Lesson 1.imaginative Writing vs. Technical Writing

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Imaginative Writing


Technical Writing
Imaginative Writing

Creative or imaginative writing is written to

entertain and educate. 
It expresses the writer’s thoughts and feelings in a
creative, unique, and poetic way.
 Poetry
 Short Stories
 Novels

 Comics
 Songs
 Autobiography
Imaginative Writing
It contains
metaphoric, and
symbolic speech.
Its language is
informal, metaphoric,
and figurative.
Often written for a
general audience.
Tone (mood, attitude,
feelings, emotions)
may change.
Technical Writing

 Technical writing is a type of writing where the author is

writing about a particular subject that requires direction,
instruction, or explanation.
 It is straightforward, with easy to understand explanations
and/or instructions dealing with a particular subject. It is an
efficient and clear way of explaining something and how it
 Examples:
 User Manuals
 Summary of Experiments
 Training Manuals
 Brochures
Technical Writing

Its purpose is to
instruct and
persuade, but never
It has its own sets
of do’s and don’ts.
Technical writing is
usually concise and
direct to the point.
Tips for Good Imaginative Writing

 If you don’t read, you can’t write

If you really want to write, you need to read. Sure, at
any time you could sit down and, having never read a
poem, write a book of poems, or having never read a
novel, write your own out of thin air, but here’s the
thing: they would probably be awful. If you want to
be a great writer, or even just a marginally good
writer, you have to read. You have to know what has
been done and what people are doing now to gain
any sense of what you should be doing.
Conduct research
Don’t just read other stories or poems. Research a
variety of media for facts and ideas that can be
incorporated into your writing. Many writers keep a
running bibliography of sources and reference texts
that they’ve come across in their research. You may
want to do the same. Remember, even if you’re
writing make-believe, it still needs to be believable.
Make a routine and stick to it
With any craft, success demands discipline. We love the
romantic notion that writers produce books in a creative
frenzy after being struck by a sudden flash of brilliance. But
the truth is that writers work at it, with a set, disciplined
routine that demands daily writing and revising.
If you want to write, you can’t wait for the mood to strike
you, or for a muse to float into your dreams. You need to
work. Find a routine that suits you, mark it in your daily
schedule, and get it done. This can be hard at first, but the
more you do it, the more your momentum builds, and the
easier it becomes.
Know your audience
All writing is writing to someone (even if that
someone is just you). You need to keep this in mind
when writing. Really consider the question: who is
your audience? How can you expect them to handle
certain narrative decisions, plot devices, or
characters? What is their goal in reading your piece?
What is your goal in speaking to the audience? If you
don’t have a readily defined audience, make one up
and work from there.
Practice the craft
Writing is a skill, and like any skill, you have to
practice it constantly if you want to be any good at it.
This doesn't; mean, however, that you should just
keep dumping words into your computer day in-day
out and expect to grow. You need to practice with
 All of the tips above are proven methods for growing
as a writer. However, if you really want to get good at
creative writing, whether you are interested in
fiction, poetry, or non-fiction, you need to study it.
Avoid cliches.

Read the excerpts on the slides.

Determine whether the literature is
imaginative or technical.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the Philippines in Congress
Section 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be known and cited
as the "Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002".
“Unhealthy love is based on two people trying
to escape their problems through their
emotions for each other—in other words,
they’re using each other as an escape. Healthy
love is based on two people acknowledging
and addressing their own problems with each
other’s support.”
― Mark Manson, The Subtle Art of Not
Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to
Living a Good Life
Splitting of contracts is strictly prohibited.
Splitting of contracts means the breaking up
of contracts into smaller quantities and
amounts, or dividing contract
implementation into artificial phases or
subcontracts, for the purpose of making it
fall below the threshold for shopping or
small value procurement, or evading or
circumventing the requirement of public
Miss na kita baby hindi ko na kaya
Sobrang saya ko na muli tayong
Pangako na 'di ka na maghihintay
at ('Di na)
Hindi ka na malulungkot malapit
na ko baby pauwi nako
All Intellectual Property, as defined below,
owned by or which is otherwise the property
of Samsung or its respective suppliers
relating to the SAMSUNG Phone, including
but not limited to, accessories, parts, or
software relating there to (the “Phone
System”), is proprietary to Samsung and
protected under federal laws, state laws, and
international treaty provisions.
Ang libro na ito ay para sa:

Mga Pilipino
Part-time Pilipino
At Illegal Aliens na may pambili ng libro

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