Life and Works of Rizal

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GE 9

Life and Works of Rizal

Welcome to
Negros Oriental
State University
A dynamic,
competitive and
responsive state
The University shall
provide excellent
instruction, relevant
and responsive research
and extension services,
and quality-assured
production through
competent and highly
motivated human capital.

Facetime Guidelines
Be very punctual. Take note of the time and be
ready before the face time starts. Don't be late.
Make sure the device is sufficiently charged.
Before attending a face time, make sure your
gadgets are well charged and ready.
Follow the time schedule presented by
instructors. Schedules are posted day/s before the
face time. Make phone reminders to keep you
updated on your schedules.
Wear proper attire. Be well dressed and well-
groomed that must be suitable for a school
atmosphere. Do not use spaghetti, sleeveless,
tubes, etc. anything that may be vulgar to the

Avoid causing any distractions to others. Be in a
regular place without any noise disturbance or
distractions. Remember that there are other
students attending too. Loud sounds like music,
chicken sounds, dog barks, vehicles, etc. can
disturb facetime.
No drinks, snacks, or food during face time. Face
time will only last for an hour, make it a good face
time experiences. Eating during classes may cause
destruction to other students too. Do this before
or after face time.
Do not do unnecessary things, unless you are
asked too. Things like talking bad words, yelling,
singing, dancing, etc. Act appropriately. Respect
your instructor and your classmates.

Online Netiquette Suggestions
• Before posting your question to a discussion board, check if anyone has
asked it already and received a reply. Take some time to read through each
of the previous discussion post responses before writing your own
• Stay on topic. Don't post irrelevant comments, links, thoughts, or pictures.
• Don't write anything angry/sarcastic, even as a joke. Without hearing your
tone, others might not realize you're joking.
• Don't type in ALL CAPS! If you do, it will look like you're yelling at
• Respect the opinions of your classmates. If you feel the need to disagree,
do so respectfully.
• If you reply to a question from a classmate, make sure your answer is
accurate. Do not guess!
• Remember to say "Please" and "Thank you" when asking for help from
your classmates.
• Be brief. If you write long responses, it's unlikely anyone will spend the
time to read it all.

• If you ask a question and many people respond, summarize all the
answers and post it to benefit your whole class.
• If you refer to something your classmate said, quote a few lines from
their post so others know which post you're referencing. Anyway there
is a way you can do replies on specific chats on messenger.
• Don't badmouth others or call them names. You may disagree with
their ideas, but don't mock the person.
• Run a spelling/grammar check before posting. Use complete words and
sentences in all posts.
• Be forgiving. If your classmate makes a mistake, don't badger him/her
for it. Let it go - it happens to the best of us
• Before asking a question, check the course content or search the
internet to see if the answer is easy to find.
• Reach out to your teacher if you have any questions/issues. They are
still here to help, even virtually!


Leah Acabal-Pileo


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