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• Existence- sleeping / rest, eating
• Subsistence- attending classes in
• Free-time –relaxation-free-will,
enjoy, satisfied

Active Passive
“In or Out”
outdoor indoor
• Cycling • Hiking
• Volleyball • Orienteering
• Table tennis • Futsal
• Badminton • Swimming
• Zumba dance • Frisbee
aerobics ultimate
• Camping
We consider recreation as indoor
when the activity is within the
premises of your comfort zone at
home or inside a building. Recreation
is outdoor when the activity is
undertaken in a natural, rural or open
space outside the confines of
buildings, usually large land area that
is close to nature.
NO. 2
“Existence, subsistence
& free time”
1. Playing musical instruments
2. Sleeping
3. Attending classes in school
4. Watching movies
5. Playing basketball
6. Eating breakfast
7. Going to mall
8. Doing activities given by the teacher
9. Playing computer games
10. Going to wellness center
Existence – attending to our biological
needs such as eating, sleeping and rest
Subsistence – attending classes in school
Free time – time for enjoyment and
NO. 3
“Lecture - Discussion”
The way you live your life in an
everyday basis is your lifestyle.
These are the patterns of your
behavior on how you typically live. It
includes eating habits, physical
activity participation, and
recreational choice. Do you belong
to the “technology generation?”
Well, these are the people who
choose to spend time in front of the
computer rather than playing sports,
walking, and moving around. How
about your eating preferences?
Today’s teenagers are seen in places
like fast food chains indulging with
unhealthy food such as fries, burgers,
and drinking too much sugary drinks
that causes obesity.
Participation in active
recreation influences you
healthy lifestyle. It improves
health condition in many
ways. It also helps you to use
the calories better and sustain
a desirable weight.
Lifestyle change is the best
way of preventing illness and
early death. Major causes of
early death have shifted from
infectious diseases t chronic
lifestyle-related conditions
such as heart disease, cancer,
and diabetes.
How do you
maintain a
healthy lifestyle?
1. ____________attending to our biological
needs such as eating, sleeping and rest
2. ___________ attending classes in school
3. ___________ time for enjoyment and

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