Business Research Methods: Bivariate Analysis - Tests of Differences

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Research Methods

William G. Zikmund

Chapter 22:
Bivariate Analysis -
Tests of Differences
Common Bivariate Tests

Differences among
Differences between
Type of Measurement three or more
two independent groups
independent groups

Independent groups: One-way

Interval and ratio
t-test or Z-test ANOVA
Common Bivariate Tests

Differences among
Differences between
Type of Measurement three or more
two independent groups
independent groups

Mann-Whitney U-test
Ordinal Kruskal-Wallis test
Wilcoxon test
Common Bivariate Tests

Differences among
Differences between
Type of Measurement three or more
two independent groups
independent groups

Z-test (two proportions)

Nominal Chi-square test
Chi-square test
Type of Differences between
Measurement two independent groups

Nominal Chi-square test

Differences Between Groups
• Contingency Tables
• Cross-Tabulation
• Chi-Square allows testing for significant
differences between groups
• “Goodness of Fit”
Chi-Square Test

(Oi  Ei )²
x²  
x² = chi-square statistics
Oi = observed frequency in the ith cell
Ei = expected frequency on the ith cell
Chi-Square Test

Ri C j
Eij 
Ri = total observed frequency in the ith row
Cj = total observed frequency in the jth column
n = sample size
Degrees of Freedom

Degrees of Freedom

Awareness of Tire
Manufacturer’s Brand

Men Women
Aware 50 10 60

Unaware 15 25
65 35 100
Chi-Square Test: Differences
Among Groups Example

(50  39 ) 2
(10  21) 2
X 

39 21
(15  26 ) 2
( 25  14 ) 2
 
26 14
  3.102  5.762  4.654  8.643 

  22.161
d . f .  ( R  1)(C  1)
d . f .  ( 2  1)( 2  1)  1

X2=3.84 with 1 d.f.

Type of Differences between
Measurement two independent groups

Interval and t-test or

ratio Z-test
Differences Between Groups
when Comparing Means
• Ratio scaled dependent variables
• t-test
– When groups are small
– When population standard deviation is
• z-test
– When groups are large
Null Hypothesis About Mean
Differences Between Groups

 
1 2

  0
1 2
t-Test for Difference of Means

mean 1 - mean 2
Variabilit y of random means
t-Test for Difference of Means

1   2
S X1  X 2
X1 = mean for Group 1
X2 = mean for Group 2
SX1-X2 = the pooled or combined standard error
of difference between means.
t-Test for Difference of Means

1   2
S X1  X 2
t-Test for Difference of Means

X1 = mean for Group 1

X2 = mean for Group 2
SX -X = the pooled or combined standard error
1 2
of difference between means.
Pooled Estimate of the
Standard Error

  n1  1 S  ( n2  1) S
2 2
)  1 1 
S X1  X 2   1 2
  
 n1  n2  2  n1 n2 
Pooled Estimate of the
Standard Error

S12 = the variance of Group 1

S22 = the variance of Group 2
n1 = the sample size of Group 1
n2 = the sample size of Group 2
Pooled Estimate of the Standard Error
t-test for the Difference of Means

  n1  1 S12  ( n2  1) S 22 )  1 1 
S X1  X 2     
 n1  n2  2  n1 n2 

S 2 = the variance of Group 1


S 2 = the variance of Group 2


n1 = the sample size of Group 1

n2 = the sample size of Group 2
Degrees of Freedom
• d.f. = n - k
• where:
– n = n1 + n2
– k = number of groups
t-Test for Difference of Means

  20  2.1  13 2.6 

2 2
 1 1 
S X1 X 2     
 21 14 
 33 
 .797
16.5  12.2 4 .3
t 
.797 .797
 5 .395
Type of Differences between
Measurement two independent groups

Nominal Z-test (two proportions)

Comparing Two Groups when
Comparing Proportions
• Percentage Comparisons
• Sample Proportion - P
• Population Proportion - 
Differences Between Two Groups
when Comparing Proportions
The hypothesis is:
Ho: 1

may be restated as:

Ho: 1
Z-Test for Differences of

Ho : 1   2
Ho : 1   2  0
Z-Test for Differences of

 p1  p2     1   2 
S p1  p2
Z-Test for Differences of
p1 = sample portion of successes in Group 1
p2 = sample portion of successes in Group 2
1 1)= hypothesized population proportion 1
minus hypothesized population
proportion 1 minus
Sp1-p2 = pooled estimate of the standard errors of
difference of proportions
Z-Test for Differences of

1 1
S p1  p2  pq   
 1 n2 
Z-Test for Differences of

pp = pooled estimate of proportion of success in a

sample of both groups
qp = (1- pp) or a pooled estimate of proportion of
failures in a sample of both groups
n= sample size for group 1
n= sample size for group 2
Z-Test for Differences of

n1 p1  n2 p2
n1  n2
Z-Test for Differences of

 1 1 
S p1  p2   .375  .625    
 100 100 
 .068
A Z-Test for Differences of

 100  .35   100  .4 
100  100
 .375
Differences between
Type of
three or more
independent groups

Interval or ratio One-way

Analysis of Variance

Hypothesis when comparing three groups

Analysis of Variance

Variance  between  groups

Variance  within  groups
Analysis of Variance
Sum of Squares

SS total  SS within  SS between

Analysis of Variance
Sum of SquaresTotal

n c
SS total   ( X ij  X ) 2

i  1 j 1
Analysis of Variance
Sum of Squares

piij= individual scores, i.e., the ith observation or

test unit in the jth group
pi = grand mean
n = number of all observations or test units in a
c = number of jth groups (or columns)
Analysis of Variance
Sum of SquaresWithin

n c
SS within   ( X ij  X j ) 2

i  1 j 1
Analysis of Variance
Sum of SquaresWithin
pi ij= individual scores, i.e., the ith observation or
test unit in the jth group
pi = grand mean
n = number of all observations or test units in a
c = number of jth groups (or columns)
Analysis of Variance
Sum of Squares Between

SS between   n j ( X j  X ) 2

j 1
Analysis of Variance
Sum of squares Between
X j= individual scores, i.e., the ith observation or
test unit in the jth group
X = grand mean
nj = number of all observations or test units in a
Analysis of Variance
Mean Squares Between

SS between
MS between 
c 1
Analysis of Variance
Mean Square Within

SS within
MS within 
cn  c
Analysis of Variance

MS between
MS within
A Test Market Experiment
on Pricing
Sales in Units (thousands)
Regular Price Reduced Price Cents-Off Coupon
$.99 $.89 Regular Price

Test Market A, B, or C 130 145 153

Test Market D, E, or F 118 143 129
Test Market G, H, or I 87 120 96
Test Market J, K, or L 84 131 99
Mean X1=104.75 X2=134.75 X1=119.25
Grand Mean
ANOVA Summary Table
Source of Variation
• Between groups
• Sum of squares
– SSbetween
• Degrees of freedom
– c-1 where c=number of groups
• Mean squared-MSbetween
– SSbetween/c-1
ANOVA Summary Table
Source of Variation
• Within groups
• Sum of squares
– SSwithin
• Degrees of freedom
– cn-c where c=number of groups, n= number of
observations in a group
• Mean squared-MSwithin
– SSwithin/cn-c
ANOVA Summary Table
Source of Variation
• Total
• Sum of Squares
– SStotal
• Degrees of Freedom
– cn-1 where c=number of groups, n= number of
observations in a group

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