A Study of Family Relationship in Relation To Emotional Intelligence On Grade 9 Students of San Basilio High School

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A Study of Family Relationship in Relation to

Emotional Intelligence on Grade 9 Students of

San Basilio High School

Groyp 1 – 10-St.Jude

For better of for worse,family relationships play a central role

in shaping an individual's well-being across the life-course (Merze,
Consedine, Schuize & Schuwendel, 2009) Family member are
linked in important ways through each stage of life and ther eis
relationshios that are an important source of social connection and
social influence for individuals throughout their lives (Umberson,
Crosnoe, & Reckzek, 2010) Family connections can provide a
greater sense of meaning and purposes as well as social and
tangible resources that benefit well-being (Heartwell and Benson,
2007 Kawachi & Berkman, 2001).
 The quality of family relationships including social
support can influence well-being psychological,
behavioral, and psychological pathways stressors, and
social supports are components of stress process
theory (Perlin, 1999) which argues that is stress can
undermine mental health while social support may
serve as a protective resource, and support may also
promote well-being through increased self-esteem
which involve more positive of oneself.
 Those who are receiving support from their family
members may feel a greater sense of self-worth and
this enhanced self-esteem may be a psychological
resources encouraging optimism, positive effect, and
better mental health (Symister Friend, 2003)
Conceptual Framework
Related Theory
• Families affect children’s learning behaviors and
academic achievement in important ways, as they are
the primary and most significant environments that the
children are exposed to. Coleman’s report (1966) shows
that families may play even more important roles in
student’s academic achievement than schools and
communities. Since then, the line of empirical research
on family background and children’s achievement has
found that the family social economic statuses may
affect children’s academic achievements more than the
impact of schools (Coleman et al. 1966; Peaker 1971;
White 1980;Sirin 2005; Cheadle 2008).
Conceptual Framework
Input Process Output
Grade 9 Students

Status of Student’s
Environment Outside
School Data Gathering
That Influence Students Through
• Survey- Awareness of
Condition a Student is Questionnaire Parents of Their
Facing in School that • Unstructured Child’s Ability
Influence His/Her Interview
Aacademic Well-being

Problems That Students


Statement of the Problem
This study aimed at analyzing student's, parents, and
teachers' responses to explore the status, and potential
development of a system of school guidance and
counseling, therefore, we are looking to answer the
following questions:

1. What condition a student is facing in school that

influence his/her academic well-being?
2. What is the status of student's environment outside
school that influence students academic, social, and
psychological well-being?
Statement of the Problem
3. What are the problems that students face?

4. What are the solutions offered to solve the problems?

5. Can the data of this survey be used as foundation for

counselors, teacher, and education leader in planning
and decision making involving counseling guidance well-
Significance of the Study
1)The findings of the study will be beneficial, to parents,
students, educators and significant others of the society
in a sense that an insight will develop among them about
the importance of family relation for better academic
performance and school adjustment of children.

2)The study would emphasize to create awareness among

parents about how their ability.
Significance of the Study
3) The finding of this study may also be helpful the a
authorities of educational institutions

4) The result of this study might be useful for the

educational policy planners to sort out the reasons behind
An unstable atmosphere in the family and would help to
take proper initiatives through economic and psycho
social. Supports so that the child in a family can easily
adapt to His school environment and excels in academic
Chapter 2
Method Surveys or Questionnaires
This study will be conducted through random
sampling among 20 grade 9 high school students
in San Basilio High School. Data were collected
by participants' personal characteristics and
Bloom family function questionnaires. To
analyze the data, we will be using Statistical
Package for Social Sciences Software.

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