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History of Ethiopia Architecture

Lecture 4. The Gondar Style

2 The Gondar Style

• After the end of the war between Ahmed Giragn and the Central rulers relative peace was established.
• Portuguese (and Indians from their colony Goa India) involved in the construction and introduce new
• The method burning lime, construction with mortar and true masonry construction were introduced by
• Jesuit missionaries constructed their own base at “Fremona” Adwa in the above mentioned techniques

Jesuit missionaries base at “Fremona” Adwa

3 The Gondar Style

Earliest Structures of the Gondar Style.

• About 60km from Gondar the palace of Guzara is located.
• Palace of Susenyos (the father of Fasilides) was also one of the examples of Gondar
style which was located about 29kms south of Bahirdar.
• The palace of Guzara and Barye Gimb are earliest structures

palace of Guzara Barye Gimb (St Michael Church )

4 The Gondar Style

Gondar and Its Establishment

• Gondar is founded by Fasiledes 1635 to create a strong center free from hostility.
• The city was segregated based on religious quarters during the reign of Yohanes I.
• Gondar was at the height of its prosperity at the turn of the eighteenth century, when it may
have had a population of 70,000.
• But later in the mid-19th century declined to 18,000. The Sudanese invasion destroyed many
churches and apart of the city.
• The Italians during the five Year occupation shaped the city center by introducing new
Buildings and plazza .

Piazza del Littorio, 1936. Post and telegraph office, built 1936-37
Gondar was the center of the Italian colonial administration in 1930s. The city witnessed colonial urban
planning and design used to reconcile the fascist regime’s demands for ideological representation with the
practical needs of everyday life. Architecture was used as tool for propaganda and colonial planning was
based on racial segregation.
The place complex evolved from military compound served as Royal court from 1636 to
1864. the architectural style of the complex and some features of baroque is visible.
8 The Gondar Style

The Palace complex

1. Palace of Fasiladas
2. Bath of Fasiladas
3. Small palace of Fasiladas
4. Palace of Iyasu I
5. Library of Tsadik Yohannes
6. House of Song of Dawit
7. Banquet of Bakaffa
8. Palace of Empress Mentuwab
9. Church of Attami Qeddus Mikael
10. Castles of Ras Mikael Sehul
11. Ruins of the church of Gimjabet
Palace of Yohanes I (left)
Library of Yohanes I(right)
11 The Gondar Style

Palace of Empress Mentuwab House of Song of Dawit

Banquet of Bakafa
12 The Gondar Style

Interior view of palace of Fasiledes

Banquet of Bakafa
13 The Gondar Style

Architectural features
• There is no conclusive proof for the origins characters of the Gonder style
• There is a similarity between Gonder style and Islamic.
• The palace of Fasiledes resembles south Arabian palace at Seyun.
• The chronicles of Fasiledes states that in addition to Indians and Portuguese,
Falashas(Ethiopian Jews ) were involved in the construction.
• The character of the Gondar style is attributed to the Portuguese missionaries.
14 The Gondar Style

Architectural features
• But if the Portuguese and the missionaries highly involved , Lindahl believes that the
style in Gondar would be more likely baroque. Instead Architecture of Gonderian Period
has local characters.
• The fortified castle compound has named gates.
• One of the vital characteristics of Gondar Style was persistence of Uniformity.
• Which last longer about 100 year.

Gesu ,Baroque Gonderian palaces

15 The Gondar Style

Architectural features
• Lime was used as finishing material.
• Lime is used in the preparation of cement and probably introduced as cementing material.
• Uniformity Gondar Style distinctive from Aksum and Lalibela.
• Arches are used to built roofs of some of the palaces
16 The Gondar Style

Architectural features
• Battlements as used in other countries incorporated as defensive structures.
• The open parts are narrower than the projected parts.
• Battlements mostly served as decoration and visual expression of power.
18 The Gondar Style


In the simplest case, a window opening may

be bridged by three straight stone slabs .
Arches in Gondar Architecture
1. The normal Arch
are semicircular or sometimes
lower (but never higher) than half
a circle. They often stand out
visually by being of a different
and more easily cut kind of
stone, “wine red” instead of black
stone or light plaster as for the

2. Rests on very characteristic abutments,

a more elaborate arch in steps
19 The Gondar Style


3. Occurred early, example, Barye Gimb, as well as

late, example, Kuskwam. The castles in Gondar may
also have windows shaped as slots.

4. of the kind in fortresses

served when shooting with
bow and arrows.
20 The Gondar Style

Palace of Fasiledes
• The first built castle in the Palace Complex.
• The chief Architect was Indian.
• It has ornamental features in the niches which are similar in characters with Islamic
• It should be remembered that the Indians who involved in the construction system can be
credited for the influence
23 The Gondar Style

Fasiledes Palace
• Because there was Indo-Islamic Architecture in India 100 years before the construction of
Palace complexes at Gondar.
• The connection to East seems not compelling but the influence also may be through other
traded goods such as textile and furniture .
• The palace of Fasiledes resembles the appearance of palace at Seyun Southern Arabia.
• This can reveal the possible the connection between Islamic Architecture And the Gondar
26 The Gondar Style

Fasiledes Palace
• Four towers with egg shaped dome were used by the Kings Guards
• And also the Nights watch
• The door panel was assembled from timber using metal strip joints.
• The balconies were used by the king for court hearings and decisions.
• The living room and bedroom were located in the first floor.

Door way to the balcony

27 The Gondar Style

Palace of Fasiledes
• The interior was ornate with arches with have similar characters like horse shoe arch .
• The thickness of the walls is about 50cms
• Timber is used as linter for some door ways.
• The ornamentation of Arches are similar to some Islamic Buildings.
28 The Gondar Style

The Great mosque, Cordoba, (A.D. 786) Spain

Palace of Fasiledes
29 The Gondar Style

Palace of Fasiledes
• Rain water was harvested in the palace and collected to adjacent reservoir.
• The thickness of the walls is about 50cms
30 The Gondar Style
31 The Gondar Style

Ras Gimb (Palace of Ras Michael Sehul)

The palace has remarkable history. It was used

as residence for the powerful Sehul Michael,
provincial palace for Emperor Haile Sillassie I, a
house for Italian General during W.W. II and a
torture house during the Derg regime. The castle
houses many historical items.
32 The Gondar Style

Bath of Fasiledes
• The building is a two-storeyed battlemented structure situated within and on one side of a
rectangular pool of water
• Water was supplied by a canal from the nearby river.
• The bathing pavilion itself stands on pier arches, and contains several rooms reached by a stone
bridge, part of which could be raised for defense.
• Designed primarily for Baptism Since the Emperor ordered the public to baptize after the
controversies between Portuguese missionaries and orthodox church
34 Buildings Inspired by the Palace Complex _ Taye Hotel Gondar
35 Buildings Inspired by the Palace Complex
The Debre Berhan Selassie (Monastery and church)

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