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Father, we thank you for giving us

another life
We thank you for another Beautiful
As we go on through our lessons
today, may you make us
instrument to do good things
Please enlighten our minds
Give us strength to participate in
our lesson.
Psalm 119:130
The entrance of your
words gives, light; It
gives understanding to
the simple
Selecting Relevant Literature
Synthetizing information from
Relevant Literature
Presents written review of related
What I Need to Know?
The following are the learning objectives for this
1. Select and synthesize information from relevant
2. Write coherent review of literature 
What’s New?

The Review of Related Literature is one of the main

components of a research output that is presented in the
second chapter. It gives an overview of all the writings
relative to a specific topic (Prieto, Naval & Carey, 2017). It
is therefore essential to select the right sources for the
literature review in producing a quality research paper.
What is It?
Understanding Ethics in Research
Dempster and Hannah as cited in Prieto,, (2017)
emphasized that research ethics are standardized rules
that guide the design and conduct of research. When you
are writing or doing your research paper, you must always
think “what is right” so you will be guided in doing the
correct procedures.
What is It?

Literature review is an academic text that provides an overview of a

particular topic. It helps identify what is known and not known
about a certain subject of study. It involves the use of synthesis of
several scholarly works.
It has several functions such as:
1. It establishes the relevance of the study.
2. It further helps in establishing the research gap that the study
intends to fill.
3. It provides important information about your topic and the
concepts related to it.
4. It presents the contradictions between and among previous
5. It justifies your research methodology.
6. It presents and discusses your theoretical frameworks which are
the backbone of your study.
These are the various information sources when doing
literature review:
• General references - include dictionaries,
encyclopedia, almanac, atlas, indexes, and bibliographies
which are usually located in the general reference
section of the library.
• Nonfiction materials - include books of information
usually found in the circulation section.
• Periodicals - references that come at a regular period
of time such as daily newspaper, magazines, and journals
and are contained in the periodical section of the library.
The following strategies you can use in evaluating and analyzing
your selected references:
1. Obtain an overview of the reference you selected. This will
help you determine the relevance of its content to your research.
2. When evaluating research articles, find out if they are
published by a reputable publisher/journal and written by
legitimate scholars in your field of study.
3. As much as possible, refrain from using references published
by predatory journals or publishers as they do not guarantee
quality. Predatory publishers and journals are those that publish
research papers for financial gain and do not follow the ethics in
producing academic work.
4.Refrain from using materials that do not directly explain the concepts related to your
5.As much as possible, use references that have been published within last five years,
unless you are writing a historical paper, which may entail the use of sources from
earlier periods of time.
6.Group the references according to the categories you used during your literature
7.If materials appear to be relevant to your topic, current (i.e, published in the last five
years), and reliable, continue reading its content. However, if the material does not
meet these standards exclude it from your literature review.
8. Carefully read each of the materials you will incorporate into your literature review.
9.Use a concept map if you want to see the relationship, similarities, and differences
among the materials you have read.
What’s In?

Paraphrasing is restating a statement or passage in your own words. It is one way by

which we integrate our sources in our paper. It is a note taking strategy that will help us
avoid plagiarism.

Some Observations in Paraphrasing:

1.The meaning conveyed in the paraphrased material should be the same as that of the
original source.
2.The length should be the same or almost the same as that of the original source.
3.The structure is different from that of the source.
4.Technical terms or generally accepted terms may be retained.
5.The source is indicated in the paraphrase.
Steps in Paraphrasing:

1.Read and understand the text carefully. Read it several times so you can get the

2.Identify (underline or highlight) technical terms and major ideas.

For example:

“Alkenes are obtained in industrial quantities chiefly by the cracking of petroleum”

(Mina, Villalobos, Hernandez, and Manalo 2014, 210).

The keywords and major ideas are the following:

Alkenes; obtained; industrial quantities; chiefly; cracking of petroleum

3. Express these major ideas in your own words but retain the keywords or generally
accepted terms.

alkenes – alkenes
obtained – gathered; gotten; gained
industrial quantities – large scale production
chiefly – mainly; primarily
cracking of petroleum – breaking down petroleum

Alkenes are gathered from large scale production primarily by the breaking down of

4. Change the structure. This means that you would rearrange the sequence the
words appear in the sentence. This can be done by changing the part of speech and
using synonyms.
3. Express these major ideas in your own words but retain the keywords or generally
accepted terms.

alkenes – alkenes
obtained – gathered; gotten; gained
industrial quantities – large scale production
chiefly – mainly; primarily
cracking of petroleum – breaking down petroleum

Alkenes are gathered from large scale production primarily by the breaking down of

4. Change the structure. This means that you would rearrange the sequence the
words appear in the sentence. This can be done by changing the part of speech and
using synonyms.
What’s More?

Activity 6. Look for Sources

Direction. Go online and look for three possible sources of information that you would be using in your
literature review for your study. Copy the url, take note of the title of the article, and justify why the source
is a reliable one. Write your answers in the table below.
URL Title Justification

What Can I Do?

Activity 2. Paraphrasing Activity

Direction. Paraphrase the given material. Write your answer in the box provided. Please ensure that you apply
the process of paraphrasing.

Quoted Material: “To date, rice self-sufficiency is still an elusive dream. The country remains a rice importer,
even more so with the recurrence of the 2018 food crisis. This resulted in the
implementation of the Rice Liberalization Act in early-2019. Commonly called the
Philippine Rice Tariffication Law, its objective is to increase rice supply in the market by
boosting rice importation.”
Author: Briones
Year of Publication: 2019

Your answer:
What I Have Learned

Activity 1. Sources of Literature Review

Direction. Put a check mark () on the space provided before each statement that can be considered a reliable source
of information in doing literature review.

______ 1. A blog written by someone who is not an expert in the field of Biology

______ 2. A book on genetics published by the Harvard University Press.

______ 3. An article published in the Journal of Science Teacher Education 2018.

______ 4. A 30-year old book on Genetic Modified Organisms (GMOs)

______ 5. A blog about eye diseases written by an ophthalmologist

______ 6. A science news articles published in the DOST website

______ 7. An article about cancer found in Wikipedia

______ 8. A conference proceeding from the International Conference on Science, Technology and Management in

______ 9. A transcript of interview with DOH secretary Duque explaining COVID-19

______ 10. An article from Bato-Balani magazine published in 2002


Now that you are done knowing the importance of

following the ethics in research writing and citing related
literature using the APA standard style, take a look back
and remember the things you learned. Write your
reflection below.
Based on the lesson, I realized that

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