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Introduction to Federal Aviation


Required Communication
Performance (RCP)
Required Surveillance
Performance (RSP)

Presented to: SOCM/2

By: Christine Falk

Date: 8-10 February 2012


1. Guidance & Directives

2. Required Communication Performance

- RCP 400
- RCP 240

3. Required Surveillance Performance

- RSP 400
- RSP 180

Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 2 2

8 February 2012 Administration
Guidance Publications
For RCP and RSP

• ICAO Doc 4444 and ICAO Annexes 2,6,10, and 11

• Global Operational Data Link Document (GOLD), 14 June 2010

-- Derived from these documents
- RTCA DO-306 Safety and Performance Standard for Air Traffic Data Link
Services in Oceanic and Remote Airspace (Oceanic SPR Standard), 11
October 2007
- ICAO Document 9869, Manual on Required Communication
Performance, First Edition, 2008

Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 3 3

8 February 2012 Administration
Authorization Requirement
ICAO Annex 6, Chapter 7
7.1.3 For flights in defined portions of airspace or on
routes where an RCP type has been prescribed,
an aeroplane shall, in addition to the
requirements specified in 7.1.1:

a) be provided with communication equipment which

will enable it to operate in accordance with the
prescribed RCP type(s); and

b) be authorized by the State of the Operator for

operations in such airspace.

Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 4 4

8 February 2012 Administration
Performance Based Operations


Balances capability & performance of:

• Communications (RCP) C N
• Navigation (RNP)

• Surveillance (RSP)
• Air Traffic Management (ATM) S

RNP – required navigation performance

Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 5
RCP – required communication performance 5
8 February 2012 Administration
RSP – required surveillance performance
Required Communication Performance

A statement of communication performance

necessary for a particular operation or service.

– Operationally derived and not based on any specific

techniques, technologies and/or architecture.
– Defined for an operational communication transaction
– Includes both human and technical elements
– Applies to both voice and data link communications

Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 6 6

8 February 2012 Administration

Intended uses for which RCP specification is applicable

- Technology other than HF voice radio is normal means of communications

-- Lateral separation ≥ 50 NM
-- Time-based longitudinal separation (10 min or greater)
RCP 400 - Technology other than HF voice radio is alternative means of communications
-- Lateral separation = 30 NM lateral
-- Reduced longitudinal separation minima

- CPDLC is the primary means of communications

RCP 240 -- Lateral separation = 30 NM
-- Reduced longitudinal separation minima

Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 7 7

8 February 2012 Administration
RCP specification is…
• A label that defines a performance standard for operational
communication transactions (e.g. RCP 400)

• Provides allocations to the air traffic service provider

(ATSP), communication service provider (CSP), aircraft
operator and aircraft system

• Denotes operational values for:

– Communication transaction time
– RCP Continuity
– RCP Availability
– RCP Integrity

Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 8 8

8 February 2012 Administration
RCP definitions
Operational communication transaction - The process a human uses to send
an instruction, a clearance, flight information and/or a request. The process is
completed when that human is confident that the transaction is complete.

RCP Communication Transaction Time - The maximum time for the completion of the
transaction after which the initiator should revert to an alternative procedure.

RCP Continuity - Probability that a transaction can be completed within the

communication transaction time given that the service was available at the start of
the transaction.
- Either expiration time (ET) or nominal time (TT) of 95%

RCP Availability - Probability that a transaction can be initiated when needed.

RCP Integrity - Probability that a transaction is completed with no undetected


Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 9 9

8 February 2012 Administration
Oceanic RCP specifications
(applies to CPDLC)
RCP Transaction Continuity Availability Integrity
Specification Time (sec)

400 0.999
400 --------------- ----------------------- 0.999 Malfunction = 10-5
350 0.95 per flight hour

240 0.999 (safety)
240 ----------------- --------------------- Malfunction = 10-5
210 .95 0.9999 per flight hour

Intro to RCP CPDLC – Controller Pilot Data Link Communication

Federal Aviation 10 10
8 February 2012 Administration
RCP 400
ATM System
99.9% ≤ 400 sec
RCP 400 95% ≤ 350 sec RCP 400
99.9% ≤ 310 sec 99.9% ≤ 370 sec
95% ≤ 260 sec 95% ≤ 320 sec

ention acknowledgement
ance received
RCP 400
99.9% ≤ 60 sec
95% ≤ 60 sec

Controller / ATSU CSP Aircraft Flight Crew / Aircraft CSP ATSU Controller /
HMI System System System HMI System System System HMI

