Resume Coverletterchapter-5

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Organize Your Job Search

Get Started Now and Stick to It

Seek Stepping-Stone Opportunities

01/15/21 2
•Reach Out to Your Classmates
•Target Professions, Industries, Companies
•Use Online Sources and Social Media

•Join Student Business Organizations

•Attend Industry Trade Shows
•Participate in Volunteer Activities

01/15/21 3
 Learn about the people you connect with.
 Don’t overwhelm network contacts.
 Communicate clearly and to the point.
 Respect contacts’ personal information.
 Don’t email your résumé to strangers.
 Say “Thank You” when someone helps you.

01/15/21 4
 A CV (Curriculum Vitæ, which means course of life in Latin) is
an in-depth document that can be laid out over two or more
pages and it contains a high level of detail about your
achievements, a great deal more than just a career
biography. The CV covers your education as well as any other
accomplishments like publications, awards, honours etc.

 The document tends to be organized chronologically and

should make it easy to get an overview of an individual’s full
working career. A CV is static and doesn’t change for different
positions, the difference would be in the cover letter.

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Resume is a summary of the relevant facts
about the candidate or applicant who is
pursuing a position in an organization or
submitting the same as a requirement as stated
by another party of interest.

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 A resume, or résumé, is a concise document typically not longer
than one page as the intended the reader will not dwell on your
document for very long. The goal of a resume is to make an
individual stand out from the competition.

 The job seeker should adapt the resume to every position they
apply for.
 It is in the applicant’s interest to change the resume from one job
application to another and to tailor it to the needs of the specific
 A resume doesn’t have to be ordered chronologically, doesn’t
have to cover your whole career like and is a highly customizable

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Three major differences between CV and resume are the
length, the purpose and the layout.
A resume is a brief summary of your skills and experience

over one or two pages, a CV is more detailed and can

stretch well beyond two pages.

The resume will be tailored to each position whereas the

CV will stay put and any changes will be in the cover

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 A CV has a clear chronological order listing the whole
career of the individual whereas a resume’s information
can be shuffled around to best suit the applicant.

 The main difference between a resume and a CV is that a

CV is intended to be a full record of your career history
and a resume is a brief, targeted list of skills and

 CV – long, covers your entire career, static

Resume – short, no particular format rule, highly
01/15/21 9
 A resume is the preferred application document in the
US and Canada. Americans and Canadians would only
use a CV when applying for a job abroad or if searching
for an academic or research oriented position.

 In the UK, Ireland and New Zealand, a CV is used in all

contexts and resumes aren’t used at all.
 In Australia, India and South Africa, the terms resume

and CV are used interchangeably. The term resume is

used more for jobs in the private sector and CV is more
commonplace when applying for public service

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 Personal data (i.e. name, address, telephone)
 Career objective
 Educational background
 Professional experience
 Special qualifications, awards, and honors
 Personal interests, skills
 Reference

01/15/21 11
Printed Traditional Printed Scannable

MS Word File

Online Version PDF File

01/15/21 12
 Use a simple, direct style.
 Use short phrases, not whole sentences.
 Provide specific supporting evidence.
 Include business or technical keywords.

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 Chronological Resume Format/Reverse

 Functional Resume Format

 Combined Resume Format

01/15/21 14
 This is the bread and butter choice for most job
seekers. It’s also the most simple resume
format and the one recruiters see the most,
which can make a reverse chronological
resume seem ‘ordinary’. 

 With this resume format the work experience

section receives the most emphasis, with items
listed in order of most recent to oldest. The
resume layout places the work experience
section before skills and education.

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 What to include in the chronological resume

 Contact Information
 Resume Summary
 Professional Title
 Work Experience (bulk of content)
 Skills
 Education
 Additional sections

01/15/21 16
This resume format has also been called
a skills-based resume format.
 It is the least popular format for a resume

being used today.

 And a lot of recruiters aren’t familiar with

this format because the emphasis does not

fall on work experience.
 Instead, the layout devotes more space

to skills that are relevant to the role being


01/15/21 17
 What to include in the functional resume

 Contact Information
 Resume Summary
 Professional Title
 Skills Summary (bulk of content)
 Additional Skills
 Work Experience
 Education

01/15/21 18
 This resume format combines the reverse
chronological and functional resume formats.

 Call it the best of both worlds, or a happy medium,

this format places equal emphasis on skills and
work experience.

 Because you want to give plenty of attention to

both, you may not have much room left for other
sections, such as a resume summary, volunteer
work, interests, etc.

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 Most recruiters want your entire resume to fit on one
page, but a maximum of two pages is acceptable for
those with an extensive work history.
 What to include in the combination resume format:
 Contact Information
 Skills Summary*
 Additional Skills*
 Work Experience*
 Education
 *The layout for this type of resume is flexible, so you
can choose the order of the skills and work experience
section. But “Additional Skills” should always follow
“Skills Summary.”
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 People with all levels of work experience
 People looking for a job in a field similar to

their work experience

 People without large gaps in their work history
 People applying for a job in a more traditional

industry (accounting, finance, engineering, etc.)

01/15/21 21
 People with high levels of work experience
 People making a career change to a field

unrelated to their work experience

 People with unusually large gaps in their work

 People applying to more creative or skills-

based roles (design, computer programming,


01/15/21 22
 People making a career change with skills or
work experience that apply across industries
 People with some employment gaps
 People with a diverse range of skills and

 People applying to either creative or

traditional roles

01/15/21 23
Email Your
Mail Your Résumé

Post on Employer Post on Job

Websites Websites

01/15/21 24
A cover letter is a brief letter that introduces a candidate
and his/her resume to the organization to which he/she
is applying for a job.  Tell them why you’d be an asset
for the company.

 A resume should always be accompanied by a cover letter.

 A cover letter should emphasize why a candidate want the
 A cover letter should emphasize why a candidate is the
right person for the job applied for.

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Three main purposes –
 It formally introduces you, and can personalize
the presentation of your resume.

 It highlights specific information from your

resume and from your background that applies
to a specific field or position.

 It has the capability to give the reader insight to

items not addressed in a resume.

It helps to facilitate a meeting between you

and the employer.
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Letter of Application: A cover letter that accompanies
your mailed resume when applying for an advertised
job opening. It is also known as Solicited cover letter.

Letter of Inquiry: A cover letter that accompanies your

mailed resume when applying for jobs which are not
advertised. It is also known as Unsolicited cover

01/15/21 27
 Address your cover letter to a named individual,
whenever possible.
 Make it brief - one page or less, with ample

 Use an adequate font size – no smaller than

font size 10.

 Include pertinent personal data: name, address,

email and phone number.

 Proofread for spelling or grammatical errors.

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 State why you are writing and for what position you are
 Demonstrate energy and enthusiasm for the position.

 Highlight or expand on key information from your

resume, but do not simply repeat what is listed.

 Actively sell your unique qualities and tell the reader

why he or she should choose you.

 Target your skills, interests and experience to the needs

of the organization.
 Encourage the reader to take a closer look at your


01/15/21 29
First Paragraph: Start with the references where
applicable. Demonstrate your interest for the position
applied for.

Second Paragraph: Emphasize a match between the

skills which you possess and the skills required by
the organization.

Third Paragraph: Give details about how the employer

can reach you, and thank the organization for taking
the time.

01/15/21 30
Your cover letter should be clearly structured
and answer the following questions:
Who are you? ...
Why are you writing? ...
Why are you interested in the position? ...
How are you qualified? ...
What is your next step?

01/15/21 31
Write a cover letter to the Head of human
resource division of Unilever Bangladesh ltd.
along with a resume for the post of Chief

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