3.0 - Related Literature - Part 1

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Father, we thank you for giving us

another life
We thank you for another Beautiful
As we go on through our lessons
today, may you make us
instrument to do good things
Please enlighten our minds
Give us strength to participate in
our lesson.
Psalm 119:130
The entrance of your
words gives, light; It
gives understanding to
the simple
Ethical standards in writing related
Cite related literature using
standard style
Presents written review of related
What I Need to Know?
The following are the learning objectives for this
1. Identify and follow ethical standards in writing
related literature
2. Discuss the importance of following the ethics in
writing related literature
3. Cite related literature using standard style
What’s New?
By definition, ethics is moral principles that govern a
person's behavior or the conducting of an activity. We do not
only follow ethics in conducting a research but in almost every
task we are doing. It is mostly important to be strict in
following ethics in writing any academic paper because it is
easier for some to plagiarize than to be original.
In this lesson, we will discuss the ethics in writing a
research paper, and how to cite and prepare a reference list
using APA standard style.
What is It?
Understanding Ethics in Research
Dempster and Hannah as cited in Prieto, et.al., (2017)
emphasized that research ethics are standardized rules
that guide the design and conduct of research. When you
are writing or doing your research paper, you must always
think “what is right” so you will be guided in doing the
correct procedures.
According to the Merriam-Webster online
dictionary, to "plagiarize" means:
 to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of
another) as one's own
 to use (another's production) without crediting
the source
 to commit literary theft
 to present as new and original an idea or
product derived from an existing source
Ethics in Literature Review
 Ethics is important in the literature review because it is the
foundation of your research; it is where the readers will get
information about the background and same concepts of the
current study. If the researcher will ‘copy/cut and paste’ all the
related literature, then it won’t be meaningful.
 It will definitely not be considered and will just be a waste of
time. But, following ethics is not just to be exercised in
literature review but also in every chapter or part of the paper.
The study should be free from plagiarism and must be an
original creation of the researcher.
When you are doing a literature review,
consider the following key ethics questions:
1.How will you ensure you treat the work of
existing researchers accurately and fairly?
2.Does the research you are reviewing raise
ethical questions that you need to
What’s In?

The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines

 Copyright is the legal protection extended to the owner of
the rights in an original work.
 Philippine copyright law is protected in the Intellectual
Property Code of the Philippines, officially known as Republic
Act No. 8293. Under this law, original intellectual creations in
the literary, scientific and artistic domain are protected.
 The literary and artistic works enumerated in the IP Code
includes books and other writings, musical works, films,
paintings and other works, and computer programs. These
include books, pamphlets, articles and other writings.
 A specific source that you mention in the body of your paper.
 A "citation" is the way you tell your readers that certain material in
your work came from another source.
 It also gives your readers the information necessary to find that source
again, including information about the author and the title of the
 The researcher uses the Author’s surname and the year of publication.
 It is of two types – the weak author citation and the strong author
citation. Weak author citation is Whereas, strong author citation
where the author’s surname is not enclosed in the parentheses
Citation Method:
1. Weak author citation
- this is used when the statement is more prominent than the author
- often provide an introduction in a review of the literature and have
citations to several works and to maintain writing flow and to
promote clarity.
“If an object is at rest and is in a state of equilibrium, then we would say
that the object is at a static equilibrium” (Makalintal, Dinglasan, & Unday,
2. Strong author citation
- is used when the author assumes more prominence than his
- is often used in a review of the literature after the initial
overview sentences or paragraph about a topic. The name of
the author is important for building credibility and can help to
clarity the findings presented in various studies.
Makalintal, Dinglasan, and Unday (2017) assert that “If an object is
at rest and is in a state of equilibrium, then we would say that the
object is at a static equilibrium”
The Reference Section
Once you are done with the literature review, the last
thing to do is to collate all the references you’ve used
and make a reference list. Reference list lists only the
sources you refer to in your writing. It is important to
note that listing all your evidences allow your sources to
be found by your reader and of course for them to be
acknowledged. All references cited in the text must
appear in the reference list.
A reference list entry generally has four elements:
Author: Who is responsible for this work?
Date: When was this work published?
Title: What is this work called?
Source: Where can I retrieve this work?
Book References:
Journal Article References:
Online Media References:
What’s More?

Activity 1: Citation
Direction. Use the different citation methods in citing the quoted material and the
information about the source. Write your answer in the table.
Quoted Material: “When producers and consumers die, the organic matter is
broken down by decomposers or detrivore.”
Author: Quinto and Florida
Year of Publication: 2017

APA Strong Author

Weak Author
What Can I Do?
Activity 2
Direction: Visit webpages, journals, and similar on-line materials
that has published theses and dissertations. Examine the Review
of Related Literature section of these materials and based on
what you have learned about RRL, comment on how these
appear in the manuscript. Write your observations about the
RRL section in the manuscript and share this to the class.
Research Title:
Comments on the RRL section:
Activity 3
Direction: Read other sources of information, at least five, related to your chosen
research topic in online libraries, databases, and other sources. Cite portions of
the articles that are close to your chosen interest of study. Keep in mind and
apply what you have learned about in-text citation and referencing style. List and
arrange the sources in alphabetical order to create REFERENCES using the APA
Referencing style.
Source No.1
Source No. 2
Source No. 3
Source No. 4
Source No. 5
What I Have Learned
Activity 4: APA Style
Direction: The following entries in each box are essential in writing references. The
headings in each table are examples of correct format of referencing. Fill in the table with
the data provided in the headings as guide. Arrange the entries in proper order, use
appropriate format using APA writing style (i.e. underline or italicize if necessary).
Print Sources:
Book (one author)
Example: Simban, J.H. (2012). Essentials of Hydroponics Farming. Cebu City, Philippines:
Digital Books.
Scholarly Journal Article - Internet

Example Scholarly Journal: Godlowska, 2016. Plant growth biostimulants based on different methods of seaweed
extraction with water. Hindawi Publishing Corporation BioMed Research International Volume 2016, Article ID
5973760, 11 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/5973760

Now that you are done knowing the importance of

following the ethics in research writing and citing related
literature using the APA standard style, take a look back
and remember the things you learned. Write your
reflection below.
Based on the lesson, I realized that

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