RCTP PORT RCTP confident
TRN complete

RCP Type
communication transaction time

RCTP – Required Communication Technical Performance

Intro to RCP PORT – Pilot Operational Response Time Federal Aviation 11 11
8 February 2012 TRN – Monitored Operational Performance Administration
HMI – Human Machine Interface
RCP 240
99.9% ≤ 240 sec
RCP 240 95% ≤ 210 sec RCP 240
99.9% ≤ 210 sec
99.9% ≤ 150 sec
95% ≤ 180 sec
95% ≤ 120 sec

ention acknowledgement
ance received
RCP 240
99.9% ≤ 60 sec
95% ≤ 60 sec

Controller / ATSU CSP Aircraft Flight Crew / Aircraft CSP ATSU Controller /
HMI System System System HMI System System System HMI

RCTP PORT RCTP confident
TRN complete

RCP Type
communication transaction time

RCTP – Required Communication Technical Performance

Intro to RCP PORT – Pilot Operational Response Time Federal Aviation 12 12
8 February 2012 TRN – Monitored Operational Performance Administration
HMI – Human Machine Interface
RCP Availability Criteria
Specification RCP 400/D Application: CPDLC Component: CSP

Availability parameter Efficiency Safety Compliance means

Service Availability (A CSP) N/A .999 Contract/service
agreement terms
Unplanned outage duration limit (min) N/A 20 Contract/service
agreement terms
Maximum number of unplanned N/A 24 Contract/service
outages (per year) agreement terms
Maximum accumulated unplanned N/A 520 Contract/service
outage time (min/yr) agreement terms
Unplanned outage notification delay N/A 10 Contract/service
(min) agreement terms

Intro to RCP CPDLC – controller pilot data link communications

Federal Aviation 13 13
8 February 2012 CSP – communication service provider Administration
RCP Availability Criteria
Specification RCP 240/D Application: CPDLC Component: CSP

Availability parameter Efficiency Safety Compliance means

Service Availability (A CSP) .9999 .999 Contract/service
agreement terms
Unplanned outage duration limit (min) 10 10 Contract/service
agreement terms
Maximum number of unplanned 4 48 Contract/service
outages (per year) agreement terms
Maximum accumulated unplanned 52 520 Contract/service
outage time (min/yr) agreement terms
Unplanned outage notification delay 5 5 Contract/service
(min) agreement terms

Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 14 14

8 February 2012 Administration
And here we conduct our flight
radio fails TOD
RCP 60/D - TAP

RCP 240/D - RHSM

RCP 60/D - IC RCP 400/D – IC
RCP 10/V - Basic RCP 400/V - Basic RCP 10/V - Basic
Terminal En Route Oceanic En Route Terminal

1. RCP types for service level(s) published in AIPs and charts GES
2. Eligible Operators file for service level(s) Outag
3. Pilot/controller know RCP type, just as they know RNAV/RNP type
4. Pilot/controller operates according to RCP type
5. Ground side monitors communication service
6. Air side monitors aircraft system
7. Pilot/controller receives alerts for communication failures
/D - Data
/V - Voice
Intro to RCP IC – Increased capacity Federal Aviation 15 15
8 February 2012 RHSM – Reduced horizontal separation minima Administration
TAP – Tailored Arrival Procedure
Any questions on RCP?

Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 16 16

8 February 2012 Administration
Evolution of Surveillance
Voice Position Report

ry surve
Se i llanc
co e rad
n da ar
il la
R )


Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 17 17

8 February 2012 Administration
Required Surveillance Performance - RSP

• Defines high-level surveillance system

performance requirements.
• Operationally derived and not based on any
specific techniques, technologies and/or
• Includes both ground and airborne systems.
• Supports a particular ATM application (e.g.
reduced separation)

Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 18 18

8 February 2012 Administration

Intended uses for which surveillance type is applicable

- ADS‑C or FMC WPR is the normal means of surveillance

-- Lateral separation ≥ 50 NM
400 -- Time-based longitudinal separation (10 min or greater)
- Technology other than HF voice radio provides an alternative
means of surveillance, e.g. position reporting via satellite voice
-- Lateral separation = 30 NM
-- Reduced longitudinal separation minima
- ADS-C is the normal means of surveillance
180 -- Lateral separation = 30 NM
-- Reduced longitudinal separation minima

Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 19 19

8 February 2012 Administration
RSP specification is…

A label (e.g. type 400) that represents the values assigned

to surveillance performance parameters for:

– Surveillance data transit time

– RSP Continuity
– RSP Availability
– RSP Integrity

Provides allocations to the air traffic service provider,

communication service provider, aircraft operator and
aircraft system

Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 20 20

8 February 2012 Administration
RSP definitions
Surveillance data transit time - The required time for
surveillance data delivery.

