Fivth GroupThe Entry of Islam Adi Bin Hatim

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The Entry of Islam Adi Ibn Hatim

‫بسم هللا ّالرمحن ّالرحمي‬

The Only Reason : this story can proof that someone who has
a common sense and a freedom of thinking will
entering Islam with faith of it even should to take a hard
Made by :
Rosha Novarianti
Syaffa Anindhita
Who is Adi bin Hatim ?
Adi ibn Hatim, Hatim’s famous son is very
generous, is a very respected Nashrani by his
people. He wa‫ س‬looted by his people (a
tradition prevailing among Arab at that time).
After hearing Allah’s Messengger Shallallahu
‘Alaihi wa Sallam and his charges, he disliked the
propagation of the Prophet and left his people
and joined the Nashrani in Syam.
(He Telled his Story by Himself)
Adi tells his story : “Then I hate my existence there more
than my hatred to the messenger of Allah, and I decided that
I should go to Him, if he was a king or a liar i could know it,
and he was a true (Prophet) then I should follow him.
Then I set out until I was in the presence of the messengger
of Allah in Medina. I met him when he was in his masjid and
I said greetings to him. He asked : “Who are you,” I replied
“Adi Bin Hatim”
Then, the Prophet Mohammed, stand up and bring me to his home. For
the God sake, when he bring myself, suddenly there was an old woman
go to againts him but he keep stand there and accept her necessaries. For
the God sake, this isn’t a king styles.

Next Rasulullah continue the way with walking to home. When I entered
to his home, he took a simple rind pillow and then hit me with it. He said
to me, “sit down please..” I replied “It yours” then I sat on it, but he sat
on the poor floor. I said to myself again, this isn’t a king styles.

Then he begin our dialogue : “O Adi bin Hatim, do you know God
except Allah?” I replied “No” he give me the other question again “did
you have a religion?”, “yes I did”. He give me a question more and
more, “ did u pick 1/4from Ghanimah of your people?”, “Yes I did!”. “is
it forbidden affair on your religion?”, “yes, for the God sake! That is
Furthermore he said : “O Adi bin Hatim, Judges, perhaps you embrace
this religion (Islam) for seeing poverty among its adherents. By Allah
treasure will soon be abondant to them (muslims) so that no one else
will take it. Perhaps you are still reluctant to embrace this Religion
(Islam) because of the number of their enemies and their litlle number
for the god sake, soon I will hear a woman who went from Qodisiyyah
riding her camel to this house without fear. Goods times you are still
reluctant to embrace this religion because the kingdom and power are
still in the hands of people other than them. More, you will hear about
the white palaces of Babilonia fall into their hands (muslims), ‘Adi
said : Then I went to Islam.

Adi said : then I have witnessed the two things mentioned above : the
woman (who went from Qodisiyyah to Medina aloof with fear, as
predicted by the prophet) and myself participated in the first army of
invasion of the wealth of kisra. I swear to God, the thing that the
prophet promised will be proven.
We must to follow the akhlaq of
Rasulullah ; even his degree is a high
degree, he wasnt had an ambition as
anothoer king!

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