201403181103181.definisi Kurikulum Dan Pengajaran

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Definisi kurikulum dan pengajaran
• Sebelum kita bincangkan definisi kurikulum, ada beberapa
istilah yang berkaitan dengan kurikulum.
• Apakah perbezaan di antara istilah-istilah seperti:
- Pendidikan
- latihan
- pembelajaran
• Apakah hubungan di antara pendidikan, latihan, pembelajaran
dengan kurikulum?
• A process and a series of activities which aim at enabling an
individual to assimilate and develop knowledge, skills, values
and understanding that are not simply related to a narrow
field of activity but allow a broad range of problems to be
defined, analyzed and solved.
• The process of • The process of imparting
developing skills for a knowledge or information
specific job or task
• Emphasizes doing • Emphasizes knowing
• Emphasizes a closed • Emphasizes an open
system perspective: system perspective:
• There are specific right and • There are often many ways
wrong ways of performing to achieve the goal;
a skill creativity & critical thinking
are encouraged
• Emphasizes performance • Emphasizes knowing
levels in order to information not
perform a specific job necessarily linked to a
specific job or career
• Emphasizes a • Emphasizes an open-
comprehensive listing of ended approach to
skills required to perform achieve a goal; not every
a specific behaviour; step in the process is
each step in the process always prescribed.
is prescribed.




• The process whereby individuals acquire knowledge, skills and
attitudes through experience, reflection, study or instruction.
• The ability of an individual to acquire knowledge, skills and
attitudes in a training context may depend directly or
indirectly on the quality of previous educational experiences.
• Planned experiences must not be overlooked.
• Training, education and planned experience are
interdependent and equal partners with regard to their
potential contribution to learning and development.
Definisi kurikulum
• Apakah kurikulum?
• Apakah tujuan kurikulum?
• Apakah jenis-jenis kurikulum yang ada?
• Apakah jenis-jenis model kurikulum yang ada? (Bab 2)
• Apakah proses pembangunan kurikulum? (Bab 3)
• Bagaimana ia memberi kesan ke atas pelajar dan guru?
• Apakah cabaran –cabaran pembangunan kurikulum?
Beberapa tafsiran umum kurikulum
1. A plan for action or a written document that includes strategies for
achieving desired goals or ends – satu tafsiran linear kurikulum. Tafsiran
ini disokong oleh pendokong dalam bidang behavioural dan managerial
and system.
2. Kurikulum dilihat sebagai pengalaman pelajar yang dirancang. Tafsiran ini
mengambil kira hampir semua elemen dalam sekolah dan luar sekolah
(selagi ianya dirancang) sebagai sebahagian daripada kurikulum. Tafsiran
ini disokong oleh pembina kurikulum kemanusiaan dan sekolah dasar.
3. Kurikulum sebagai satu sistem untuk mengurus manusia dan proses
menyusun atur pekerja serta tatacara bagaimana sistem tersebut
4. Kurikulum sebagai satu bidang pengajian yang merangkumi asas-asas,
kajian, teori dan prinsip.
5. Kurikulum sebagai senarai matapelajaran dan isi kandungan
matapelajaran (bagaimana maklumat tentang matapelajaran tersebut
disusun dan disampaikan).
Why Curriculum? (Tujuan kurikulum)

 How we conceive of curriculum and curriculum making is

important because our conceptions and ways of reasoning about
curriculum reflect and shape how we see, think and talk about,
study and act on the education made available to students.

 Our curriculum conceptions, ways of reasoning and practice

cannot be value free or neutral. They necessarily reflect our
assumptions about the world, even if those assumptions remain
implicit and unexamined.

 Further, concern with conceptions is not "merely theoretical".

Conceptions emerge from and enter into practice." Cornbleth
• Decision making in curricular matters involves considering,
examining, and formulating the ends of education.
• Questions:
• What knowledge is most worth?
• What knowledge should be introduced to the learner?
• What are the criteria for selecting knowledge?
• What is valuable for the learner as a person and as a member of
Types of Curriculum
(Jenis-jenis kurikulum)
• Recommended – Standards as defined by experts in their
• Written – State standards, local goals and objectives (ie.,
curriculum binders).
• Supported – Curriculum for which materials are actually
available, such as textbooks and software.
Types of Curriculum
• Tested – What is actually assessed at the state and local
• Taught – The content that teachers actually deliver.
• Learned – The content that students learn.
• Hidden curriculum?
How Do We Define Curriculum? (Bagaimana
suatu kurikulum didefinisikan?)

