloff and Gail Jefferson.

 Lingustic feature in which speaker start conversation with other..


 A hedge is a linguistic device that generally reduces the force of an utterance, and softens the effect of the
 Hedging can sometimes be interpreted as a tool for politeness, both positive and negative, since
“Politeness involves taking in to account other people's feelings” (Holmes 1995: 74) for example, “if you
like”, “nothing personal”, “please”.
 Hedges can also function in a manner that presents the speaker as genuine and trustworthy, for example “as
far as I am concerned” and “honestly”.
 Furthermore, it can be used in a way that grants the recipient more time to answer a question, “I must ask
you”, “I just want to know”.

 Boosters, on the contrary, intensify the illocutionary force in an utterance; they make a statement
more powerful.
 Brown and Levinson (1997) call them “strengtheners”, while House and Kasper named them “up-
graders” (Holmes 1995: 73)
Discourse Markers

 A discourse marker is a word or a phrase that plays a role in managing the flow and structure of a
sentence It indicates the attitude of speaker .
Tag questions

 Tag question is a very short clause at the end of a statement which changes the
statement into question.Basically a tag question refers to a declarative or an imperative
statement entailing a question .It (also known as question tail) as an interrogative
fragment that turns the statement into a question.

 The term cooperative overlap refers to a face-to-face interaction in

which one speaker talks at the same time as another speaker to
demonstrate an inter the conversation.
 In contrast, an interruptive overlap is a competitive strategy in which
one of the speakers attempts to dominate the conversation.

 An interruption is a speech event when one person breaks in to interject while

another person is talking.

 A turn is the time when a speaker is talking and turn-taking is the skill of knowing when to
start and finish a turn in a conversation. It is an important organizational tool in
spoken discourse.

 Linguistic devices used for boosting i, modal verbs ( such as must, may, should and could,) and
pragmatic particles (i.e. like, so and just). But a variety of other lexical items can also be used to
boost e.g. modal adverbs, certainly, really, absolutely and quite, can also have an intensifying
Transcription Starter Hedges Boosters D Turn Overlaps Tag- Interruptio Repetition
Markers Taking Questions n
Holly Willoughby: So what is it √ √
you can tell from a name Katie?

Katie Hopkins I think can tell a

great deal from a name you know for
me there’s certain Names I hear and
I hear them and I think Oh and in its √ √ √
associated alum Utley Comes down √
to the mom or the dad because They
are the ones that gave them the Child
the name but when I hear screeched
Across the playground you know
Tyler Come back here you know it’s
that it’s That’s the Tyler’s the
Charmaine’s the Shawntel’s the
Phillip Schofield; no one shouted √
Out heads me come back here.
Transcription Starter Hedges Boosters D Turn Overlaps Tag- Interrupti Repetition
Markers Taking Questions on

Katie Hopkins; √ √ √
I didn’t Hear that so much nor do I
hear Ileana Trot back here you know
you don’t hear That do you but you
‘hear Tyler come here’ You know that
and for me that summarized
Everything a name for me is a
(Holly Willoughby interpreter to √ √ √
Kate Hopkins)
It’s a really efficient way of working
Out what class that child comes from
do I want my children to play with

Holly Willoughby; And Why would √ √

you say so if you then from That you
go okay well they’re in a lower Class
than I am why do you then not want
Your child.
Transcription Starter Hedges Boosters D Turn Overlaps Tag- Interruptio Repetition
Markers Taking Questions n
Katie Hopkins; Because associated √ √
that isn’t Just about class holes it’s
about the Fact that they probably √
haven’t done Their homework when
my daughter comes Home from
school she’ll say ah Tyler was A
real pain today let’s say because he
Threw his books across the class
and the Teacher had to lose her
patient there’s A whole set of things
that go with Children like that that
are quite a Disruptive influence in
school and That’s why I don’t like
those kind of Children.