RSP Continuity - The required probability that surveillance data

can be delivered within the delivery time parameter given that the
service was available at the start of delivery.
- Either Overdue Time (OT) or nominal delivery time (DT) of 95%

RSP Availability - The required probability that surveillance

data can be provided when needed.

RSP Integrity - The required probability that surveillance data is

delivered with no undetected error.

Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 21 21

8 February 2012 Administration
Oceanic Surveillance Performance Specification
(applies to ADS-C)

RSP Surveillance
Continuity Availability Integrity
delivery time
Navigation FOM
(see note below)
400 0.999
Time at position accuracy
400 ----- --------- 0.999 ± 1 sec (UTC)
300 0.95 Data Integrity
Malfunction = 10 -5 per flight hour

Navigation FOM
0.999 (see note below)
180 0.999 (safety) Time at position accuracy
180 ----- --------- ------------ ± 1 sec (UTC)
90 0.95 0.9999 Data Integrity
(efficiency) Malfunction = 10 -5 per flight hour

Note: The navigation figure of merit (FOM) is specified on the navigation criteria associated with this specification.

Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 22 22

8 February 2012 Administration
RSP 400 – time / continuity
RSP 400
Flight Crew / Aircraft CSP ATSU Controller /
System System 99.9% ≤ 400 sec
HMI System HMI
95% ≤ 300 sec

Time at position,
or, for ATSU
monitoring, time
expected at RSP 400
Position. 99.9% ≤ 30 sec RSTP AIR
95% ≤ 15 sec

Surveillance Data Delivery

RSP 400
99.9% ≤ 340 sec
95% ≤ 270 sec RSTP RSP

RSP 400
99.9% ≤ 30 sec RSTP ATSP
95% ≤ 15 sec


Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 23

RSTP – Required Surveillance Total Performance 23
8 February 2012 Administration
RSP 180 – time / continuity
RSP 180
Flight Crew / Aircraft CSP ATSU Controller /
System System 99.9% ≤ 180 sec
HMI System HMI
95% ≤ 90 sec

Time at position,
or, for ATSU
monitoring, time
expected at RSP 180
99.9% ≤ 5 sec RSTP AIR

Surveillance Data Delivery

95% ≤ 3 sec

RSP 180
99.9% ≤ 170 sec
95% ≤ 84 sec

RSP 180
99.9% ≤ 5 sec RSTP ATSP
95% ≤ 3 sec


Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 24

RSTP – Required Surveillance Total Performance 24
8 February 2012 Administration
Surveillance Availability Criteria
Specification Type 400 Application ADS-C Component: CSP

Availability parameter Efficiency Safety Compliance means

Service Availability (A CSP) N/A .999 Contract/service
agreement terms
Unplanned outage duration limit (min) N/A 20 Contract/service
agreement terms
Maximum number of unplanned N/A 24 Contract/service
outages (per year) agreement terms
Maximum accumulated unplanned N/A 520 Contract/service
outage time (min/yr) agreement terms
Unplanned outage notification delay N/A 10 Contract/service
(min) agreement terms

Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 25 25

8 February 2012 Administration
Surveillance Availability Criteria
Specification Type 180 Application ADS-C Component: CSP

Availability parameter Efficiency Safety Compliance means

Service Availability (A CSP) .9999 .999 Contract/service
agreement terms
Unplanned outage duration limit (min) 10 10 Contract/service
agreement terms
Maximum number of unplanned 4 48 Contract/service
outages (per year) agreement terms
Maximum accumulated unplanned 52 520 Contract/service
outage time (min/yr) agreement terms
Unplanned outage notification delay 5 5 Contract/service
(min) agreement terms

Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 26 26

8 February 2012 Administration
RCP / RSP is not the same as RNP
Some similarity, but…


exclusive to aircraft and

Specifications operator
end-to-end system requirements

real-time monitoring and alerting

real time monitoring and
Monitoring and post-implementation monitoring
(statistical) and corrective action
aircraft and operator shared between aircraft and

Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 27 27

8 February 2012 Administration

1. Guidance & Directives

2. Required Communication Performance
- RCP 400
- RCP 240
4. Required Surveillance Performance
- RSP 400
- RSP 180

Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 28 28

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Intro to RCP Federal Aviation 29 29
8 February 2012 Administration

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