• Curriculum is all planned learning for

which the school is responsible.
• Curriculum is all the experiences
learners have under the guidance of
the school.
John Delnay (1959.)
How Do We Define
• According to Bandi & Wales (2005), the most common
definition derived from the word Latin root, which means
• Bandi & Wales (2005) also stated that “ for many students, the
school curriculum is a race to be run, a series of obstacles or
hurdles (subjects) to be passed.”
How Do We Define
• It is important to keep in mind that schools in the Western
Civilization have been heavily influenced since the fourth
century B.C. by the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle and the
word curriculum has been used historically to describe the
subjects that are being taught during the classical period of
Greek Civilization.
Definition by
• Purposes e.g. to transmit cultural heritage
• Contexts e.g. child-centered curriculum
• Strategies e.g. problem solving technique, scientific method
National Philosophy of Education

Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards further

developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and
integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are
intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced
and harmonious, based on a firm belief in and devotion to
God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens
who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high
moral standards, who are responsible and capable of
achieving a high level of personal well-being as well as being
able to contribute to the betterment of the family, society and
the nation at large.
(Ministry of Education, Malaysia, 1996)
Soalan: Cuba analisiskan definisi kurikulum sekolah kita dari segi
tujuan, konteks, dan strategi.
Rekabentuk kurikulum
• Cara kurikulum dikonsepsikan dan bagaimana komponen utama kurikulum
• Komponen utama kurikulum mengandungi, antaranya: matlamat, objektif,
kandungan kurikulum, kaedah, media, penilaian.
• Jenis rekabentuk kurikulum: tumpuan matapelajaran, tumpuan pelajar,
tumpuan penyelesaian masalah.
• Sumber-sumber rekabentuk kurikulum: pelajar, masyarakat, matapelajaran?
• Rekabentuk kurikulum yang berasaskan standard.
• Berasaskan standard kandungan dan standard pembelajaran yang perlu dicapai
oleh murid.
• Rekabentuk kurikulum yang berbentuk modular.
• Mengandungi kandungan yang telah diorganisasikan dan disampaikan dalam
bentuk bahagian atau unit dan bahagian unit.
• Bagaimanakah kurikulum kebangsaan di Malaysia dibangunkan? (Kurikulum
Prasekolah Kebangsaan dll – Standard? Modular? Kedua-duanya?)
Apakah instruksi?
• Kurikulum ialah apa (content) yang diajar.
• Jadi, apakah instruksi?
Apakah instruksi?
• Kurikulum ialah apa (kandungan /content) yang diajar.
• Jadi, apakah instruksi?
• Instruksi ialah kaedah untuk mengajar kandungan itu.
Apakah hubungan di antara
kurikulum dan instruksi?
• Model-model untuk hubungan kurikulum dan instruksi:
• Dualistic
• Interlocking
• Concentric
• Cyclical
Dualistic Model
Kurikulum dan pengajaran adalah berasingan atau
tidak berkaitan.
Contoh: Guru mengajar kandungan yang berbeza
daripada kurikulum Malaysia.

Curriculum Instruction
Interlocking Model
Terdapat integrasi antara kurikulum dan instruksi.
Mengajar kurikulum tanpa memikirkan instruksi akan
memberi kesan buruk.

Curriculum Instruction
Yang mana difikirkan dahulu? Kurikulum atau instruksi?
Apakah akan berlaku sekiranya instruksi didahulukan
sebelum kurikulum dirancang?
Concentric Model
Instruksi adalah subsistem kurikulum. Kurikulum adalah
subsistem kepada _______?



Bolehkah kurikulum menjadi subsistem instruksi?

Boleh! Sekiranya kurikulum terpaksa mengikuti
instruksi global.
Cyclical Model
Kurikulum dan instruksi adalah entiti berasingan tetapi
ada hubungan circular berterusan berasaskan

Curriculum Instruction

Instruksi ditentukan selepas membuat kurikulum.

Seterusnya kurikulum diubah setelah pengajaran
dilaksanakan dan dinilai.
Who is a curriculum specialist?
• A philosopher
• A psychologist
• A sociologist
• A supervisor
• A human relations expert
• A theoretician
• A historian
• A scholar in one or more disciplines
• An evaluator
• A researcher
• An instructor
• A system analyst
• ….?
Soalan opsyen
• Apakah perbezaan peranan antara seorang
pakar kurikulum daripada seorang
penyelia kurikulum (contoh guru besar,
nazir, …)

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