Phillip Schofield; But Monti and √ √

Ileana can still Be nasty self-
centered airheads can’t they.
Transcription Starter Hedges Boosters D Turn Overlaps Tag- Interrupti Repetition
Markers Taking Questions on

Holly Willoughby; I tend to think √ √

children that have Intelligent √
names tend to have fairly √
Intelligent parents and they make √
much Better playdates therefore
for my Children.

Phillip Schofield; or oh………… √ √

(he talks through lips expression)

 Holly Willoughby; Sorry pun…. √ √

Phillip Schofield; ,,,, √

Holly Willoughby; oh I say don’t √

Say that word (interrupted to
each other) no not at all I think
you Know if you look across..
Transcription Starter Hedges Boosters D Turn Overlaps Tag- Interrupti Repetition
Markers Taking Questions on
Phillip Schofield; our Steve you’ve √
got to hear this the class system at

Holly Willoughby; I think if √ √ √ √ √

mothers were honest with
Themselves when they vote on that
worm Of yours and they say oh the
child comes Out and says oh let’s say
a name I don’t Know Simon has
asked me to come and play on a
Playdate and the mother will say oh
We’re despite a Simon live what that
Mother is not she’s not asking about
Geographical location she’s using out
Do we want to be playing with
Simon or…
Phillip Schofield; Anna May? √ √
Transcription Starter Hedges Boosters D Turn Overlaps Tag- Interrupti Repetition
Markers Taking Questions on
Anna May Mangan; hello … √ √
Phillip Schofield; Go for it. √
Anna May Mangan; This is snort √ √ √ √
worthy Katie I Just can’t believe that
you’re such an Insufferable snore And
I can tell you that if you do let One of
your little darlings go and play With
the working-class child they almost
Certainly won’t come home singing
my own Matt and a dustman it’s safe
Really nothing is going to happen to
Them working class children are
doing Incredibly well and for you to
Categorize at state schools and for
you To categorize them because of
their Names which they didn’t even
choose Themselves is it’s cruel and
unkind and…..
Transcription Starter Hedges Boosters D Turn Overlaps Tag- Interruptio Repetition
Markers Taking Questions n
So snooty it’s just so old-fashioned √ √
and Yeah I don’t know who your √
children are Mixing with but it’s
not your friends Who will make
them do well in the end And I can
also tell you that on Friday I Was at
my daughter’s graduation she
Qualified as a doctor I’ve got two
Doctors in the family went to state
Schools I’m the daughter of an Irish
Immigrant and there were dr.
Kylie’s Graduating doctor
Charmaine’s so tell me If you were
sick or one of your children Was
sick would you let dr. Kiley treat
Your children or would it be too
Appalling because their working
Phillip Schofield; Charmaine √ √
Creely Australia Paralympian Gold
silver and bronze medalist Tyler
Cowen New York Times journalist
and Professor of economics
Transcription Starter Hedges Boosters D Turn Overlaps Tag- Interrupti Repetition
Markers Taking Questions on

Holly Willoughby; you say that to √ √ √

me and I and I Hear those names I √
mean I think it’s Probably what we
all associate with Children we know
that have those being names I hear
that last name I think hasn’t done the
homework we’ll always rock up late
has the mother singing in reason for
being late my age.

Katie Hopkins; I’m running late √ √

opinions not Really restricting your

Holly Willoughby; yeah √

Transcription Starter Hedges Boosters D Turn Overlaps Tag- Interruptio Repetition
Markers Taking Questions n

Katie Hopkins; But you know what √ √ √ √

but the way I feel Very lot of time
(Katie and willo interpreted to each
other in this sentence.)
Holly Willoughby; then we are √ √ √
really time Short in this world and
we need Shortcuts that’s why,,,,,

Anna May Mangan; you shouldn’t √ √

be Steve and Kate it’s not very

Holly Willoughby; It’s about √

making fast choices for your that
you think up all the best….

Anna May Mangan; I realize…. √

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