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Ganira Moylamova
 What is anti-globalization?

 Organizational forms of AGM

Right-wing activists
Left-wing activists

 Causes of anti-globalization movement

 Criticism of anti-globalization
What is anti-globalization?

o Social movement
o Against negative aspects of globalization
o Movement for global justice
o Collective actor
o Trying to draw public attention to the lack of
justice and democracy of international
Characteristics of AGM

 Cooperation of participants
 Openness for "entry" and "exit"
 Quickness creation of structures
 Non-hierarchical
 Decentralized
 Calls for strengthening the sovereignty and power of
nation states as opposed to “transnational control”

 Strengthening and encouraging national production as

opposed to “transnational”

 Concept of the essence of TNCs as a race to bottom

("up the stairs leading down").

 Protection of national cultures from the destructive effects of

pop culture and "standardization of minds"
Organizational forms of AGM
Battle in Seattle 1999

Free trade is not fair

Against dominance of corporation
Against globalization of capitalism

 The predecessor of the
movement is Zapatista Army,
which opposed the free trade
agreement (NAFTA)

 The first anti-globalization

organization – Global Action of
La Via Campesina (peasant way)
“ Globalize the struggle. Globalize hope.”

 International movement of
small farmers
 Criticizes neoliberal globalization

 Promotes the right of all

peoples to food sovereignty

 Resistance to the collapse of the

rural world caused by neoliberal
policies, and the intensification
of those policies as embodied in
the World Trade Organization
Association for the Taxation of Financial
Transactions and for Citizens' Action

For democratic control over financial

markets and their institutions

Advocates taxing financial profits,

imposing sanctions against money-
laundering zones

It supported the idea of ​the American

economist James Tobin
Right-wing activists (groups)
 A challenge to national
economies and national identity

 The economy should be regulated

 The immigration should be limited

 Promote nationalism as cure for the

problems created by the prevailing form
of globalization.
Left-wing activists
Globalization's basic neoliberal ideology
results in asymmetrical forms of power and in
the treatment as a product of every part of life,
including health, education and culture.
Criticism of anti-globalization

Objective process
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